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Sensor Environment Variables

The SITCH Sensor requires some environment variables to be set in order to operate.

| Environment Variable      | Purpose                                               |
| CGI_WHITELIST             | (Optional) List of trusted CGIs.                      |
| FEED_RADIO_TARGETS        | (Optional) Radio types to target for feed ingestion.  |
|                           |                                                       |
|                           | Defaults to ``GSM``                                   |
| FEED_URL_BASE             | (Optional) Base URL for Sensor feed.                  |
|                           |                                                       |
|                           | Defaults to SITCH auto-built public feed              |
| GSM_MODEM_BAND            | Restrict GSM modem to this band.  Options:            |
|                           | (EGSM_MODE | PGSM_MODE | DCS_MODE | GSM850_MODE |     |
|                           | PCS_MODE | EGSM_DCS_MODE | GSM850_PCS_MODE |          |
|                           | EGSM_PCS_MODE | ALL_BAND)                             |
|                           |                                                       |
|                           | Defaults to ``ALL_BAND``                              |
| GSM_MODEM_PORT            | (Optional) Set the tty for the GSM modem.  If unset,  |
|                           | the Sensor will attempt to auto-configure             |
| KAL_BAND                  | Band for Kalibrate to scan. (GSM850 | GSM-R |         |
|                           | GSM900 | EGSM | DCS | PCS)                            |
|                           |                                                       |
|                           | Defaults to ``GSM850``                                |
| KAL_GAIN                  | Gain value for Kalibrate.                             |
|                           |                                                       |
|                           | Defaults to ``60``                                    |
| KAL_THRESHOLD             | Alarm threshold for Kalibrate channel power level.    |
|                           |                                                       |
|                           | Defaults to ``1000000``                               |
| LOCATION_NAME             | Name of the location for this sensor.  No spaces.     |
| LOG_HOST                  | Logstash endpoint.                                    |
|                           | Formatted like this: ``hostname:port``                |
| MCC_LIST                  | (Optional) List of Mobile Country Codes to ingest     |
|                           | from feed.  List is comma-separated: ``310,311,316``  |
|                           |                                                       |
|                           | Defaults to ``310,311,312,316``                       |
| MODE                      | Set to ``clutch`` to go into a wait loop on start.    |
|                           | Useful for troubleshooting.                           |
|                           |                                                       |
|                           | Defaults to ``full``                                  |
| NO_FEED_UPDATE            | (Optional) If set, do not attempt to update the feed  |
|                           | on boot.                                              |
| STATE_LIST                | Comma-separated list of states for feed ingestion.    |
|                           | California and Texas would be: ``CA,TX``              |
| VAULT_PATH                | Path to Logstash/Filebeat credentials in Vault.       |
|                           |                                                       |
|                           | Defaults to ``secret/client``, which will work with   |
|                           | the demo environment.                                 |
| VAULT_TOKEN               | Client token used to retrieve credentials from Vault. |
| VAULT_URL                 | URL for Vault instance containing Logstash/Filebeat   |
|                           | credentials. Looks like: ```` |
| NO_FEED_UPDATE            | If set, do not attempt to update the feed on boot.    |
| GSM_MODEM_PORT            | (Optional) GSM modem USB-TTY port. This should        |
|                           | be autodetected and not need to be set.               |
|                           | Looks like: ``/dev/ttyUSB0``                          |
|                           | See: "Found but undetected TTY " in the docs          |
| GPS_DEVICE_PORT           | (Optional) GPS device USB-TTY port. This should       |
|                           | be autodetected and not need to be set.               |
|                           | Looks like: ``/dev/ttyUSB0``                          |
|                           | See: "Found but undetected TTY " in the docs          |