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Test Coverage
package j8a

import (
    unicode "unicode"



var httpUpstreamMaxAttempts int

type TLSType string

const (
    TLS12         TLSType = "1.2"
    TLS13         TLSType = "1.3"
    TLS_UNKNOWN   TLSType = "unknown"
    TLS_NONE      TLSType = "none"
    Authorization         = "Authorization"
    Sep                   = " "

// RFC7231 4.2.1
var httpSafeMethods []string = []string{"GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "TRACE"}

// RFC7231 4.2.2
var httpIdempotentMethods []string = []string{"PUT", "DELETE"}
var httpRepeatableMethods = append(httpSafeMethods, httpIdempotentMethods...)

// RFC7231 4.3
var httpLegalMethods []string = append(httpRepeatableMethods, []string{"POST", "PATCH", "CONNECT"}...)

type ContentEncoding string

const (
    EncStar      ContentEncoding = "*"
    EncIdentity  ContentEncoding = "identity"
    EncBrotli    ContentEncoding = "br"
    EncGzip      ContentEncoding = "gzip"
    EncXGzip     ContentEncoding = "x-gzip"
    EncDeflate   ContentEncoding = "deflate"
    EncXDeflate  ContentEncoding = "x-deflate"
    EncCompress  ContentEncoding = "compress"
    EncXCompress ContentEncoding = "x-compress"

var GzipContentEncodings = AcceptEncoding{EncGzip, EncXGzip}
var CompressedContentEncodings = AcceptEncoding{EncBrotli, EncGzip, EncXGzip, EncDeflate, EncXDeflate, EncCompress, EncXCompress}
var SupportedContentEncodings = AcceptEncoding{EncStar, EncIdentity, EncBrotli, EncGzip, EncXGzip}
var UnsupportedContentEncodings = AcceptEncoding{EncDeflate, EncXDeflate, EncCompress, EncXCompress}

func NewContentEncoding(raw string) ContentEncoding {
    encs := strings.TrimFunc(raw, func(r rune) bool {
        return !unicode.IsGraphic(r)
    return ContentEncoding(strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(encs)))

func (c ContentEncoding) isSupported() bool {
    for _, ce := range SupportedContentEncodings {
        if ce == c {
            return true
    return false

func (c ContentEncoding) isCompressed() bool {
    for _, ce := range CompressedContentEncodings {
        if ce == c {
            return true
    return false

func (c ContentEncoding) isEncoded() bool {
    return len(c) > 0 &&
        c != EncIdentity

func (c ContentEncoding) isAtomic() bool {
    return len(c) > 0 && !strings.Contains(string(c), COMMA)

func (c ContentEncoding) isGzip() bool {
    for _, ce := range GzipContentEncodings {
        if ce == c {
            return true
    return false

func (c ContentEncoding) isUnSupported() bool {
    for _, ce := range UnsupportedContentEncodings {
        if ce == c {
            return true
    return false

func (c ContentEncoding) isCustom() bool {
    return len(c) > 0 &&
        c != EncIdentity &&

func (c ContentEncoding) isBrotli() bool {
    return c == EncBrotli

const xdash string = "x-"

func (c ContentEncoding) matches(encoding ContentEncoding) bool {
    if len(c) == 0 && encoding == EncIdentity {
        return true
    } else if len(string(encoding)) == 0 {
        return false
    } else if c == encoding || c == STAR {
        return true
    } else if len(string(encoding)) >= 2 && string(encoding)[0:2] == xdash {
        return c == NewContentEncoding(string(encoding)[2:])
    } else {
        return c == NewContentEncoding(xdash+string(encoding))

func (c ContentEncoding) print() string {
    return string(c)

type AcceptEncoding []ContentEncoding

func (ae AcceptEncoding) hasAtLeastOneValidEncoding() bool {
    var valid bool = false
    if len(ae) == 0 {
        valid = true
    } else if len(ae) == 1 && string(ae[0]) == emptyString {
        valid = true
    } else {
        for _, ce := range ae {
            valid = valid || ce.isSupported()
    return valid

func (ae AcceptEncoding) isCompatible(enc ContentEncoding) bool {
    var comp = false
    for _, ce := range ae {
        comp = comp || ce.matches(enc)
    return comp

const commaSpace = ", "

func (ae AcceptEncoding) Print() string {
    p := emptyString
    for _, ce := range ae {
        p = p + string(ce) + commaSpace
    p = p[:len(p)-2]
    return p

type proxyfunc func(*Proxy)

// Atmpt wraps connection attempts to specific upstreams that are already mapped by label
type Atmpt struct {
    URL             *URL
    Label           string
    Count           int
    StatusCode      int
    ContentEncoding ContentEncoding
    resp            *http.Response
    respBody        *[]byte
    CompleteHeader  chan struct{}
    CompleteBody    chan struct{}
    Aborted         <-chan struct{}
    AbortedFlag     bool
    CancelFunc      func()
    startDate       time.Time

func (atmpt Atmpt) print() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", atmpt.Count, Runner.Connection.Upstream.MaxAttempts)

// Resp wraps downstream http response writer and data
type Resp struct {
    Writer          http.ResponseWriter
    StatusCode      int
    Message         string
    Body            *[]byte
    ContentLength   int64
    ContentEncoding ContentEncoding

// Up wraps upstream
type Up struct {
    Atmpt  *Atmpt
    Atmpts []Atmpt
    Count  int

// Down wraps downstream exchange
type Down struct {
    Req            *http.Request
    Resp           Resp
    Method         string
    Host           string
    Path           string
    URI            string
    UserAgent      string
    AcceptEncoding AcceptEncoding
    Body           []byte
    Aborted        <-chan struct{}
    AbortedFlag    bool
    Timeout        <-chan struct{}
    TimeoutFlag    bool
    ReqTooLarge    bool
    startDate      time.Time
    HttpVer        string
    TlsVer         string
    Port           int
    Listener       string

// Proxy wraps data for a single downstream request/response with multiple upstream HTTP request/response cycles.
type Proxy struct {
    XRequestID   string
    XRequestInfo bool
    Up           Up
    Dwn          Down
    Route        *Route

func (proxy *Proxy) hasDownstreamAbortedOrTimedout() bool {

    //non blocking read if request context was aborted
    select {
    case <-proxy.Dwn.Timeout:
        proxy.Dwn.TimeoutFlag = true
    case <-proxy.Dwn.Aborted:
        proxy.Dwn.AbortedFlag = true
    if proxy.Dwn.TimeoutFlag == true {
        proxy.respondWith(504, gatewayTimeoutTriggeredByDownstreamEvent)
    } else if proxy.Dwn.AbortedFlag == true {
        proxy.respondWith(499, connectionClosedByRemoteUserAgent)
    return proxy.Dwn.AbortedFlag || proxy.Dwn.TimeoutFlag

func (proxy *Proxy) resolveUpstreamURI() string {
    uri := proxy.Up.Atmpt.URL.String() + proxy.Dwn.URI
    if len(proxy.Route.Transform) > 0 {
        t := proxy.Route.Transform
        if t == "/" {
            t = ""
        uri = proxy.Up.Atmpt.URL.String() + strings.Replace(proxy.Dwn.URI, proxy.Route.Path, t, 1)
    return uri

const abortedUpstreamAttempt = "upstream attempt aborted"

func (proxy *Proxy) abortAllUpstreamAttempts() {
    for _, atmpt := range proxy.Up.Atmpts {
        atmpt.AbortedFlag = true
        if atmpt.CancelFunc != nil {

func (proxy *Proxy) hasUpstreamAttemptAborted() bool {
    //non blocking read if request context was aborted
    select {
    case <-proxy.Up.Atmpt.Aborted:
        proxy.Up.Atmpt.AbortedFlag = true
    return proxy.Up.Atmpt.AbortedFlag

// tells us if we can safely retry with another upstream attempt
const upstreamRetriesStopped = "upstream retries stopped"

func (proxy *Proxy) shouldRetryUpstreamAttempt() bool {

    // part one is checking for repeatable methods. we don't retry i.e. POST
    retry := false
    for _, method := range httpRepeatableMethods {
        if proxy.Dwn.Method == method {
            if proxy.Up.Atmpt.Count < Runner.Connection.Upstream.MaxAttempts {
                retry = true
                break Retry
            retry = false

    // once downstream context has signalled, do not re-attempt upstream
    if proxy.hasDownstreamAbortedOrTimedout() {
        retry = false

    if !retry {

    return retry

func (proxy *Proxy) hasMadeUpstreamAttempt() bool {
    return proxy.Up.Atmpt != nil && proxy.Up.Atmpt.resp != nil

const headerParsed = "downstream request headers successfully parsed"
const bodyBytes = "bodyBytes"
const method = "method"
const path = "path"

// ParseIncoming is a factory method for a new ProxyRequest, embeds the incoming request.
func (proxy *Proxy) parseIncoming(request *http.Request) *Proxy {
    proxy.Dwn.startDate = time.Now()
    proxy.XRequestID = createXRequestID(request)

    //set request new request context for timeout
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.TODO())
    proxy.Dwn.Timeout = ctx.Done()
    time.AfterFunc(Runner.getDownstreamRoundTripTimeoutDuration(), func() {

    //this is separate context for abort. abort is manual close
    proxy.Dwn.Aborted = request.Context().Done()

    if !Runner.DisableXRequestInfo {
        proxy.XRequestInfo = parseXRequestInfo(request)
    proxy.Dwn.Host = parseHost(request)
    proxy.Dwn.Path = request.URL.EscapedPath()
    proxy.Dwn.URI = request.URL.RequestURI()
    proxy.Dwn.AcceptEncoding = parseAcceptEncoding(request)
    proxy.Dwn.HttpVer = parseHTTPVer(request)
    proxy.Dwn.TlsVer = parseTlsVersion(request)
    proxy.Dwn.UserAgent = parseUserAgent(request)
    proxy.Dwn.Method = parseMethod(request)
    proxy.Dwn.Listener = parseListener(request)
    proxy.Dwn.Port = parsePort(request)
    proxy.Dwn.Req = request
    proxy.Dwn.AbortedFlag = false

    infoOrTraceEv(proxy).Str(path, proxy.Dwn.Path).
        Str(method, proxy.Dwn.Method).
        Int64(dwnElpsdMicros, time.Since(proxy.Dwn.startDate).Microseconds()).
        Str(XRequestID, proxy.XRequestID).


    return proxy

const AcceptEncodingS = "Accept-Encoding"
const COMMA = ","
const STAR = "*"

func parseAcceptEncoding(request *http.Request) AcceptEncoding {
    //case insensitive
    var ae AcceptEncoding
    raw := request.Header.Get(AcceptEncodingS)

    //do not assume this header is set.
    encs := strings.Split(raw, COMMA)
    for _, e := range encs {
        ae = append(ae, NewContentEncoding(e))

    return ae

func parsePort(request *http.Request) int {
    if request.TLS == nil {
        return Runner.Connection.Downstream.Http.Port
    } else {
        return Runner.Connection.Downstream.Tls.Port

func parseListener(request *http.Request) string {
    if request.TLS == nil {
        return HTTP
    } else {
        return TLS

const dwnHeaderContentLengthZero = "downstream request has content-length 0, body not read"
const dwnBodyContentLengthExceedsMaxBytes = "downstream request body content-length %d exceeds max allowed bytes %d, refuse reading body"
const dwnBodyTooLarge = "downstream request body too large. %d body bytes > server max %d"
const dwnBodyReadTimeout = "downstream request body read timed out, cause: %v"
const dwnBodyReadAbort = "downstream request body read aborted, cause: %v"
const dwnBodyRead = "downstream request body read (%d/%d) bytes/content-length"
const timeout = "timeout"

func (proxy *Proxy) parseRequestBody(request *http.Request) {
    //content length 0, do not read just go back
    if request.ContentLength == 0 {
            Int64(dwnElpsdMicros, time.Since(proxy.Dwn.startDate).Microseconds()).
            Str(XRequestID, proxy.XRequestID).

    //only try to parse the request if supplied content-length is within limits
    if request.ContentLength >= Runner.Connection.Downstream.MaxBodyBytes {
        proxy.Dwn.ReqTooLarge = true
            Str(XRequestID, proxy.XRequestID).
            Int64(dwnElpsdMicros, time.Since(proxy.Dwn.startDate).Microseconds()).
            Msgf(dwnBodyContentLengthExceedsMaxBytes, request.ContentLength, Runner.Connection.Downstream.MaxBodyBytes)

    //create buffered reader so we can fetch chunks of request as they come.
    //No need to close request.Body of type io.ReadCloser, see:
    bodyReader := bufio.NewReader(http.MaxBytesReader(proxy.Dwn.Resp.Writer,

    var err error
    var buf []byte

    //read body. knows how to deal with transfer encoding: chunked, identity

    buf, err = ioutil.ReadAll(bodyReader)
    n := len(buf)
    if int64(n) > Runner.Connection.Downstream.MaxBodyBytes {
        proxy.Dwn.ReqTooLarge = true
            Str(path, proxy.Dwn.Path).
            Str(method, proxy.Dwn.Method).
            Str(XRequestID, proxy.XRequestID).
            Int64(dwnElpsdMicros, time.Since(proxy.Dwn.startDate).Microseconds()).
            Msgf(dwnBodyTooLarge, n, Runner.Connection.Downstream.MaxBodyBytes)
    } else if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
        ev := infoOrTraceEv(proxy).
            Str(path, proxy.Dwn.Path).
            Str(method, proxy.Dwn.Method).
            Str(XRequestID, proxy.XRequestID).
            Int64(dwnElpsdMicros, time.Since(proxy.Dwn.startDate).Microseconds())
        if strings.Contains(err.Error(), timeout) {
            proxy.Dwn.TimeoutFlag = true
            ev.Msgf(dwnBodyReadTimeout, err)
        } else {
            proxy.Dwn.AbortedFlag = true
            ev.Msgf(dwnBodyReadAbort, err)
    } else {
        proxy.Dwn.Body = buf
            Str(path, proxy.Dwn.Path).
            Str(method, proxy.Dwn.Method).
            Str(XRequestID, proxy.XRequestID).
            Int(bodyBytes, len(proxy.Dwn.Body)).
            Int64(dwnElpsdMicros, time.Since(proxy.Dwn.startDate).Microseconds()).
            Msgf(dwnBodyRead, n, request.ContentLength)


func infoOrTraceEv(proxy *Proxy) *zerolog.Event {
    var ev *zerolog.Event
    if proxy.XRequestInfo {
        ev = log.Info()
    } else {
        ev = log.Trace()
    return ev

func infoOrDebugEv(proxy *Proxy) *zerolog.Event {
    var ev *zerolog.Event
    if proxy.XRequestInfo {
        ev = log.Info()
    } else {
        ev = log.Debug()
    return ev

const colon = ":"

func isIPv6(address string) bool {
    ip := net.ParseIP(address)
    return ip != nil && ip.To4() == nil

func parseHost(request *http.Request) string {
    host := request.Host
    hostElements := strings.Split(host, ":")
    //trim port for ipv4
    if len(hostElements) == 2 {
        host = hostElements[0]

    //trim port for ipv6
    if strings.Contains(host, "]") {
        host = host[:strings.LastIndex(host, "]")+1]
    host, _ = idna.ToASCII(host)
    return host

func parseMethod(request *http.Request) string {
    return strings.ToUpper(request.Method)

func parseUserAgent(request *http.Request) string {
    ua := request.Header.Get("User-Agent")
    if len(ua) == 0 {
        ua = "unknown"
    return ua

func parseHTTPVer(request *http.Request) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d", request.ProtoMajor, request.ProtoMinor)

const xRequestInfo = "X-REQUEST-INFO"
const xRequestDebug = "X-REQUEST-DEBUG"
const trueStr = "true"

func parseXRequestInfo(request *http.Request) bool {
    h := request.Header.Get(xRequestInfo)
    h2 := request.Header.Get(xRequestDebug)
    return (len(h) > 0 && strings.ToLower(h) == trueStr) ||
        (len(h2) > 0 && strings.ToLower(h2) == trueStr)

// parseTlsVersion checks the TLS version of the incoming request.
// It returns the TLS version as a string.
// If the request has a valid TLS connection, the function checks
// the TLS version and returns "1.2" for TLS 1.2, "1.3" for TLS 1.3,
// and "unknown" for other TLS versions.
// If the request does not have a TLS connection, the function returns
// "none".
// Usage Example:
//    req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/hello", nil)
//    req.TLS = &tls.ConnectionState{
//        Version: tls.VersionTLS12,
//    }
//    if "1.2" != parseTlsVersion(req) {
//        t.Errorf("wrong TLS version")
//    }
func parseTlsVersion(request *http.Request) string {
    if request.TLS != nil {
        if request.TLS.Version == tls.VersionTLS12 {
            return string(TLS12)
        if request.TLS.Version == tls.VersionTLS13 {
            return string(TLS13)
        return string(TLS_UNKNOWN)
    } else {
        return string(TLS_NONE)

func createXRequestID(request *http.Request) string {
    //matches case insensitive
    xr := request.Header.Get(XRequestID)
    if len(xr) == 0 {
        uuid, _ := uuid.NewRandom()
        xr = fmt.Sprintf("XR-%s-%s", ID, uuid)
    return xr

func (proxy *Proxy) setOutgoing(out http.ResponseWriter) *Proxy {
    proxy.Dwn.Resp = Resp{
        Writer: out,
    return proxy

func (proxy Proxy) bodyReader() io.Reader {
    if len(proxy.Dwn.Body) > 0 {
        return bytes.NewReader(proxy.Dwn.Body)
    return nil

const upstreamAttemptInitialized = "upstream attempt initialized"

func (proxy *Proxy) firstAttempt(URL *URL, label string) *Proxy {
    first := Atmpt{
        Label:          label,
        URL:            URL,
        Count:          1,
        resp:           nil,
        respBody:       nil,
        CompleteHeader: make(chan struct{}),
        CompleteBody:   make(chan struct{}),
        Aborted:        make(chan struct{}),
        CancelFunc:     nil,
        startDate:      time.Now(),
    proxy.Up.Atmpts = []Atmpt{first}
    proxy.Up.Atmpt = &proxy.Up.Atmpts[0]
    proxy.Up.Count = 1

        Str(upResource, URL.String()).

    return proxy

const upAtmptCnt = "upAtmptCnt"

func (proxy *Proxy) nextAttempt() *Proxy {
    next := Atmpt{
        URL:            proxy.Up.Atmpt.URL,
        Label:          proxy.Up.Atmpt.Label,
        Count:          proxy.Up.Atmpt.Count + 1,
        StatusCode:     0,
        resp:           nil,
        respBody:       nil,
        CompleteHeader: make(chan struct{}),
        CompleteBody:   make(chan struct{}),
        Aborted:        make(chan struct{}),
        AbortedFlag:    false,
        CancelFunc:     nil,
        startDate:      time.Now(),
    proxy.Up.Atmpts = append(proxy.Up.Atmpts, next)
    proxy.Up.Count = next.Count
    proxy.Up.Atmpt = &proxy.Up.Atmpts[len(proxy.Up.Atmpts)-1]

        Int(upAtmptCnt, proxy.Up.Count).
        Str(upResource, next.URL.String()).
    return proxy

func (proxy *Proxy) copyUpstreamResponseHeaders() {
    for key, values := range proxy.Up.Atmpt.resp.Header {
        if shouldProxyHeader(key) {
            for _, value := range values {
                proxy.Dwn.Resp.Writer.Header().Add(key, value)

const upstreamEncodeFlate = "upstream response body re-encoded with flate before passing downstream"
const upstreamEncodeBr = "upstream response body re-encoded with brotli before passing downstream"
const upstreamEncodeGzip = "upstream response body re-encoded with gzip before passing downstream"
const upstreamCopyNoRecode = "upstream response body copied without re-coding before passing downstream"
const upstreamResponseNoBody = "upstream response has no body, nothing to copy before passing downstream"

const varyS = "Vary"

func (proxy *Proxy) encodeUpstreamResponseBody() {
    atmpt := *proxy.Up.Atmpt
    if atmpt.respBody != nil && len(*atmpt.respBody) > 0 {

        //we pass through all compressed responses as is, including unsupported deflate and compress codecs.
        //this includes custom encodings, i.e. multiple compressions in series.
        if atmpt.ContentEncoding.isEncoded() {
            proxy.Dwn.Resp.Body = atmpt.respBody
            proxy.Dwn.Resp.ContentEncoding = atmpt.ContentEncoding
        } else if proxy.Dwn.AcceptEncoding.isCompatible(EncGzip) {
            proxy.Dwn.Resp.Body = Gzip(*atmpt.respBody)
            proxy.Dwn.Resp.ContentEncoding = EncGzip
        } else if proxy.Dwn.AcceptEncoding.isCompatible(EncBrotli) {
            proxy.Dwn.Resp.Body = BrotliEncode(*atmpt.respBody)
            proxy.Dwn.Resp.ContentEncoding = EncBrotli
        } else {
            proxy.Dwn.Resp.Body = atmpt.respBody
            if len(atmpt.ContentEncoding) > 0 {
                //only set this if it was present upstream, otherwise assume nothing and leave empty.
                proxy.Dwn.Resp.ContentEncoding = atmpt.ContentEncoding
            } else {
                proxy.Dwn.Resp.ContentEncoding = EncIdentity

        //set this when present, but do not give instructions for empty values
        if len(proxy.Dwn.Resp.ContentEncoding) > 0 {
            proxy.Dwn.Resp.Writer.Header().Set(contentEncoding, proxy.Dwn.Resp.ContentEncoding.print())

        //send a vary header for accept encoding if final downstream content encoding
        //doesn't match expectations for content negotiation, i.e. when upstream was passed through.
        if !proxy.Dwn.AcceptEncoding.isCompatible(proxy.Dwn.Resp.ContentEncoding) {
            proxy.Dwn.Resp.Writer.Header().Set(varyS, acceptEncoding)

    } else {
        //just in case golang tries to use this value downstream.
        nobody := make([]byte, 0)
        proxy.Dwn.Resp.Body = &nobody

func (proxy *Proxy) setRoute(route *Route) {
    proxy.Route = route

const connectS = "CONNECT"
const head = "HEAD"

// RFC7230, section 3.3.2
func (proxy *Proxy) setContentLengthHeader() {
    proxy.Dwn.Resp.ContentLength = 0
    if proxy.Dwn.Resp.Body != nil {
        proxy.Dwn.Resp.ContentLength = int64(len(*proxy.Dwn.Resp.Body))

    if te := proxy.Dwn.Resp.Writer.Header().Get(transferEncoding); len(te) != 0 ||
        //we set 0 for status code 204 because of RFC7230, 4.3.7, see:
        //however golang removes this in it's own implementation.
        //Spec ambiguous, see Errata:
        //overall there is little harm done by absent header. J8a tests distinguish between
        //Content-Length==0 and no header present to detect when/if future golang version changes behavior.
        proxy.Dwn.Resp.StatusCode == 204 ||
        (proxy.Dwn.Resp.StatusCode >= 100 && proxy.Dwn.Resp.StatusCode < 200) ||
        proxy.Dwn.Method == connectS {
        proxy.Dwn.Resp.ContentLength = 0
    } else if proxy.Dwn.Method == head {
        //special case for upstream HEAD response with intact content-length we do copy
        //see RFC7231 4.3.2:
        cl := proxy.Up.Atmpt.resp.Header.Get(contentLength)
        cli, err := strconv.ParseInt(cl, 10, 64)
        if len(cl) > 0 && err == nil {
            proxy.Dwn.Resp.ContentLength = cli
        } else {
            proxy.Dwn.Resp.ContentLength = 0
    proxy.Dwn.Resp.Writer.Header().Set(contentLength, fmt.Sprintf("%d", proxy.Dwn.Resp.ContentLength))

func (proxy *Proxy) pipeDownstreamResponse() {

// status Code must be last, no headers may be written after this one.
func (proxy *Proxy) copyUpstreamStatusCodeHeader() {
    proxy.respondWith(proxy.Up.Atmpt.StatusCode, "none")

func (proxy *Proxy) sendDownstreamStatusCodeHeader() {

func (proxy *Proxy) respondWith(statusCode int, message string) *Proxy {
    proxy.Dwn.Resp.StatusCode = statusCode
    proxy.Dwn.Resp.Message = message
    return proxy

func (proxy *Proxy) hasLegalHTTPMethod() bool {
    for _, legal := range httpLegalMethods {
        if proxy.Dwn.Method == legal {
            return true
    return false

// get bearer token from request. feed into lib. check signature. check expiry. return true || false.
func (proxy *Proxy) validateJwt() bool {
    var token string = ""
    var err error
    ok := false

    ev := log.Trace().
        Str("dwnReqPath", proxy.Dwn.Path).
        Str(XRequestID, proxy.XRequestID)

    auth := proxy.Dwn.Req.Header.Get(Authorization)
    bearer := strings.Split(auth, Sep)

    if len(bearer) > 1 {
        token = bearer[1]
        routeSec := Runner.Jwt[proxy.Route.Jwt]
        alg := *new(jwa.SignatureAlgorithm)

        var parsed jwt.Token

        switch alg {
        case jwa.RS256, jwa.RS384, jwa.RS512, jwa.PS256, jwa.PS384, jwa.PS512:
            parsed, err = proxy.verifyJwtSignature(token, routeSec.RSAPublic, alg, ev)
        case jwa.ES256, jwa.ES384, jwa.ES512:
            parsed, err = proxy.verifyJwtSignature(token, routeSec.ECDSAPublic, alg, ev)
        case jwa.HS256, jwa.HS384, jwa.HS512:
            parsed, err = proxy.verifyJwtSignature(token, routeSec.Secret, alg, ev)
        case jwa.NoSignature:
            parsed, err = jwt.Parse([]byte(token))
            parsed, err = jwt.Parse([]byte(token))

        //date claims are verified separately to signature including skew
        skew, _ := strconv.Atoi(routeSec.AcceptableSkewSeconds)
        if parsed != nil && err == nil {
            err = verifyDateClaims(token, skew, ev)

        if parsed != nil && err == nil {
            err = proxy.verifyMandatoryJwtClaims(parsed, ev)

        if parsed != nil {
            logDateClaims(parsed, ev)

        ok = parsed != nil && err == nil
    } else {
        err = errors.New("jwt bearer token not present")

    if ok {
        ev.Int64("dwnElapsedMicros", time.Since(proxy.Dwn.startDate).Microseconds()).
            Msg("jwt token validated")
    } else {
        ev.Int64("dwnElapsedMicros", time.Since(proxy.Dwn.startDate).Microseconds()).
            Msgf("jwt token rejected, cause: %v", err)
    return ok

func (proxy *Proxy) verifyMandatoryJwtClaims(token jwt.Token, ev *zerolog.Event) error {
    var err error
    jwtc := Runner.Jwt[proxy.Route.Jwt]

    if jwtc.hasMandatoryClaims() {
        err = errors.New("failed to match any claims required by route")
        ev.Bool("jwtClaimsMatchRequiredAny", false)
        ev.Bool("jwtClaimsHasRequiredAny", true)
    } else {
        ev.Bool("jwtClaimsHasRequiredAny", false)

    for i, claim := range jwtc.Claims {
        if len(claim) > 0 {
            lk := "jwtClaimsMatchRequired[" + claim + "]"
            ev.Bool(lk, false)

            json, _ := token.AsMap(context.Background())
            iter := jwtc.claimsVal[i].Run(json)
            value, ok := iter.Next()
            if value != nil {
                if _, nok := value.(error); nok {
                    err = value.(error)
                } else if ok {
                    ev.Bool("jwtClaimsMatchRequiredAny", true)
                    ev.Bool(lk, ok)
                    return nil
                } else {
                    err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("claim not matched %s", claim))
    return err

func (proxy *Proxy) verifyJwtSignature(token string, keySet KeySet, alg jwa.SignatureAlgorithm, ev *zerolog.Event) (jwt.Token, error) {
    var msg *jws.Message
    var err error
    var parsed jwt.Token

    msg, err = jws.Parse([]byte(token))
    if len(msg.Signatures()) > 0 {
        //first we try to validate by a key with the kid parameter to match.
        kid := extractKid(token)
        var key interface{}
        if len(kid) > 0 {
            ev.Str("jwtKid", kid)

            key = keySet.Find(kid)
            if key != nil {
                parsed, err = jwt.Parse([]byte(token),
                    jwt.WithVerify(alg, key))
            } else {

        //TODO: try this with x5t SHA1 thumbprint on previously loaded keys to augment kid. If you're reading this
        //TODO: comment feel free to get in touch with a github issue.

        //if it didn't validate above, we try other keys, provided there are any
        if len(kid) == 0 ||
            key == nil ||
            (err != nil && len(keySet) > 1) {

            for _, kp := range keySet {
                parsed, err = jwt.Parse([]byte(token),
                    jwt.WithVerify(alg, kp.Key))
                if err == nil {
    } else {
        err = errors.New("no signature found on jwt token")
    return parsed, err

func (proxy *Proxy) triggerKeyRotationCheck(kid string) {
    route := proxy.Route
    routeSec := Runner.Jwt[route.Jwt]
    if len(routeSec.JwksUrl) > 0 {
        //MUST run async since it will block on loading remote JWKS key
        go routeSec.LoadJwks()
            Str("route", route.Path).
            Str("jwt", route.Jwt).
            Str(XRequestID, proxy.XRequestID).
            Msgf("unmatched kid [%v] on incoming req triggered background key rotation search for route [%v] jwt [%v]", kid, route.Path, route.Jwt)

func logDateClaims(parsed jwt.Token, ev *zerolog.Event) {
    if parsed.IssuedAt().Unix() > 1 {
        ev.Bool("jwtClaimsIat", true)
        ev.Str("jwtIatUtcIso", parsed.IssuedAt().Format(time.RFC3339))
        ev.Str("jwtIatLclIso", parsed.IssuedAt().Local().Format(time.RFC3339))
        ev.Int64("jwtIatUnix", parsed.IssuedAt().Unix())
    } else {
        ev.Bool("jwtClaimsIat", false)

    if parsed.NotBefore().Unix() > 1 {
        ev.Bool("jwtClaimsNbf", true)
        ev.Str("jwtNbfUtcIso", parsed.NotBefore().Format(time.RFC3339))
        ev.Str("jwtNbfLclIso", parsed.NotBefore().Local().Format(time.RFC3339))
        ev.Int64("jwtNbfUnix", parsed.NotBefore().Unix())
    } else {
        ev.Bool("jwtClaimsNbf", false)

    if parsed.Expiration().Unix() > 1 {
        ev.Bool("jwtClaimsExp", true)
        ev.Str("jwtExpUtcIso", parsed.Expiration().Format(time.RFC3339))
        ev.Str("jwtExpLclIso", parsed.Expiration().Local().Format(time.RFC3339))
        ev.Int64("jwtExpUnix", parsed.Expiration().Unix())
    } else {
        ev.Bool("jwtClaimsExp", false)

func verifyDateClaims(token string, skew int, ev *zerolog.Event) error {
    //arghh i need a deep copy of this token so i can modify it, but it's an interface wrapping a package private jwt.stdToken
    //so i need to parse it again.
    skewed, err := jwt.Parse([]byte(token))

    if skewed.IssuedAt().Unix() > int64(skew*1000) {
        ev.Bool("jwtClaimsIatValidated", true)
        skewed.Set("iat", skewed.IssuedAt().Add(-time.Second*time.Duration(skew)))
    if skewed.NotBefore().Unix() > int64(skew*1000) {
        ev.Bool("jwtClaimsNbfValidated", true)
        skewed.Set("nbf", skewed.NotBefore().Add(-time.Second*time.Duration(skew)))
    if skewed.Expiration().Unix() > 1 {
        ev.Bool("jwtClaimsExpValidated", true)
        skewed.Set("exp", skewed.Expiration().Add(time.Second*time.Duration(skew)))

    if skewed != nil {
        err = jwt.Validate(skewed)

    if err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "iat") {
        ev.Bool("jwtClaimsIatValidated", false)
    if err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "nbf") {
        ev.Bool("jwtClaimsNbfValidated", false)
    if err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "exp") {
        ev.Bool("jwtClaimsExpValidated", false)

    return err

func extractKid(token string) string {
    header := strings.Split(token, ".")[0]
    var decoded []byte
    decoded, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(header)
    if err != nil {
        return ""

    var jsonToken map[string]interface{} = make(map[string]interface{})
    err = json.Unmarshal(decoded, &jsonToken)
    if err != nil {
        return ""

    kid := jsonToken["kid"]

    switch kid.(type) {
    case string:
        return kid.(string)
        return ""