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package io.vertx.mod.jet.uca.aim;

import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;
import io.vertx.mod.jet.atom.JtUri;
import io.vertx.mod.jet.uca.valve.JtIn;
import io.vertx.up.backbone.hunt.Answer;
import io.vertx.up.commune.Envelop;

 * The handler chain contains 4 rules in sequence, it's for complex routing design
 * ------
 * 1. 「Optional」This rule will execute IN_RULE for validation, there should be some
 * components that could be defined, now it support VALIDATOR / CONVERTER instead. These
 * components will provide response message to client and it will process in priority such
 * as 400 bad request / 400 parameter required exception here.
 * ------
 * 2. 「Optional」The second step to execute IN_MAPPING, it's for field mapping and the
 * first time convert the field data in request. The output will be input data that will
 * be used in next step.
 * ------
 * 3. 「Optional」It's defined by java code ( IN_PLUG ) and reflect to generate to plug-in
 * ------
 * 4. 「Optional」The last step is executing JS Engine ( JavaScript, IN_SCRIPT ), the javascript
 * could call following service component, also it's dynamic to define different code-logical and
 * business requirement. Here it's easy to expand. It's more smart.
 * ------
 * The final execution sequence is as following:
public class InAim implements JtAim {

    public Handler<RoutingContext> attack(final JtUri uri) {
         * 「The lifecycle of starting」
         * 1. IN_RULE Specification
         * 2. IN_MAPPING Specification
         * 3. IN_PLUG Specification
         * 4. IN_SCRIPT Specification
        return context -> {
            Envelop request = Answer.previous(context);
            // IN_RULE
            request = JtIn.rule().execute(request, uri);
            if (!request.valid()) {
                Answer.reply(context, request);
            // IN_MAPPING
            request = JtIn.mapping().execute(request, uri);
            if (!request.valid()) {
                Answer.reply(context, request);
            // IN_PLUG
            request = JtIn.plug().execute(request, uri);
            if (!request.valid()) {
                Answer.reply(context, request);
            // IN_SCRIPT
            request = JtIn.script().execute(request, uri);
             * Here should not resume directly because the data must be bind to Envelop
             * All the data should be stored into Envelop
            Answer.normalize(context, request);