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package dynagodb

import (


var (
    // ErrNullBackend is returned if you try to create an iterator with a null backend
    ErrNullBackend = fmt.Errorf("Cannot create an Iter with a null backend")

// Iter provides a convenient interface for iterating over the elements returned
// from paginated list API calls. Successive calls to the Next method will step
// through each item in the list, fetching pages of items as needed. Iterators
// are not thread-safe, so they should not be consumed across multiple
// goroutines.
type Iter struct {
    b            *Backend
    cur          map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue
    err          error
    nextStartKey map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue
    values       []map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue

// NewIter returns a pointer to an Iter for the backend provided. It performs
// an initial scan to populate the first page, and stores the next key to scan.
func NewIter(b *Backend) *Iter {
    // Ensure we didn't get a null backend
    if b == nil {
        return &Iter{
            err: ErrNullBackend,

    it := &Iter{
        b: b,


    return it

// Current returns the most recent item visited by a call to Next.
func (it *Iter) Current() map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue {
    return it.cur

// Err returns the error, if any, that caused the Iter to stop. It must be
// inspected after Next returns false.
func (it *Iter) Err() error {
    return it.err

// Next advances the Iter to the next item in the list, which will then be
// available through the Current method. It returns false when the iterator
// stops at the end of the list.
func (it *Iter) Next() bool {
    if len(it.values) == 0 && it.nextStartKey != nil {
        // get more pages

    if len(it.values) == 0 {
        // we are finished here
        return false

    it.cur = it.values[0]
    it.values = it.values[1:]

    return true

func (it *Iter) getNextPage() {
    input := &dynamodb.ScanInput{
        ExclusiveStartKey: it.nextStartKey,
        TableName:         it.b.TableName,

    out, err := it.b.Service.Scan(input)
    if err != nil {
        it.err = err

    it.nextStartKey = out.LastEvaluatedKey
    it.values = out.Items