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package io.vertx.up.commune;

import io.horizon.eon.em.web.HttpStatusCode;
import io.horizon.exception.WebException;
import io.horizon.exception.web._500InternalServerException;
import io.modello.eon.em.EmValue;
import io.vertx.core.MultiMap;
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpMethod;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.User;
import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;
import io.vertx.ext.web.Session;
import io.vertx.ext.web.handler.HttpException;
import io.vertx.up.commune.envelop.Rib;
import io.vertx.up.eon.KName;
import io.vertx.up.eon.KWeb;
import io.vertx.up.exception.web._000HttpWebException;
import io.vertx.up.fn.Fn;
import io.vertx.up.unity.Ux;
import io.vertx.up.util.Ut;

import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

public class Envelop implements Serializable {

    /* Basic Data for Envelop such as: Data, Error, Status */
    private final HttpStatusCode status;
    private final WebException error;
    private final JsonObject data;

    /* Additional Data for Envelop, Assist Data here. */
    private final Assist assist = new Assist();
    /* Communicate Key in Event Bus, to identify the Envelop */
    private String key;
    private Acl acl;
     * Constructor for Envelop creation, two constructor for
     * 1) Success Envelop
     * 2) Failure Envelop
     * All Envelop are private mode with non-single because it's
     * Data Object instead of tool or other reference

     * @param data   input data that stored into Envelop
     * @param status http status of this Envelop
     * @param <T>    The type of stored data
    private <T> Envelop(final T data, final HttpStatusCode status) { = Rib.input(data);
        this.error = null;
        this.status = status;

     * @param error input error that stored into Envelop
    private Envelop(final WebException error) {
        this.status = error.getStatus();
        this.error = error; = error.toJson();

     * Static method to create new Envelop with different fast mode here.
     * 1) Success: 204 Empty Envelop ( data = null )
     * 2) Success: 200 With input data ( data = T )
     * 3) Success: XXX with input data ( data = T ) XXX means that you can have any HttpStatus
     * 4) Error: 500 Default error with description
     * 5) Error: XXX with input WebException
     * 6) Error: 500 Default with Throwable ( JVM Error )
    // 204, null
    public static Envelop ok() {
        return new Envelop(null, HttpStatusCode.NO_CONTENT);

    public static Envelop okJson() {
        return new Envelop(new JsonObject(), HttpStatusCode.OK);

    // 200, T
    public static <T> Envelop success(final T entity) {
        return new Envelop(entity, HttpStatusCode.OK);

    // xxx, T
    public static <T> Envelop success(final T entity, final HttpStatusCode status) {
        return new Envelop(entity, status);

    // default error 500
    public static Envelop failure(final String message) {
        return new Envelop(new _500InternalServerException(Envelop.class, message));

    // default error 500 ( JVM Error )
    public static Envelop failure(final Throwable ex) {
        if (ex instanceof WebException) {
            // Throwable converted to WebException
            return failure((WebException) ex);
        } else {
            if (ex instanceof HttpException) {
                // Http Exception, When this situation, the ex may contain WebException internal
                final Throwable actual = ex.getCause();
                if (Objects.isNull(actual)) {
                    // No Cause
                    return new Envelop(new _000HttpWebException(Envelop.class, (HttpException) ex));
                } else {
                     * 1. Loop to search until `WebException`
                     * 2. Or HttpException without cause trace
                    return failure(actual);
            } else {
                // Common JVM Exception
                return new Envelop(new _500InternalServerException(Envelop.class, ex.getMessage()));

    // other error with WebException
    public static Envelop failure(final WebException error) {
        return new Envelop(error);

    // ------------------ Above are initialization method -------------------
     * Predicate to check envelop to see whether is't valid
     * Error = null means valid
    public boolean valid() {
        return null == this.error;

    public WebException error() {
        return this.error;

    // ------------------ Below are data part -------------------
    /* Get `data` part */
    public <T> T data() {
        return Rib.get(;

    /* Get `Http Body` part only */
    public JsonObject body() {
        return Rib.getBody(;

    public JsonObject request() {
        return this.assist.requestSmart();

    /* Get `data` part by type */
    public <T> T data(final Class<T> clazz) {
        return Rib.get(, clazz);

    /* Get `data` part by argIndex here */
    public <T> T data(final Integer argIndex, final Class<T> clazz) {
        Fn.outBoot(!Rib.isIndex(argIndex), IndexExceedException.class, this.getClass(), argIndex);
        return Rib.get(, clazz, argIndex);

    /* Set value in `data` part */
    public void value(final String field, final Object value) {
        Rib.set(, field, value, null);

    /* Set value in `data` part ( with Index ) */
    public void value(final Integer argIndex, final String field, final Object value) {
        Rib.set(, field, value, argIndex);

    // ------------------ Below are response Part -------------------
    /* String */
    public String outString() {
        return this.outJson().encode();

    /* Json */
    public JsonObject outJson() {
        return Rib.outJson(, this.error);

    /* Buffer */
    public Buffer outBuffer() {
        return Rib.outBuffer(, this.error);

    /* Future */
    public Future<Envelop> toFuture() {
        return Future.succeededFuture(this);

    // ------------------ Below are Bean Get -------------------
    /* HttpStatusCode */
    public HttpStatusCode status() {
        return this.status;

    /* Communicate Id */
    public Envelop key(final String key) {
        this.key = key;
        return this;

    public Envelop acl(final Acl acl) {
        this.acl = acl;
        return this;

    public Acl acl() {
        return this.acl;

    public String key() {
        return this.key;

    // ------------------ Below are JqTool part ----------------
    private void reference(final Consumer<JsonObject> consumer) {
        final JsonObject reference = Rib.getBody(;
        if (Objects.nonNull(reference)) {

    /* JqTool Part for projection */
    public void onV(final JsonArray projection) {
        this.reference(reference -> Ux.irQV(reference, projection, false));

    public void inV(final JsonArray projection) {
        this.reference(reference -> Ux.irQV(reference, projection, true));

    /* JqTool Part for criteria */
    public void onH(final JsonObject criteria) {
        this.reference(reference -> Ux.irAndQH(reference, criteria, false));

    public void inH(final JsonObject criteria) {
        this.reference(reference -> Ux.irAndQH(reference, criteria, true));

    public void onMe(final EmValue.Bool active, final boolean app) {
        final JsonObject headerX = this.headersX();
        this.value(KName.SIGMA, headerX.getValue(KName.SIGMA));
        if (EmValue.Bool.IGNORE != active) {
            this.value(KName.ACTIVE, EmValue.Bool.TRUE == active ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
        // this.value(KName.ACTIVE, active);
        if (headerX.containsKey(KName.LANGUAGE)) {
            this.value(KName.LANGUAGE, headerX.getValue(KName.LANGUAGE));
        if (app) {
            this.value(KName.APP_ID, headerX.getValue(KName.APP_ID));
            this.value(KName.APP_KEY, headerX.getValue(KName.APP_KEY));

    public void onAcl(final Acl acl) {
        if (Objects.isNull( || Objects.isNull(acl)) {
        final JsonObject aclData = acl.acl();
        if (Ut.isNotNil(aclData)) {
  , aclData);

    // ------------------ Below are assist method -------------------
     * Assist Data for current Envelop, all these methods will resolve the issue
     * of EventBus splitted. Because all the request data could not be got from Worker class,
     * then the system will store some reference/data into Envelop and then after
     * this envelop passed from EventBus address, it also could keep state here.
    /* Extract data from Context Map */
    public <T> T context(final String key, final Class<T> clazz) {
        return this.assist.getContextData(key, clazz);

    /* Get user data from User of Context */
    public String identifier(final String field) {
        return this.assist.principal(field);

    /* Get Headers */
    public MultiMap headers() {
        return this.assist.headers();

    public JsonObject headersX() {
        final JsonObject headerData = new JsonObject();
            /* Up case is OK */
            .filter(field -> field.startsWith(KWeb.HEADER.PREFIX)
                /* Lower case is also Ok */
                || field.startsWith(KWeb.HEADER.PREFIX.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault())))
             * Data for header
             * X-App-Id -> appId
             * X-App-Key -> appKey
             * X-Sigma -> sigma
            .forEach(field -> {
                 * Lower / Upper are both Ok
                final String found = KWeb.HEADER.PARAM_MAP.keySet()
                if (Ut.isNotNil(found)) {
                    headerData.put(found, this.assist.headers().get(field));
        return headerData;

    public void headers(final MultiMap headers) {

    /* Session */
    public Session session() {
        return this.assist.session();

    public void session(final Session session) {

    /* Uri */
    public String uri() {
        return this.assist.uri();

    public void uri(final String uri) {

    /* Method of Http */
    public HttpMethod method() {
        return this.assist.method();

    public void method(final HttpMethod method) {

    /* Context Set */
    public void content(final Map<String, Object> data) {

     * Bind Routing Context to process Assist structure
    public Envelop bind(final RoutingContext context) {
        /* Bind Context for Session / User etc. */
        final HttpServerRequest request = context.request();

        /* Http Request Part */

        /* Session, User, Data */

        return this;

    public RoutingContext context() {
        return this.assist.reference();

     * Copy information to `to`
     * return to
    public Envelop to(final Envelop to) {
        if (Objects.isNull(to)) {
            return to;
        } else {
             * Spec
        return to;

     * Copy information from `from`
     * return this;
    public Envelop from(final Envelop from) {
        if (Objects.nonNull(from)) {
             * Spec
        return this;

    // ------------------ Security Parth -------------------
    public String userId() {
        return Ux.keyUser(this.user());

    public User user() {
        return this.assist.user();

    public void user(final User user) {

    public String habitus() {
        return this.assist.principal(KName.HABITUS);

     * Token Part
    public String token() {
        return this.assist.principal(KName.ACCESS_TOKEN);

    public String token(final String field) {
        final String jwt = this.assist.principal(KName.ACCESS_TOKEN);
        final JsonObject user = Ux.Jwt.extract(jwt);
        return user.getString(field);

    public String toString() {
        return "Envelop{" +
            "status=" + this.status +
            ", error=" + this.error +
            ", data=" + +
            ", assist=" + this.assist.toString() +
            ", key='" + this.key + '\'' +