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package io.vertx.up.backbone;

import io.horizon.uca.cache.Cc;
import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;
import io.vertx.up.backbone.argument.*;
import io.vertx.up.util.Ut;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

 * 「Co」Zero for JSR311 Arguments
 * There are a uniform request flow to get parameters to support JSR311 in zero framework, here I defined **Filler**
 * interface ( Fill argument into container, it's specific component )
 * 1. In common request workflow, it provide standard `key = value` attributes into map.
 * 2. For body/stream request workflow, there should be placeholder named `EmptyFiller` to taken the flow node and then continue for extracting.
 * For Standard JSR311, it support most parameter annotations and extend JSR311 for business requirement.
 * @author <a href="">Lang</a>
public interface Filler {
    Cc<String, Filler> CC_FILLTER = Cc.openThread();
     * JSR311 Standard mapping from annotation to `Filler` component
    ConcurrentMap<Class<? extends Annotation>, Supplier<Filler>> PARAMS =
        new ConcurrentHashMap<>() {
                // JSR311 Provided
                this.put(QueryParam.class, supplier(QueryFiller.class));
                this.put(FormParam.class, supplier(FormFiller.class));
                this.put(PathParam.class, supplier(PathFiller.class));
                this.put(HeaderParam.class, supplier(HeaderFiller.class));
                this.put(CookieParam.class, supplier(CookieFiller.class));

                // Extension
                this.put(BodyParam.class, supplier(EmptyFiller.class));
                this.put(StreamParam.class, supplier(EmptyFiller.class));

                this.put(SessionParam.class, supplier(SessionFiller.class));
                this.put(ContextParam.class, supplier(ContextFiller.class));
                this.put(PointParam.class, supplier(PointFiller.class));
     * The type of parameters that will use `EmptyFiller` for taking place.
    Set<Class<? extends Annotation>> NO_VALUE =
        new HashSet<Class<? extends Annotation>>() {

    static Supplier<Filler> supplier(final Class<?> clazz) {
        return () -> CC_FILLTER.pick(() -> Ut.instance(clazz), clazz.getName());

     * The major code logic to get the value of input field name here.
     * @param name      The parameter name
     * @param paramType The parameter declared type
     * @param datum     The `RoutingContext` of Vert.x ( vertx-web )
     * @return The extracted value of parameter
    Object apply(String name,
                 Class<?> paramType,
                 RoutingContext datum);