import debuglog from 'debug';
import Utils from '../utils';
const debug = debuglog('Sort');
const initSortTrack = function initSortTrack() {
return {
atomic: {}, // Sort by number of whole words
option: {}, // Sort optionals by number of words
alpha: {}, // Sort alpha wildcards by no. of words
number: {}, // Sort number wildcards by no. of words
wild: {}, // Sort wildcards by no. of words
pound: [], // Triggers of just #
under: [], // Triggers of just _
star: [], // Triggers of just *
const sortTriggerSet = function sortTriggerSet(gambits) {
let gambit;
let cnt;
let inherits;
const lengthSort = (a, b) => (b.length - a.length);
// Create a priority map.
const prior = {
0: [], // Default priority = 0
// Sort triggers by their weights.
for (let i = 0; i < gambits.length; i++) {
gambit = gambits[i];
const match = gambit.input.match(/\{weight=(\d+)\}/i);
let weight = 0;
if (match && match[1]) {
weight = match[1];
if (!prior[weight]) {
prior[weight] = [];
const sortFwd = (a, b) => (b - a);
const sortRev = (a, b) => (a - b);
// Keep a running list of sorted triggers for this topic.
const running = [];
// Sort them by priority.
const priorSort = Object.keys(prior).sort(sortFwd);
for (let i = 0; i < priorSort.length; i++) {
const p = priorSort[i];
debug(`Sorting triggers with priority ${p}`);
// Loop through and categorize these triggers.
const track = {};
for (let j = 0; j < prior[p].length; j++) {
gambit = prior[p][j];
inherits = -1;
if (!track[inherits]) {
track[inherits] = initSortTrack();
if (gambit.input.indexOf('*') > -1) {
// Wildcard included.
cnt = Utils.wordCount(gambit.input);
debug(`Has a * wildcard with ${cnt} words.`);
if (cnt > 1) {
if (!track[inherits].wild[cnt]) {
track[inherits].wild[cnt] = [];
} else {
} else if (gambit.input.indexOf('[') > -1) {
// Optionals included.
cnt = Utils.wordCount(gambit.input);
debug(`Has optionals with ${cnt} words.`);
if (!track[inherits].option[cnt]) {
track[inherits].option[cnt] = [];
} else {
// Totally atomic.
cnt = Utils.wordCount(gambit.input);
debug(`Totally atomic trigger and ${cnt} words.`);
if (!track[inherits].atomic[cnt]) {
track[inherits].atomic[cnt] = [];
// Move the no-{inherits} triggers to the bottom of the stack.
track[0] = track['-1'];
delete track['-1'];
// Add this group to the sort list.
const trackSorted = Object.keys(track).sort(sortRev);
for (let j = 0; j < trackSorted.length; j++) {
const ip = trackSorted[j];
const kinds = ['atomic', 'option', 'alpha', 'number', 'wild'];
for (let k = 0; k < kinds.length; k++) {
const kind = kinds[k];
const kindSorted = Object.keys(track[ip][kind]).sort(sortFwd);
for (let l = 0; l < kindSorted.length; l++) {
const item = kindSorted[l];
// We can sort these using Array.sort
const underSorted = track[ip].under.sort(lengthSort);
const poundSorted = track[ip].pound.sort(lengthSort);
const starSorted = track[ip].star.sort(lengthSort);
return running;
export default {