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 * This file is generated by jOOQ.
package cn.vertxup.ui.domain;

import cn.vertxup.ui.domain.tables.*;

 * Convenience access to all tables in DB_ETERNAL.
@SuppressWarnings({ "all", "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public class Tables {

     * The table <code>DB_ETERNAL.UI_COLUMN</code>.
    public static final UiColumn UI_COLUMN = UiColumn.UI_COLUMN;

     * The table <code>DB_ETERNAL.UI_CONTROL</code>.
    public static final UiControl UI_CONTROL = UiControl.UI_CONTROL;

     * The table <code>DB_ETERNAL.UI_FIELD</code>.
    public static final UiField UI_FIELD = UiField.UI_FIELD;

     * The table <code>DB_ETERNAL.UI_FORM</code>.
    public static final UiForm UI_FORM = UiForm.UI_FORM;

     * The table <code>DB_ETERNAL.UI_LAYOUT</code>.
    public static final UiLayout UI_LAYOUT = UiLayout.UI_LAYOUT;

     * The table <code>DB_ETERNAL.UI_LIST</code>.
    public static final UiList UI_LIST = UiList.UI_LIST;

     * The table <code>DB_ETERNAL.UI_OP</code>.
    public static final UiOp UI_OP = UiOp.UI_OP;

     * The table <code>DB_ETERNAL.UI_PAGE</code>.
    public static final UiPage UI_PAGE = UiPage.UI_PAGE;

     * The table <code>DB_ETERNAL.UI_VIEW</code>.
    public static final UiView UI_VIEW = UiView.UI_VIEW;

     * The table <code>DB_ETERNAL.UI_VISITOR</code>.
    public static final UiVisitor UI_VISITOR = UiVisitor.UI_VISITOR;

     * The table <code>DB_ETERNAL.V_FRAGMENT</code>.
    public static final VFragment V_FRAGMENT = VFragment.V_FRAGMENT;

     * The table <code>DB_ETERNAL.V_QUERY</code>.
    public static final VQuery V_QUERY = VQuery.V_QUERY;

     * The table <code>DB_ETERNAL.V_SEARCH</code>.
    public static final VSearch V_SEARCH = VSearch.V_SEARCH;

     * The table <code>DB_ETERNAL.V_TABLE</code>.
    public static final VTable V_TABLE = VTable.V_TABLE;