package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
import io.horizon.util.HUt;
* # 「Tp」Jackson Deserializer
* Zero designed the cache pool for class that will be stored into `ConcurrentMap` ( Default implementation ),
* It means that this class could be loaded once and usage multi-times. Here I provide default deserializer to convert
* `java.lang.String` to `java.lang.Class<?>` to simplify the clazz look-up in container.
* Actually, there exist smart method such as {@linkplain io.horizon.util.HUt#instance Ut.instance} and
* {@linkplain io.horizon.util.HUt#clazz Ut.clazz}, with those APIs in `Utility X`, the developer could do java
* reflection very fast without other consideration.
* This deserializer is reverted component to {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ClassSerializer}.
* @author <a href="">Lang</a>
public class ClassDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<Class<?>> { // NOPMD
public Class<?> deserialize(final JsonParser parser,
final DeserializationContext context)
throws IOException {
final JsonNode node = parser.getCodec().readTree(parser);
return HUt.clazz(node.asText().trim(), null);