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4 days
Test Coverage
import { test, expect, Page } from '@playwright/test'
import { auth_file_path } from './lib/setup.js'

test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
    await page.goto('./translate', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' })

    if (page.url().includes('/sign-in')) return

    await page.locator('#language_1').selectOption('en-US')
    await page.locator('#language_2').selectOption('ja-JP')

    await page.waitForTimeout(process.env.CI ? 1000 : 500)

test('before sign in', async ({ page }) => {
    await expect(page).toHaveTitle('Sign in - Talk')

test.describe('after sign in', () => {
    test.use({ storageState: auth_file_path })

    test('has title', async ({ page }) => {
        await expect(page).toHaveTitle('Translate - Talk')

    // test('clicking a text in the history moves it into the box', async ({ page }) => {
    //     const history_text = page.locator('.text').first()
    //     const text = await history_text.innerText()

    //     await

    //     const bottom_textarea = page.getByRole('textbox').first()

    //     await expect(bottom_textarea).toHaveValue(text)
    // })

    test('check main box heights', async ({ page }) => {
        const glass_panels = page.locator('.main-box')
        const count = await glass_panels.count()

        const box_heights: Array<number> = []

        for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            const glass_panel = glass_panels.nth(i)
            const box = await glass_panel.boundingBox()

            if (!box) throw new Error('box is null')


            if (box_heights.length > 0) {
                await expect(box.height).toBeCloseTo(box_heights[0], 1)

    test('check main box heights on mobile', async ({ page }) => {
        await page.setViewportSize({ width: 375, height: 812 })

        const glass_panels = page.locator('.main-box')
        const count = await glass_panels.count()

        const box_heights: Array<number> = []

        for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            const glass_panel = glass_panels.nth(i)
            const box = await glass_panel.boundingBox()

            if (!box) throw new Error('box is null')


            if (box_heights.length > 0) {
                await expect(box.height).toBeCloseTo(box_heights[0], 1)

    test('check if having no history hides box', async ({ page }) => {
        await clear_text(page)
        await fulfill_mock_text(page, 0)

        const history_box = page.getByTestId('history-box')

        await expect(history_box).toHaveClass(/invisible/)

    test('check if having 1 text in history shows box', async ({ page }) => {
        await clear_text(page)
        await fulfill_mock_text(page, 1)

        const history_box = page.getByTestId('history-box')

        await expect(history_box).toBeVisible()

    test('check if having 10 texts in history shows box', async ({ page }) => {
        await clear_text(page)
        await fulfill_mock_text(page, 10)

        const history_box = page.getByTestId('history-box')

        await expect(history_box).toBeVisible()

    test('adding text should display the translation', async ({ page }) => {
        await page.waitForSelector('.text-area')

        const from_text_area = page.locator('.text-area').first()

        await from_text_area.fill('Hello')

        await page.waitForTimeout(1000)

        const bottom_textarea = page.getByRole('textbox').nth(1)

        await expect(bottom_textarea).toHaveValue('こんにちは')

    // test('adding text should add it to the history', async ({ page }) => {
    //     await page.waitForSelector('.text-area')
    //     const from_text_area = page.locator('.text-area').first()

    //     await from_text_area.fill('Hello')
    //     await'Enter')

    //     const first_history_text = page.locator('.text').first()

    //     await expect(first_history_text).toHaveText('Hello')
    // })

    // Cannot use microphone
    // test('listening disables the top bar', async ({page}) => {
    //     await page.locator('.listen-button').first().click()

    //     await expect(page.locator('#language-1')).toBeDisabled()
    // })

    test('translate 250 characters', async ({ page }) => {
        await page.waitForSelector('.text-area')

        const from_text_area = page.locator('.text-area').first()

        const dummy_text = 'a'.repeat(250)

        await from_text_area.fill(dummy_text)

        const bottom_textarea = page.getByRole('textbox').nth(1)

        await expect(bottom_textarea).toHaveValue(/[あa]/)

    test('translate 251 characters', async ({ page }) => {
        await page.waitForSelector('.text-area')

        const from_text_area = page.locator('.text-area').first()

        const dummy_text = 'a'.repeat(251)

        await from_text_area.fill(dummy_text)

        const bottom_textarea = page.getByRole('textbox').nth(1)

        await expect(bottom_textarea).toHaveValue('翻訳できるのは 250文字までです。')

    test('having no text disables delete button', async ({ page }) => {
        await page.waitForTimeout(500)

        await page.waitForSelector('.text-area')

        const from_text_area = page.locator('.text-area').first()

        await from_text_area.fill('')

        const button = page.getByTestId('delete_button').first().getByRole('button')

        await expect(button).toBeDisabled()

    test('having text enables delete button', async ({ page }) => {
        await page.waitForSelector('.text-area')

        const from_text_area = page.locator('.text-area').first()

        await from_text_area.fill('Hello')

        const button = page.getByTestId('delete_button').first().getByRole('button')

        await expect(button).toBeEnabled()

    test('having no text disables tts button', async ({ page }) => {
        await page.waitForSelector('.text-area')

        const from_text_area = page.locator('.text-area').first()

        await from_text_area.fill('')

        const button = page.getByTestId('tts_button').first().getByRole('button')

        await expect(button).toBeDisabled()

    test('having text enables tts button', async ({ page }) => {
        await page.waitForSelector('.text-area')

        const from_text_area = page.locator('.text-area').first()

        await from_text_area.fill('Hello')

        const button = page.getByTestId('tts_button').first().getByRole('button')

        await expect(button).toBeEnabled()

    test('having no text disables copy button', async ({ page }) => {
        await page.waitForSelector('.text-area')

        const from_text_area = page.locator('.text-area').first()

        await from_text_area.fill('')

        const button = page.getByTestId('copy_button').first().getByRole('button')

        await expect(button).toBeDisabled()

    test('having text enables copy button', async ({ page }) => {
        await page.waitForSelector('.text-area')

        const from_text_area = page.locator('.text-area').first()

        await from_text_area.fill('Hello')

        const button = page.getByTestId('copy_button').first().getByRole('button')

        await expect(button).toBeEnabled()

    async function clear_text(page: Page): Promise<void> {
        await page.reload()

        await page.route('/api/text/en/10', async (route) => {
            const json = {}

            await route.fulfill({ json })

    async function fulfill_mock_text(page: Page, limit: number): Promise<void> {
        await page.route('/api/text/en/10', async (route) => {
            if (limit === 0) await route.fulfill({ json: {} })

            const json = mock_data.slice(0, limit)

            await route.fulfill({ json })

const mock_data = [
        id: 110,
        created_at: '2023-02-02T10:08:24.353Z',
        updated_at: '2023-02-03T03:45:18.769Z',
        language_id: 1,
        text: "I'm curious I'm a",
        id: 103,
        created_at: '2023-02-02T08:29:28.702Z',
        updated_at: '2023-02-03T03:32:23.966Z',
        language_id: 1,
        text: 'what',
        id: 93,
        created_at: '2023-02-02T08:22:09.521Z',
        updated_at: '2023-02-02T10:07:47.816Z',
        language_id: 1,
        text: "I'm curious I'm a curious boy",
        id: 95,
        created_at: '2023-02-02T08:24:58.010Z',
        updated_at: '2023-02-02T10:07:41.140Z',
        language_id: 1,
        text: 'Hello',
        id: 101,
        created_at: '2023-02-02T08:28:48.609Z',
        updated_at: '2023-02-02T10:05:10.247Z',
        language_id: 1,
        text: 'okay, how does this work?',
        id: 108,
        created_at: '2023-02-02T08:45:37.404Z',
        updated_at: '2023-02-02T09:42:03.718Z',
        language_id: 1,
        text: 'What the heck',
        id: 87,
        created_at: '2023-02-02T08:21:39.053Z',
        updated_at: '2023-02-02T09:42:02.716Z',
        language_id: 1,
        text: "hi what did you eat for dinner what did you for lunch today what's",
        id: 90,
        created_at: '2023-02-02T08:21:58.677Z',
        updated_at: '2023-02-02T09:03:27.600Z',
        language_id: 1,
        text: "I'm always there",
        id: 105,
        created_at: '2023-02-02T08:29:32.640Z',
        updated_at: '2023-02-02T09:03:27.460Z',
        language_id: 1,
        text: 'Japan',
        id: 97,
        created_at: '2023-02-02T08:26:09.715Z',
        updated_at: '2023-02-02T09:03:26.859Z',
        language_id: 1,
        text: 'what the heck!',