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# Simple node KISSmetrics library

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A simple wrapper for KISSmetrics client library written in ES6.

* Loads KISSmetrics tracking JavaScript library.
* Exposes a convenient interface for:
    - Setting your KISSmetrics API key.
    - Setting user properties.
    - Tracking events.

## Usage example

First, install the library.

    npm install simple-node-kissmetrics --save
Using is as simple as importing the library and calling a couple of functions.

    import kissmetrics from 'simple-node-kissmetrics';
    function setupMyApp() {
        // Must be called first to set the key for the library.  This only needs to be called once to initialise the library.
    function trackSomething() {        
        // Track an event.
        kissmetrics.trackEvent("An event", {"property": "value"});
    function setUserProperty() {
        // Track some user properties.
        kissmetrics.setUserProperties({"email": ""});
You can also import specific functions if you prefer.

    import { setup as setupAnalytics, trackEvent } from 'simple-node-kissmetrics';
    function setupMyApp() {
    function trackSomething() {
        trackEvent("An event", {"property": "value"});