#!/bin/sh cd $(dirname $0) # this is to stop MSys (Git bash on Windows) from messing with the pathsexport MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 # Keep image version in sync with image used in .gitlab-ci.ymlPLAYWRIGHT_IMAGE="mcr.microsoft.com/playwright:v1.46.0-jammy"OS=$(uname -s)CWD=$(pwd) if [ x"$DOCKER" = "x" ]; then DOCKER=dockerfi case "$DOCKER" in *podman*) BRIDGE_ADDRESS=host.containers.internal ;; *) BRIDGE_ADDRESS=host.docker.internal ;;esac if command -v getenforce &> /dev/null && [ "$(getenforce)" = "Enforcing" ]; then MOUNT_FLAGS=",Z"fi LOCAL_ADDRESS=$BRIDGE_ADDRESSNETWORK_MODE=bridgeDISPLAY=$LOCAL_ADDRESS:0 case "$OS" in Linux*) LOCAL_ADDRESS=localhost NETWORK_MODE=host DISPLAY=$DISPLAY ;; MINGW*) CWD=$(cygpath -w $CWD) ;;esac if [ x$PORT = "x" ]; then PORT=4200fi echo "Using '$DOCKER' in '$NETWORK_MODE' mode, connecting to '$LOCAL_ADDRESS:$PORT'" if [ x$1 = "xshell" ]; then shift $DOCKER run -it --rm \ -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \ -e LOCAL_ADDRESS=$LOCAL_ADDRESS \ -e PORT=$PORT \ -e PLAYWRIGHT_CONTAINER=true \ -e PLAYWRIGHT_isvrt=true \ -e PLAYWRIGHT_staticTest=$PLAYWRIGHT_staticTest \ -v $CWD:/e2e:rw$MOUNT_FLAGS \ -w /e2e \ --net=$NETWORK_MODE \ --ipc=host \ --entrypoint bash \ $PLAYWRIGHT_IMAGE \ "$@" else if [ x$1 = "xrun" ]; then shift fi if [ x$1 = "xvrt" ]; then shift PLAYWRIGHT_isvrt=true fi if [ x$1 = "xa11y" ]; then shift PLAYWRIGHT_isa11y=true fi if [ x$1 = "xupdate" ]; then shift # using env var so the user can pass a --env UPDATE_ARGS="--update-snapshots" PLAYWRIGHT_isvrt=true fi $DOCKER run -it --rm \ -e LOCAL_ADDRESS=$LOCAL_ADDRESS \ -e PORT=$PORT \ -e PLAYWRIGHT_CONTAINER=true \ -e PLAYWRIGHT_isa11y=$PLAYWRIGHT_isa11y \ -e PLAYWRIGHT_isvrt=$PLAYWRIGHT_isvrt \ -e PLAYWRIGHT_staticTest=$PLAYWRIGHT_staticTest \ -v $CWD:/e2e:rw$MOUNT_FLAGS \ -w /e2e \ --net=$NETWORK_MODE \ --ipc=host \ $PLAYWRIGHT_IMAGE \ npx \ playwright \ test \ $UPDATE_ARGS \ "$@" \ || yarn playwright show-report playwright/results/previewfi