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package io.aeon.experiment.shape;

import io.horizon.exception.web._501NotSupportException;
import io.horizon.uca.cache.Cc;
import io.macrocosm.specification.program.HArk;
import io.modello.atom.normalize.*;
import io.modello.eon.em.EmValue;
import io.modello.specification.action.HDao;
import io.modello.specification.atom.HAtom;
import io.modello.specification.atom.HAttribute;
import io.modello.specification.atom.HReference;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.up.atom.shape.KJoin;
import io.vertx.up.atom.shape.KPoint;
import io.vertx.up.eon.KName;
import io.vertx.up.unity.Ux;
import io.vertx.up.util.Ut;

import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.function.Function;

 * ## Reference Calculation
 * ### 1. Intro
 * Reference Calculation based on configuration in each attribute, `serviceReference` field.
 * ### 2. Dao Mode
 * Here are three dao mode in MetaReference
 * 1. Dynamic Dao: {@link HDao}, based on `M_MODEL` definition.
 * 2. Static Dao: directly mapped to single table.
 * 3. Static Dao with Join: mapped to more than on table.
 * ### 3. Dao Map
 * Here are following hash map rules to store component references:
 * 1. Each `key = value` pair refer to `source = {@link RQuote}`.
 * 2. `references` stored `source = RQuote` hash map.
 * 3. For 「Static」 mode, each {@link RQuote} stored `condition = RDao`.
 * The example is as following:
 * ```
 * // <pre><code class="shell">
 *     source1: res.employee            ( type = io.vertx.up.experiment.reference.RQuote )
 *          conditionA = RDao           |-- ( type = io.vertx.up.experiment.reference.RDao )
 *              -- supportAName
 *              -- supportGroup
 *              -- supportSection
 *          conditionB = RDao           |-- ( type = io.vertx.up.experiment.reference.RDao )
 *              -- supportBName
 *     source2: rl.device.relation      ( type = io.vertx.up.experiment.reference.RQuote )
 *          conditionC = AoDao          |-- ( type = io.vertx.up.experiment.reference.RDao )
 *              -- up
 *          conditionD = AoDao          |-- ( type = io.vertx.up.experiment.reference.RDao )
 *              -- down
 * // </code></pre>
 * ```
 * > `conditionX` could be calculated by `key` ( include "" default value )
 * ### 4. Result Map
 * Here are following hash map rules to store component result:
 * 1. Each `key = value` pair refer to `field = {@link RResult}`.
 * 2. `result` stored `source = RResult` hash map and refer to `RDao`.
 * The example is as following:
 * ```
 * // <pre><code class="shell">
 *     ( type = io.vertx.up.experiment.reference.RResult )
 *     supportAName = RResult
 *     supportBName = RResult
 *     supportGroup = RResult
 *     supportSection = RResult
 *     up = RResult
 *     down = RResult
 * // </code></pre>
 * ```
 * @author <a href="">Lang</a>
public class HAtomReference implements HReference {
    protected final transient Cc<String, RDao> ccDao =;
     * The hash map to store `source = {@link RQuote}`.
    protected final transient Cc<String, RQuote> ccReference =;
     * The hash map to store `field = {@link RResult}`.
    protected final transient Cc<String, RResult> ccResult =;
     * Query Attribute
    protected final transient Cc<String, RQuery> ccQuery =;

    protected final transient HArk ark;

    private final transient Cc<String, RReference> ccData =;

    public HAtomReference(final HArk ark) {
        this.ark = ark;

    // ======================= Overwrite Api ==========================
    public ConcurrentMap<String, RQuote> refInput() {
        //        final ConcurrentMap<String, RQuote> store =;

    public ConcurrentMap<String, RQuery> refQr() {
        //        final Cd<String, RQuery> store =;

    public ConcurrentMap<String, RResult> refOutput() {
        //        final Cd<String, RResult> store =;

    public RReference refData(final String name) {

    // ======================= Overwrite Api ==========================
    protected void initializeReference(final RReference input, final HAttribute hAttribute) {
        if (input.isReference()) {
            final RReference reference = this.ccData.pick(() -> input,;
            final String source = reference.source();

            final RDao dao = this.initializeDao(reference);
             * RDao initialize and unlink
            final HApp app =;
            final RQuote quote = this.ccReference.pick(() -> RQuote.create(, source);
            // Fn.po?l(this.references, source, () -> RQuote.create(appName));
            final JsonObject referenceConfig = reference.sourceReference();
            quote.add(hAttribute, referenceConfig, dao);
             *  Hash Map `result` calculation
             *      - field = RResult
             *  Based on DataAtom reference to create
            final String field =;
            final String referenceField = reference.sourceField();
            final RResult result = this.ccResult.pick(() -> new RResult(referenceField, referenceConfig, hAttribute), field);
            // Fn.po?l(this.result, field, () -> new RResult(referenceField, referenceConfig, hAttribute));
             * Qr Engine, stored quote reference map.
             * field1 = query1,
             * field2 = query2
            if (EmValue.Format.Elementary == hAttribute.format()) {
                this.ccQuery.pick(() -> new RQuery(field, reference.sourceField())
                    .bind(result.joined()), field);
                // Fn.po?l(this.queries, field, () -> new RQuery(field, attribute.getSourceField()).bind(quote.dao(field)).bind(result.joined()));

    protected HDao toDao(final HAtom atom) {
        // Could not call this api when it's not overwrite ( Dynamic Only )
        throw new _501NotSupportException(this.getClass());

    protected HAtom toAtom(final String identifier) {
         * The default operation return to null, it means that it's not
         * dynamic Dao here, in this kind of situation, the following api will be ignored:
         * HDao toDao(HAtom);
         * The code logical will skip `HDao` building
        return null;

    // ======================= Private Api ==========================
    private RDao initializeDao(final RReference reference) {
        final String source = reference.source();
        final HAtom atom = this.toAtom(source);
        final JsonObject sourceReference = reference.sourceReference();
        // KJoin Building
        final KJoin join;
        if (Objects.isNull(atom) && sourceReference.containsKey(KName.DAO)) {
            join = Ut.deserialize(sourceReference.getJsonObject(KName.DAO), KJoin.class);
        } else {
            join = null;
        final Function<JsonObject, Future<JsonArray>> actionA = this.actionA(atom, join);
        final Function<JsonObject, JsonArray> actionS = this.actionS(atom, join);
        // RDao Creation
        final RDao dao = this.ccDao.pick(() -> new RDao(source), this.ark.cached(source));
        // Fn.po?l(this.sourceDao, appName + "/" + source, () -> new RDao(source));
        return dao.actionA(actionA).actionS(actionS);

    private Function<JsonObject, Future<JsonArray>> actionA(final HAtom atom, final KJoin join) {
        return condition -> {
            if (Ux.irNil(condition)) {
                return Ux.futureA();
            if (Objects.isNull(atom)) {
                final KPoint source = join.getSource();
                final KPoint target = join.point(condition);
                // Static
                if (Objects.isNull(target)) {
                    // Jooq
                    return Ux.Jooq.on(source.getClassDao()).fetchJAsync(condition);
                } else {
                    // Join
                    return Ux.Join.on()
                        .add(source.getClassDao(), source.getKeyJoin())
                        .join(target.getClassDao(), target.getKeyJoin())
            } else {
                // Dynamic
                final HDao dao = this.toDao(atom);
                return dao.fetchAsync(condition).compose(Ux::futureA);

    private Function<JsonObject, JsonArray> actionS(final HAtom atom, final KJoin join) {
        return condition -> {
            if (Ux.irNil(condition)) {
                return new JsonArray();
            if (Objects.isNull(atom)) {
                final KPoint source = join.getSource();
                final KPoint target = join.point(condition);
                // Static
                if (Objects.isNull(target)) {
                    // Jooq
                    return Ux.Jooq.on(source.getClassDao()).fetchJ(condition);
                } else {
                    // Join
                    return Ux.Join.on()
                        .add(source.getClassDao(), source.getKeyJoin())
                        .join(target.getClassDao(), target.getKeyJoin())
            } else {
                // Dynamic
                final HDao dao = this.toDao(atom);
                return Ut.toJArray(dao.fetch(condition));