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package httpcache

import (


// CacheType is the type of cache which means the backend for storing
// cache content.
type CacheType string

const (
    file     CacheType = "file"
    redis    CacheType = "redis"
    inMemory CacheType = "in_memory"

// BYTE represents the num of byte
// 1MB = 2^10 BYTE
// 1GB = 2^10 MB
const (
    BYTE = 1 << (iota * 10)

var (
    defaultStatusHeader           = "X-Cache-Status"
    defaultLockTimeout            = time.Duration(5) * time.Minute
    defaultMaxAge                 = time.Duration(5) * time.Minute
    defaultPath                   = "/tmp/caddy_cache"
    defaultMatchMethods           = []string{"GET", "HEAD"}
    defaultCacheType              = file
    defaultcacheBucketsNum        = 256
    defaultCacheMaxMemorySize     = GB // default is 1 GB
    defaultRedisConnectionSetting = "localhost:6379 0"
    defaultStaleMaxAge            = time.Duration(0)
    defaultCacheKeyTemplate       = "{http.request.method} {}{http.request.uri.path}?{http.request.uri.query}"
    // Note: prevent character space in the key
    // the key is refereced from

const (
    keyStatusHeader           = "status_header"
    keyLockTimeout            = "lock_timeout"
    keyDefaultMaxAge          = "default_max_age"
    keyPath                   = "path"
    keyMatchHeader            = "match_header"
    keyMatchPath              = "match_path"
    keyMatchMethod            = "match_methods"
    keyCacheKey               = "cache_key"
    keyCacheBucketsNum        = "cache_bucket_num"
    keyCacheMaxMemorySize     = "cache_max_memory_size"
    keyCacheType              = "cache_type"
    keyRedisConnectionSetting = "redis_connection_setting"
    // format: addr db password or addr db or addr
    // ex.
    // localhost:6789 0 => connect without password. only index and host:port provided
    // the following are keys for extensions
    keyDistributed = "distributed"
    keyInfluxLog   = "influxlog"
    keyStaleMaxAge = "stale_max_age"

func init() {
    httpcaddyfile.RegisterHandlerDirective("http_cache", parseCaddyfile)

// Config is the configuration for cache process
type Config struct {
    Type                   CacheType                `json:"type,omitempty"`
    StatusHeader           string                   `json:"status_header,omitempty"`
    DefaultMaxAge          time.Duration            `json:"default_max_age,omitempty"`
    LockTimeout            time.Duration            `json:"lock_timeout,omitempty"`
    RuleMatchersRaws       []RuleMatcherRawWithType `json:"rule_matcher_raws,omitempty"`
    RuleMatchers           []RuleMatcher            `json:"-"`
    MatchMethods           []string                 `json:"match_methods,omitempty"`
    CacheBucketsNum        int                      `json:"cache_buckets_num,omitempty"`
    CacheMaxMemorySize     int                      `json:"cache_max_memory_size,omitempty"`
    Path                   string                   `json:"path,omitempty"`
    CacheKeyTemplate       string                   `json:"cache_key_template,omitempty"`
    RedisConnectionSetting string                   `json:"redis_connection_setting,omitempty"`
    StaleMaxAge            time.Duration            `json:"stale_max_age,omitempty"`

func getDefaultConfig() *Config {
    return &Config{
        StatusHeader:           defaultStatusHeader,
        DefaultMaxAge:          defaultMaxAge,
        LockTimeout:            defaultLockTimeout,
        RuleMatchersRaws:       []RuleMatcherRawWithType{},
        RuleMatchers:           []RuleMatcher{},
        MatchMethods:           defaultMatchMethods,
        CacheBucketsNum:        defaultcacheBucketsNum,
        CacheMaxMemorySize:     defaultCacheMaxMemorySize,
        Path:                   defaultPath,
        Type:                   defaultCacheType,
        CacheKeyTemplate:       defaultCacheKeyTemplate,
        RedisConnectionSetting: defaultRedisConnectionSetting,
        StaleMaxAge:            defaultStaleMaxAge,

func parseCaddyfile(h httpcaddyfile.Helper) (caddyhttp.MiddlewareHandler, error) {
    // call Handler UnmarshalCaddyfile
    hr := new(Handler)
    err := hr.UnmarshalCaddyfile(h.Dispenser)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return hr, nil

// UnmarshalCaddyfile sets up the handler from Caddyfile
//    :4000 {
//        reverse_proxy yourserver:5000
//        http_cache {
//            match_path /assets
//            match_header Content-Type image/jpg image/png
//            status_header X-Cache-Status
//            default_max_age 15m
//            path /tmp/caddy-cache
//            distributed consul {
//                service_name
//                addr
//            }
//        }
//    }
func (h *Handler) UnmarshalCaddyfile(d *caddyfile.Dispenser) error {
    config := getDefaultConfig()

    for d.Next() {

        for d.NextBlock(0) {
            parameter := d.Val()
            args := d.RemainingArgs()

            switch parameter {
            case keyStatusHeader:
                if len(args) != 1 {
                    return d.Err("Invalid usage of status_header in cache config.")
                config.StatusHeader = args[0]

            case keyRedisConnectionSetting:
                if len(args) > 3 {
                    return d.Err("Invalid usage of redis_connection_setting in cache config.")
                config.RedisConnectionSetting = strings.Join(args, " ")

            case keyCacheType:
                if len(args) != 1 {
                    return d.Err("Invalid usage of cache_type in cache config.")
                config.Type = CacheType(args[0])

            case keyLockTimeout:
                if len(args) != 1 {
                    return d.Err("Invalid usage of lock_timeout in cache config")
                duration, err := time.ParseDuration(args[0])
                if err != nil {
                    return d.Err(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s , %s", keyLockTimeout, "invalid duration", parameter))
                config.LockTimeout = duration

            case keyDefaultMaxAge:
                if len(args) != 1 {
                    return d.Err("Invalid usage of default_max_age in cache config.")

                duration, err := time.ParseDuration(args[0])
                if err != nil {
                    return d.Err(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s, %s", keyDefaultMaxAge, "Invalid duration ", parameter))
                config.DefaultMaxAge = duration

            case keyPath:
                if len(args) != 1 {
                    return d.Err("Invalid usage of path in cache config.")
                config.Path = args[0]

            case keyMatchHeader:
                if len(args) < 2 {
                    return d.Err("Invalid usage of match_header in cache config.")

                cacheRule := &HeaderRuleMatcher{Header: args[0], Value: args[1:]}
                data, _ := json.Marshal(cacheRule)

                config.RuleMatchersRaws = append(config.RuleMatchersRaws, RuleMatcherRawWithType{
                    Type: MatcherTypeHeader,
                    Data: data,

            case keyMatchPath:
                if len(args) != 1 {
                    return d.Err("Invalid usage of match_path in cache config.")
                cacheRule := &PathRuleMatcher{Path: args[0]}
                data, _ := json.Marshal(cacheRule)

                config.RuleMatchersRaws = append(config.RuleMatchersRaws, RuleMatcherRawWithType{
                    Type: MatcherTypePath,
                    Data: data,

            case keyMatchMethod:
                if len(args) < 2 {
                    return d.Err("Invalid usage of match_method in cache config.")
                config.MatchMethods = append(config.MatchMethods, args...)

            case keyCacheKey:
                if len(args) != 1 {
                    return d.Err(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid usage of %s in cache config.", keyCacheKey))
                config.CacheKeyTemplate = args[0]

            case keyCacheBucketsNum:
                if len(args) != 1 {
                    return d.Err(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid usage of %s in cache config.", keyCacheBucketsNum))
                num, err := strconv.Atoi(args[0])
                if err != nil {
                    return d.Err(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid usage of %s, %s", keyCacheBucketsNum, err.Error()))
                config.CacheBucketsNum = num
            case keyCacheMaxMemorySize:
                if len(args) != 1 {
                    return d.Err(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid usage of %s in cache config.", keyCacheMaxMemorySize))
                num, err := strconv.Atoi(args[0])
                if err != nil {
                    return d.Err(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid usage of %s, %s", keyCacheMaxMemorySize, err.Error()))
                config.CacheMaxMemorySize = num
            case keyDistributed:
                if len(args) != 1 {
                    return d.Err(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid usage of %s in cache config.", keyDistributed))
                solution := args[0]

                mod, err := caddy.GetModule("distributed." + solution)
                if err != nil {
                    return d.Errf("getting distributed module '%s': '%v'", mod, err)

                unm, ok := mod.New().(caddyfile.Unmarshaler)
                if !ok {
                    return d.Errf("distributed module '%s' is not a Caddyfile unmarshaler", mod)

                err = unm.UnmarshalCaddyfile(d.NewFromNextSegment())
                if err != nil {
                    return err

                h.DistributedRaw = caddyconfig.JSONModuleObject(unm, "distributed", "consul", nil)

            case keyStaleMaxAge:
                if len(args) != 1 {
                    return d.Err("Invalid usage of stale_max_age in cache config.")

                duration, err := time.ParseDuration(args[0])
                if err != nil {
                    return d.Err(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s, %s", keyStaleMaxAge, "Invalid duration ", parameter))
                config.StaleMaxAge = duration

                return d.Err("Unknown cache parameter: " + parameter)

    h.Config = config

    return nil

// Interface guards
var (
    _ caddyfile.Unmarshaler = (*Handler)(nil)