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Test Coverage
package j8a

import (


const acmeChallenge = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/"

type acmeProvider struct {
    endpoint string
    friendlyName string
    tosURL string

var acmeProviders = map[string]acmeProvider {
    "letsencrypt": acmeProvider{"", "LetsEncrypt", ""},
    "let'sencrypt": acmeProvider{"", "LetsEncrypt", ""},
    "letsencryptstaging": acmeProvider{"", "LetsEncrypt Staging", ""},
    "let'sencryptstaging": acmeProvider{"", "LetsEncrypt Staging", ""},

type AcmeHandler struct {
    Active   map[string]bool
    Domains  map[string]string
    KeyAuths map[string][]byte

func NewAcmeHandler() *AcmeHandler {
    return &AcmeHandler{
        Active:   make(map[string]bool),
        Domains:  make(map[string]string),
        KeyAuths: make(map[string][]byte),

func (a *AcmeHandler) Present(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
    a.Active[token] = true
    a.Domains[token] = domain
    a.KeyAuths[token] = []byte(keyAuth)

    log.Info().Msgf("ACME handler for domain %s activated, ready to serve challenge response for token %s.", domain, token)
    return nil

func (a *AcmeHandler) CleanUp(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
    delete(a.Active, token)
    delete(a.Domains, token)
    delete(a.KeyAuths, token)

    log.Info().Msgf("ACME handler for domain %s deactivated.", domain)
    return nil

func (a *AcmeHandler) isActive() bool {
    var c = false
    for _, v := range a.Active {
        c = c || v
    return c

const acmeEvent = "responded to remote ACME challenge path %s, with %s for domain %s"

func acmeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    defer func() {
        if r1 := recover(); r1 != nil {
            log.Warn().Msgf("unsuccessful response to remote ACME challenge, URI %s, cause: %v", r.RequestURI, r1)

    tokens := strings.Split(r.RequestURI, "/")
    token := tokens[len(tokens)-1]

    a := Runner.AcmeHandler
    path := http01.ChallengePath(token)
    log.Info().Msgf(acmeEvent, path, a.KeyAuths[token], a.Domains[token])

type AcmeUser struct {
    Email        string
    Registration *registration.Resource
    key          crypto.PrivateKey

func (u *AcmeUser) GetEmail() string {
    return u.Email
func (u AcmeUser) GetRegistration() *registration.Resource {
    return u.Registration
func (u *AcmeUser) GetPrivateKey() crypto.PrivateKey {
    return u.key

const acmeKeyFile = ""
const acmeCertFile = "tls.cert"
const acmeHashFile = "confighash"

func (runtime *Runtime) loadAcmeCertAndKeyFromCache(provider string) error {
    var e error

    if !runtime.cacheDirIsActive() {
        return errors.New("cache directory not active, cannot load TLS from cache")

    keyFile := filepath.FromSlash(Runner.cacheDir + "/" + provider + "/" + acmeKeyFile)
    key, e1 := ioutil.ReadFile(keyFile)
    if e1 != nil {
        return e1

    certFile := filepath.FromSlash(Runner.cacheDir + "/" + provider + "/" + acmeCertFile)
    cert, e2 := ioutil.ReadFile(certFile)
    if e2 != nil {
        return e2

    hashFile := filepath.FromSlash(Runner.cacheDir + "/" + provider + "/" + acmeHashFile)
    hash, e3 := ioutil.ReadFile(hashFile)
    if e3 != nil {
        return e3

    clearCache := func(msg string) {

    if c := bytes.Compare(hash, runtime.acmeProviderHashAsBytes()); c != 0 {
        msg := fmt.Sprintf("active TLS configuration does not match cached cert and key, clearing cache for ACME provider %s", provider)
        return errors.New(msg)

    if _, e3 := checkFullCertChainFromBytes(cert, key); e3 == nil {
        runtime.Connection.Downstream.Tls.Key = string(key)
        runtime.Connection.Downstream.Tls.Cert = string(cert)
        log.Info().Msgf("TLS cert and key for ACME provider %s loaded from cache", provider)
    } else {
        //if delete doesn't work ignore this it may already be gone (partially).
        msg := fmt.Sprintf("unable to load data, clearing TLS cache for ACME provider %s", provider)
        return errors.New(msg)

    return e

const acmeRwx fs.FileMode = 0700

func (runtime *Runtime) cacheAcmeCertAndKey(provider string) error {
    var e error

    if !runtime.cacheDirIsActive() {
        return errors.New("cache directory not active, cannot cache keys")
    } else {
        //it doesn't matter if this fails because dir already exists
        os.Mkdir(runtime.cacheDir+"/"+provider, acmeRwx)

    e1 := ioutil.WriteFile(
    if e1 != nil {
        return e1

    e2 := ioutil.WriteFile(
    if e2 != nil {
        return e2

    e3 := ioutil.WriteFile(
    if e3 != nil {
        return e3

    log.Info().Msgf("stored TLS cert and key for ACME provider %s in cache", provider)
    return e

func asSha256(o interface{}) string {
    h := sha256.New()
    h.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%v", o)))

    return fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil))

func (runtime *Runtime) acmeProviderHashAsBytes() []byte {
    return []byte(asSha256(runtime.Connection.Downstream.Tls.Acme))

func (runtime *Runtime) fetchAcmeCertAndKey(url string) error {
    var e error

    defer func() {
        if r := recover(); r != nil {
            msg := fmt.Sprintf("TLS ACME certificate not fetched, cause: %s", r)
            e = errors.New(msg)

    var pk *ecdsa.PrivateKey

    pk, e = ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader)
    if e != nil {
        return e

    myUser := AcmeUser{
        Email: runtime.Connection.Downstream.Tls.Acme.Email,
        key:   pk,

    config := lego.NewConfig(&myUser)
    config.Certificate.KeyType = certcrypto.RSA2048
    var client *lego.Client
    client, e = lego.NewClient(config)
    if e != nil {
        return e

    e = client.Challenge.SetHTTP01Provider(runtime.AcmeHandler)
    if e != nil {
        return e

    //we always register because it's safer than to cache credentials
    myUser.Registration, e = client.Registration.Register(registration.RegisterOptions{TermsOfServiceAgreed: true})
    if e != nil {
        return e

    request := certificate.ObtainRequest{
        Domains: runtime.Connection.Downstream.Tls.Acme.Domains,
        Bundle:  true,

    var c *certificate.Resource
    c, e = client.Certificate.Obtain(request)
    if e != nil {
        log.Warn().Msgf("ACME certificate from %s unsuccessful, cause %v", url, e)
        return e

    runtime.Connection.Downstream.Tls.Cert = string(c.Certificate)
    runtime.Connection.Downstream.Tls.Key = string(c.PrivateKey)

    log.Info().Msgf("ACME certificate successfully fetched from %s", url)

    return e