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package io.horizon.util;


import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;

 * Collection calculation for Set
 * Here List is not needed for this arithmetic because all the calculation method require your
 * collection support non-duplicated and non-sequence.
final class CArithmetic {
    private CArithmetic() {

     * Collection intersect ( HashSet / TreeSet )
     * A = {1, 2}
     * B = {1, 3}
     * The result should be {1}
     * @param left  First Set
     * @param right Second Set
     * @param <T>   The element type in Set
     * @return The result set
    static <T> Set<T> intersect(final Set<T> left,
                                final Set<T> right) {
        final Set<T> ret = new HashSet<>(left);
        return ret;

     * Collection intersect ( HashSet / TreeSet )
     * @param left First Set
     * @param right Second Set
     * @param fnGet The method of java bean
     * @param <T> The element entity type in Set
     * @return The result set
    static <T, V> Set<T> intersect(final Set<T> left, final Set<T> right, final Function<T, V> fnGet) {
         * Iterate left to pick up that element in right
        final Set<T> result = new HashSet<>();
            .map(original -> findBy(right, original, fnGet))
        return result;

     * Collection union ( HashSet / TreeSet )
     * A = {1, 2}
     * B = {1, 3}
     * The result should be {1, 2, 3}
     * @param left  First Set
     * @param right Second Set
     * @param <T>   The element type in Set
     * @return The result Set
    static <T> Set<T> union(final Set<T> left,
                            final Set<T> right) {
        final Set<T> ret = new HashSet<>();
        return ret;

    static <T, V> Set<T> union(final Set<T> left, final Set<T> right, final Function<T, V> fnGet) {
        final Set<T> result = new HashSet<>(left);
        right.forEach(original -> {
             * Search T in `left`
             * If returned reference is null, means that original could be added
             * into result because `original` belong to `right` but not belong to `left`
            final T found = findBy(left, original, fnGet);
            if (Objects.isNull(found)) {
        return result;

     * Collection removing ( HashSet / TreeSet )
     * A = {1, 2}
     * B = {1, 3}
     * The result should be {2}
     * @param subtrahend Subtrahend set
     * @param minuend    Minuend set
     * @param <T>        The element type in Set
     * @return The result SEt
    static <T> Set<T> diff(final Set<T> subtrahend,
                           final Set<T> minuend) {
        final Set<T> ret = new HashSet<>(subtrahend);
        return ret;

    static <T, V> Set<T> diff(final Set<T> subtrahend, final Set<T> minuend, final Function<T, V> fnGet) {
        final Set<T> result = new HashSet<>();
        subtrahend.forEach(original -> {
            final T found = findBy(minuend, original, fnGet);
            if (Objects.isNull(found)) {
        return result;

    private static <T, V> T findBy(final Set<T> source, final T original, final Function<T, V> fnGet) {
            .filter(current -> Vs.isSame(original, current, fnGet))