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 * redis-connection-pool
 * copyright 2012 - 2022 Nick Jennings (
 * licensed under the MIT license.
 * See the LICENSE file for details.
 * The latest version can be found here:
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
import {
  RedisClientOptions, RedisClientType,
} from 'redis';
import {createPool, Pool}  from 'generic-pool';
import debug from 'debug';

const log = debug('redis-connection-pool');
const connectionPools = new Map();

export interface RedisConnectionPoolConfig {
  max_clients?: number
  perform_checks?: boolean;
  redis?: RedisClientOptions;

type SingleCommandResult =
  string | number | boolean | Buffer | { [x: string]: string | Buffer; } |
  { key: string | Buffer; element: string | Buffer; } | (string | Buffer)[]

 * List of redis commands which have been implemented by the RedisConnectionPool class
type FuncNames = 'HDEL' | 'DEL' | 'GET' | 'HGETALL' | 'TTL' | 'INCR' |
  'BRPOP' | 'HGET' | 'BLPOP' | 'EXPIRE' | 'KEYS';

type IdentifierType = string;

 * Function: redisConnectionPoolFactory
 * A high-level redis management object. It manages a number of connections in
 * a pool, using them as needed and keeping all aspects of releasing active
 * connections internal to the object, so the user does not need to worry about
 * forgotten connections leaking memory and building up over time.
 * Parameters:
 *   uid - (string) - Unique identifier to retrieve an existing instance from
 *                    elsewhere in an application. If left undefined, one will
 *                    be generated automatically and available via the `uid`
 *                    property of the returned object.
 *   cfg - (object) - A series of configuration parameters to be optionally
 *                    passed in and used during initialization of the object.
 *   cfg.max_clients - (number) - Max clients alive in the connection pool at
 *                                once. (default: 30)
 *   cfg.redis - (object) - A redis config object
 * Returns:
 *   A RedisConnectionPool object
export default async function redisConnectionPoolFactory(
  uid: IdentifierType,
  cfg: RedisConnectionPoolConfig = {}
): Promise<RedisConnectionPool> {
  let pool;
  if (! connectionPools.has(uid)) {
    pool = new RedisConnectionPool(cfg);
    connectionPools.set(uid, pool);
    await pool.init();
  } else {
    pool = connectionPools.get(uid);
  return pool;

 * RedisConnectionPool
export class RedisConnectionPool {
  max_clients = 5;
  redis: RedisClientOptions;
  pool: Pool<RedisClientType>;
  private initializing = false;

  constructor(cfg: RedisConnectionPoolConfig = {}) {
    this.max_clients = cfg.max_clients || this.max_clients;
    this.redis = cfg.redis;

   * Execute a redis BLPOP command
   * @param key - The list key
  async blpop(key: string): Promise<{key: string, element: SingleCommandResult}> {
    return await this.getFuncs('BLPOP', key);

   * Execute a redis BRPOP command
   * @param key - The list key
  async brpop(key: string): Promise<{key: string, element: SingleCommandResult}> {
    return await this.getFuncs('BRPOP', key);

   * Execute a redis DEL command
   * @param key - The key of the value you wish to delete
  async del(key: string): Promise<number> {
    return await this.singleCommand('DEL', [key]) as number;

   * Execute a redis EXPIRE command
   * @param key - A key to assign value to
   * @param ttl - TTL in seconds
  async expire(key: string, ttl: number): Promise<number> {
    return await this.singleCommand('EXPIRE', [key, ttl]) as number;

   * Execute a redis GET command
   * @param key - The key of the value you wish to get
  async get(key: string): Promise<string> {
    return await this.getFuncs<string>('GET', key);

   * Execute a redis HDEL command
   * @param key - The key of the value you wish to delete
   * @param fields - Array of additional field names to be deleted
  async hdel(key: string, fields: Array<string>): Promise<number> {
    return await this.singleCommand('HDEL', [key].concat(fields)) as number;

   * Execute a redis HGET command
   * @param key - The key of the hash you wish to get
   * @param field - The field name to retrieve
  async hget(key: string, field: string): Promise<string> {
    return await this.getFuncs<string>('HGET', key, field);

   * Execute a redis HGETALL command
   * @param key - The key of the hash you wish to get
  async hgetall(key: string): Promise<{[index: string]: string}> {
    return await this.getFuncs<{[index: string]: string}>('HGETALL', key);

   * Execute a redis HSET command
   * @param key - A key to assign the hash to
   * @param field - Name of the field to set
   * @param data - Value to assign to hash
  async hset(key: string, field: string, data: string): Promise<number> {
    const client = await this.pool.acquire();
    const res = client.HSET(key, field, data);
    await this.pool.release(client);
    return res;

   * Execute a redis INCR command
   * @param key - A key whose value you wish to increment
  async incr(key: string): Promise<number> {
    return await this.getFuncs<number>('INCR', key);

   * Initializes the Redis connection pool, connecting to redis.
  async init(): Promise<void> {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
    // @ts-ignore
    this.pool = createPool({
      create: async () => {
        if (this.initializing) {
            'Create method already called. (Redis config error? ' +
            'or maybe you forgot to await the init function?)');
          throw Error(
            'Create method already called. (Redis config error? ' +
            'or maybe you forgot to await the init function?)');
        } else {
          this.initializing = true;
        const client = createClient(this.redis);
        client.on('error', (err) => {
          throw new Error(err);
        client.on('ready', () => {
        await client.connect();
        this.initializing = false;
        return client;
      destroy: async (client) => {
        await client.quit();
    }, {
      max: this.max_clients

   * Execute a redis KEYS command
   * @param key - The prefix of the keys to return
  async keys(key: string): Promise<Array<string>> {
    return await this.singleCommand('KEYS', [key]) as Array<string>;

   * Execute a redis LPUSH command
   * @param key - The list key
   * @param data - Value to assign to the list
  async lpush(key: string, data: string): Promise<number> {
    const client = await this.pool.acquire();
    const res = client.LPUSH(key, data);
    await this.pool.release(client);
    return res;

   * Execute a redis RPUSH command
   * @param key - The list key
   * @param data - Value to assign to the list
  async rpush(key: string, data: string): Promise<number> {
    const client = await this.pool.acquire();
    const res = client.RPUSH(key, data);
    await this.pool.release(client);
    return res;

   * Sends an explicit command to the redis server. Helpful for all the commands in redis
   * that aren't supported natively by this pool API.
   * @param command_name - Name of redis command to execute
   * @param args - List of arguments for the redis command
   * @example
   *  sendCommand('ECHO', ['Hello Redis'] )
  async sendCommand(command_name: string, args: Array<string>): Promise<SingleCommandResult> {
    return await this.singleCommand(command_name as FuncNames, args);

   * Execute a redis SET command
   * @param key - A key to assign value to
   * @param data - Value to assign to key
   * @param ttl - TTL (Time to Live) in seconds
  async set(key: string, data: string|number, ttl = 0): Promise<string|null> {
    const client = await this.pool.acquire();
    const res = client.SET(key, data, { "EX": ttl });
    await this.pool.release(client);
    return res;

   * Drain the pool and close all connections to Redis.
  async shutdown(): Promise<void> {
    await this.pool.drain();
    await this.pool.clear();

   * Execute a redis TTL command
   * @param {string} key - A key whose TTL(time-to-expire) will be returned
  async ttl(key: string): Promise<number> {
    return await this.getFuncs<number>('TTL', key);

  private async singleCommand(
    funcName: FuncNames,
    functionParams: Array<any> = []
  ): Promise<SingleCommandResult> {
    const client = await this.pool.acquire();
    const res = await client[funcName](...functionParams);
    await this.pool.release(client);
    return res;

  private async getFuncs<T>(
    funcName: FuncNames,
    key: string,
    field: string | undefined = undefined
  ): Promise<T> {
    const client = await this.pool.acquire();
    let res;
    if ((funcName === 'GET') || (funcName === 'HGETALL') ||
      (funcName === 'TTL') || (funcName === 'INCR')) {
      res = await client[funcName](key);
    } else if ((funcName === 'BLPOP') || (funcName === 'BRPOP')) {
      res = await client[funcName](key, 0);
    } else if (funcName === 'HGET') {
      res = await client.HGET(key, field);
    await this.pool.release(client);
    return res;