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Test Coverage
title: 'SSH'
description: We use SSH as follows.

## SSH Key Generation

$ mkdir ~/.ssh
$ cd ~/.ssh
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Enter file: ubuntu@sinpro-dev
Enter passphrase: ********

ssh -i ~/.ssh/ubuntu@sinpro-dev ubuntu@153.127.***.***

## Using the SSH Config File

Create a new SSH client configuration: `~/.ssh/config`

Host sinpro-dev
    HostName 153.127.***.***
    Port ****
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/dev@sinpro-dev
    User dev

You can connect with the following command:

ssh sinpro-dev

## Port changing

### Packet Filtering

Set up a packet filter so you can connect to the destination port.

### Installing netstat on Ubuntu

# sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
# sudo apt install net-tools

[More Info >](

### Run the netstat

The SSH server on Ubuntu listen on TCP port 22 by default. You can run the netstat command to check ssh port currently running on:

# sudo netstat -tulnp | grep ssh

### Configurations

Open the file:

# sudo micro /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Edit the file:


### Restart the SSH server

# sudo systemctl restart ssh

### Confirm that the port has been changed

# sudo netstat -tulnp | grep ssh

## VSCode configuration

Install [Remote - SSH]( VSCode Extension.

This extension allows you to use VSCode by connecting via SSH.