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package io.modello.atom.normalize;

import io.horizon.eon.VName;
import io.horizon.util.HUt;
import io.modello.eon.em.EmAttribute;
import io.modello.eon.em.EmValue;
import io.modello.specification.atom.HAttribute;
import io.modello.specification.meta.HMetaField;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * @author <a href="">Lang</a>
public class KAttribute implements HAttribute, Serializable {
    private final EmValue.Format format;

    private final List<HMetaField> shapes = new ArrayList<>();

    private final HMetaField type;
    private final KMarkAttribute tag;
    private RRule rule;

     * Data Structure of Matrix
     * {
     *     "name",
     *     "alias",
     *     "type",
     *     "format": "JsonArray, JsonObject, Elementary",
     *     "fields": [
     *         {
     *              "field": "",
     *              "alias": "",
     *              "type": "null -> String.class | ???"
     *         }
     *     ],
     *     "rule": {
     *     }
     * }
    public KAttribute(final JsonObject config, final KMarkAttribute tag) {
        this.tag = tag;
         * Extract DataFormat from `format` field in configļ¼Œ
         * Here are format adjustment:
         * 1. Priority 1: isArray = true, the format is `JsonArray`.
         * 2. Priority 2: isArray = false, set the default value instead ( Elementary )
        EmValue.Format format = HUt.toEnum(() -> config.getString(VName.FORMAT), EmValue.Format.class, EmValue.Format.Elementary);
        if (tag.value(EmAttribute.Marker.array)) {
            format = EmValue.Format.JsonArray;
        this.format = format;

         * Here the type must be fixed or null
        final Class<?> type = HUt.clazz(config.getString(VName.TYPE), String.class);
        final String name = config.getString(VName.NAME);
        final String alias = config.getString(VName.ALIAS);
        this.type = HMetaField.of(name, alias, type);

         * Format is not elementary, expand the `fields` lookup range
         * instead of simple, then add children into HTField for complex
        if (EmValue.Format.Elementary != format) {
            final JsonArray fields = HUt.valueJArray(config.getJsonArray(VName.FIELDS));
            HUt.itJArray(fields).forEach(item -> {
                final String field = item.getString(VName.FIELD);
                if (HUt.isNotNil(field)) {
                    final String fieldAlias = item.getString(VName.ALIAS, null);
                    final Class<?> subType = HUt.clazz(item.getString(VName.TYPE), String.class);
                    this.shapes.add(HMetaField.of(field, fieldAlias, subType));

         * Bind `rule` processing, the `rule` should be configured in config instead of
        if (config.containsKey(VName.RULE)) {
            final JsonObject ruleJ = HUt.valueJObject(config, VName.RULE);
            this.rule = HUt.deserialize(ruleJ, RRule.class);
            /* Bind type into rule */
            /* Unique rule for diffSet */
            // this.type.?uleUnique(this.rule.getUnique());

    public RRule referenceRule() {
        return this.rule;

    public KMarkAttribute marker() {
        return this.tag;

    public EmValue.Format format() {
        return this.format;

    public HMetaField field() {
        return this.type;

    public List<HMetaField> fieldCompiled() {
        return this.shapes;