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# Flywork
Lightweight PHP MVC framework

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## What is this?

**Flywork** is a lightweight **PHP framework**, using **MVC** pattern, which helps you to quickly create web applications.

You can see a proof of concept project in [Flywork-poc]( project.

## Main Features

**Flywork** provides you the following features:

* Route (custom and auto-route) management
* RESTful request management support
* Database access and handling
* View management (using native engine)
* Cache management
* Session management
* Language (translation) handling
* Bundle engine for JS e CSS files (with minifier)
* Form fields handling
* Mail encapsulated adapter
* Log management - PSR-3 compliant
* Security methods (password, encryption and decryption)
* Too few settings do start

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## Requirements

* PHP 7.3+
* [Composer]( Dependency Manager
* [Apache 2.4 Server](
  * ```mod_rewrite``` enabled

## Dependencies

* Language
  * [PDO]( (PHP Data Objects) Extension (for Medoo library)
  * [MbString]( Extension
  * [OpenSSL]( Extension
* External libraries
  * [Medoo](
    * DB access/management
  * [Minify](
    * Minify assets (CSS and JS) files
  * [PHPMailer](
    * Library for send e-mails
  * [PSR/Log](
    * Log management interface

## Get Started

### Install via composer

Add Flywork to composer.json configuration file.

$ composer require interart/flywork

Then update the composer

$ composer update

See the proof of concept project in [Flywork-poc]( to get more details about using features.

## License

This project is licensed under [The MIT License (MIT)](/LICENSE).

This is a free software (like free beer), but you can consider donate to help its development.<br>
You can use [Paypal (click in this link)]( to make a donation securely.

## Contributing

If you have any idea how this project can be improved, please see [Contributing]( section to get details. Thank you. :)

## Roadmap

* Change Session management class to accept others engines
* Add Unit Tests

&copy;2018-2019 [Silvio Delgado](