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Test Coverage

// This is a interaction fiction example game with basic navigation.
// I will add to more to this to demonstrate items and other state.

> pre

    // Navigate command

    // Option 1 have a global command to set the direction
    // This will change the topic, and say "look" in the new topic

    + go (north|south|east|west)
    - {keep} You are heading <cap1>. ^topicRedirect(<cap>, "look")

< pre

> topic north

    // Option 2 per topic manually set the topic
    // The problem is this will hit even if your not in the topic so someone could teleport to the backroom
    // from any topic, we can fix that by adding a trigger filter function., now this trigger will only match
    // if you are in the room.

    + ^inTopic("north") go to the back room
    - {keep} okay, going to the back room {topic=backroom}

    + look
    - you are in the north room, there is a back room down the hall

< topic

> topic south

    + look
    - {keep} you are in the south room

< topic

> topic east

    + look
    - {keep} you are in the east room

< topic

> topic west

    + look
    - {keep} you are in the west room

< topic

> topic backroom

    + look
    - {keep} it is dark in here

< topic