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    Simple file-based podcast publisher.<br>

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    In the wild:

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## Status


This application is now considered as stable.
No more features are planned, but feel free to suggest some if you need.
Feature, fix, UX, logo, translation... any help is welcome !

## Features...

### ....for end users

- short feed description in the homepage.
- list of podcasts currently in the feed in the homepage.
- archives sorted per folder.
- possibility to listen any episode from the web browser.
- link to the RSS feed.
- responsive design.

### ...for administrator

- database free application.
- recursive file search.
- configurable without development (release frequency, theme, locale, timezone).
- built on [Lumen 6.0]( and [Bootstwatch 4.3](

## Requirements

- a web server (tested with Apache).
- PHP >= 7.2.
- [composer](

## Deployment

1. Download the code to an empty folder:
git clone /var/www/podcast
2. Create the configuration file:
cd /var/www/podcast && cp .env.example .env
3. Set configuration in `.env`:
    - `APP_KEY` is a random generated string (for example `5YPcB9vVuxWf1YyjJgKhEVSg7ggvL+fD`).
    - `APP_TIMEZONE` is the timezone (for example `Europe/Paris`).
    - `APP_LOCALE` is the locale (`en` or `fr`).
    - `PODCAST_ROOT` is the path to audio files  (absolute path).
    - `PODCAST_START` is the date and time the first episode is published at (timestamp).
    - `PODCAST_LENGTH` is the number of episodes available in the feed (integer).
    - `PODCAST_INTERVAL` is the unit of `PODCAST_FREQUENCY` between two releases (`hour`, `day`, `week` or `month`).
    - `PODCAST_FREQUENCY` is the number of `PODCAST_INTERVAL` between two releases (integer or decimal).
    - `PODCAST_TITLE` is the podcast feed title.
    - `PODCAST_DESCRIPTION` is podcast description.
    - `PODCAST_IMAGE` is the podcase image URL (optional).
    - `PODCAST_THEME` is the theme for the web interface (see

5. Install the dependencies:
composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev
6. Point the web server to `/var/www/podcast/public`.

## FAQ

### How to upload episodes?

> This feature is not implemented, and there is no plan to implement it in the future. This is a [KISS]( project focusing on publishing audio, not managing files.
> To upload episodes, you have several options:
> - (S)FTP or any file manager provided by your hosting.
> - sync a server folder with a local folder.
> - sync a server folder with a file hosting service.
> - sync a server folder with a personal cloud service.
> - fork the project and implement the feature.

### How are episodes sorted?

> Episodes are sorted following the alphabetical order of their path relative to `PODCAST_ROOT`.
> You are free to name folders and episodes as it suits you.
> If you decide to name the file with the date format `YYYY-MM-DD`, the episode title will be the long date format in the locale defined by `APP_LOCALE`.

### How to publish a new episode every... ?

> The release schedule is based on 3 settings:
> - `PODCAST_START`: date for the first episode. The two other settings will start counting from this value.
> - `PODCAST_INTERVAL`: iteration length. Repeated `PODCAST_INTERVAL` times betwwen each release.
> - `PODCAST_FREQUENCY`: number of iteration between each release. The value is multiply by the duration of `PODCAST_FREQUENCY` to wait for the next release.
> | -------------- | :----------------: | :-----------------: |
> | Every day      | `day`              | `1`                 |
> | Every two days | `day`              | `2`                 |
> | Twice per week | `day`              | `3.5`               |
> | Twice per week | `week`             | `0.5`               |
> | Every week     | `week`             | `1`                 |
> | Every two week | `week`             | `2`                 |

### What about authentication?

> Authentication either requires a database or an external service. Also, authentication requires additional features like lost passwords and account activation.
> This is a [KISS]( project focusing on publishing audio, avoiding any complexity.
> If you want authentication, I recommend you to setup [Basic access authentication]( at the server level.