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package cn.vertxup.ui.api;

import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.up.annotations.Address;
import io.vertx.up.annotations.EndPoint;
import io.vertx.up.eon.KName;
import io.vertx.up.eon.KWeb;

public interface UiApi {
     * Condition should be:
     * sigma +
     * {
     *     app,
     *     module,
     *     page
     * }
     * AMP means three parameters here.
    JsonObject fetchPage(@HeaderParam(KWeb.HEADER.X_SIGMA) String sigma,
                         @BodyParam JsonObject body);

     * Condition should be:
     * {
     *     control, ( form Id, list Id )
     *     type
     * }
    JsonObject fetchControl(@BodyParam JsonObject body);

     * Condition should be:
     * {
     *     control
     * }
    JsonObject fetchOp(@BodyParam JsonObject body);

     * Condition should be:
     * 1. Path Parameter: page, identifier
     * 2. Body Parameter:
     * {
     *      "view": "DEFAULT",
     *      "position": "DEFAULT",
     *      "type": "FORM / LIST",
     * }
     * The most frequency situation is
     * 1. identifier, page, processing based on model and page
     * -  The page navigate you to the fixed page in your app
     * -  The identifier navigate you to the correct model
     * 2. The parameters contain view, position, type to search correct control id
     * -  The target control id is FORM/LIST id that could fetch following:
     *   -  Fetch fields by FORM id ( controlId )
     *   -  Fetch columns by LIST id ( controlId )
     *   -  Fetch ops by LIST id ( controlId )
    JsonObject fetchVisitor(@PathParam(KName.Ui.PAGE) String page,
                            @PathParam(KName.IDENTIFIER) String identifier,
                            @BodyParam JsonObject params);

     * Fetch form configuration by
     * code, this method is for single form fetch
    JsonObject fetchForm(@HeaderParam(KWeb.HEADER.X_SIGMA) String sigma,
                         @PathParam(KName.CODE) String name);

     * Fetch form configuration by
     * identifier, this method is for multi forms fetch
    JsonArray fetchForms(@HeaderParam(KWeb.HEADER.X_SIGMA) String sigma,
                         @PathParam(KName.IDENTIFIER) String identifier);

     * Fetch list configuration by
     * identifier, this method is for multi lists fetch
    JsonArray fetchLists(@HeaderParam(KWeb.HEADER.X_SIGMA) String sigma,
                         @PathParam(KName.IDENTIFIER) String identifier);

     * Fetch list-qr ( views ) by new interface
     * /api/ui/views/:id/:position?type=?
     * id is
     * 1) workflow name     ( type = null or WORKFLOW )
     * 2) model identifier  ( type = MODEL )
     * position means queue position here
     * 1) 当列表位于不同 position 时会产生不同的视图效果,所以 position 控制了位置信息
     * 2) 而本身的id用于指名使用的是哪种视图
     *    type = null | WF:   工作流视图
     *    type = MOD:         模型视图
     * 按不同的业务场景区分不同类别执行相关操作,position可控制视图相关信息。
    JsonArray fetchListQr(@PathParam(KName.ID) String id,
                          @PathParam(KName.POSITION) String position,
                          @QueryParam(KName.TYPE) String type,
                          @PointParam(KName.VIEW) Vis view);