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Test Coverage
title: macOS Settings
description: Here are the macOS settings that we commonly use at sinProject.

Here are the macOS settings that we commonly use at sinProject.

## System Settings

### Appearance

Appearance: Dark

### Language & Region

Add English to the beginning of your preferred language

### Displays

Select More Space to increase the amount of information displayed

### Trackpad

- Tap to click: ON

### Trackpad Options

- Use trackpad for dragging: ON
- Dragging style: Three Finger Drag

### Keyboard

- Key repeat rate: Fast
- Delay until repeat: Short

### Function Keys

- Use F1, F2, etc: ON

### Customize modifier keys

- Caps Lock key: Command

### Control Center

- Bluetooth: Show in Menu Bar

### Desktop & Dock

- Dock: Automatically hide and show the Dock: ON

## Dock

Right click all apps and turn off Options > Keep in Dock

## Finder

- Menu - View: Show Path Bar
- Menu - Settings - Sidebar - <Account Name>: Checked
- Menu - Settings - Advanced - Show all filename extensions: Checked

Show hidden files in Finder with `Command + Shift + .`

## Apps

- [Homebrew](
- [Google Japanese Input](
  - Preferences: General - Space input style: Halfwidth
  - Open Keyboard Settings: Remove everything except ABC, Alphanumeric (Google), Hiragana (Google).
- [Alfred](
  - Appearance: Alfred Modern Dark
  - Advanced - Force Keyboard: Alphanumeric (Google)
- [Google Chrome](
- [Cursor](
  - The AI-first Code Editor: Build software faster in an editor designed for pair-programming with AI
- [VSCode](
- [Slack](
- [LINE](