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  > A [Metalsmith]( plugin to
  > extract/generate an excerpt from file content or metadata with multiple
  > options.

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## About

***metalsmith-better-excerpts*** will generate an excerpt for each *file* object 
either from frontmatter/metadata, from content until the first `more` tag or 
from the first paragraph in content. So generated excerpt content can be 
additionally parsed by 
`stripTags` and `prune` functions, although `prune` can only be used together 
with `stripTags`.

## Installation

``` sh
$ npm install metalsmith-better-excerpts

## CLI Usage

Install via npm and then add the metalsmith-better-excerpts key to your
_metalsmith.json_ with any options you want, like so:

``` json
  "plugins": {
    "metalsmith-better-excerpts": {
      "pruneLength": 80

## Javascript Usage

Pass options to the plugin and pass it to Metalsmith with the use method:

``` javascript
var excerpts = require('metalsmith-better-excerpts');

    pruneLength: 80

## Options

All options are optional.

Set `pruneLength` to `0` to disable pruning.

### Defaults

``` javascript
var defaultOptions = {
        moreRegExp: /\s*<!--\s*more\s*-->/i,
        stripTags: true,
        pruneLength: 140,
        pruneString: '…'