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 * maryamyriameliamurphies.js
 * A library of Haskell-style morphisms ported to ES2015 JavaScript.
 * foldable.js
 * @file Foldable type class.
 * @license ISC

/** @module foldable */

import {
} from './base';

import {
} from './type';

import {
} from './monoid';

import {fmap} from './functor';

import {error} from './error';

 * A `Foldable` is a data structure that can be folded into a summary value. Lists are a common form
 * of foldable. Instances of Foldable must define a `foldr` method.
 * @param {*} - Any object
 * @returns {boolean} `true` if an object is an instance of `Foldable` and `false` otherwise
 * @kind function
export const Foldable = defines(`foldr`);

 * Combine the elements of a structure using the monoid. For example, fold a list of lists into a
 * single list.
 * <br>`Haskell> fold :: Monoid m => t m -> m`
 * @param {Object} a - The monoid to fold
 * @returns {Object} The folded monoid
 * @kind function
 * @example
 * const mb = just(1);
 * const mmb = just(mb);
 * const lst = list(1,2,3); // => [1:2:3:[]]
 * const llst = list(lst);  // => [[1:2:3:[]]:[]]
 * fold(llst);              // => [1:2:3:[]]
 * fold(mmb);               // => Just 1
export const fold = a => foldMap(id, a);

 * Map each element of the structure to a monoid, and combine the results.
 * <br>`Haskell> foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m`
 * @param {Function} f - The function to map
 * @param {Object} a - The monoid to map over
 * @returns {Object} A new monoid of the same type, the result of the mapping
 * @kind function
 * @example
 * const mb = just(1);
 * const lst = list(1,2,3);
 * const f1 = x => just(x * 3);
 * const f2 = x => list(x * 3);
 * foldMap(f1, mb);             // => Just 3
 * foldMap(f2, lst);            // => [3:6:9:[]]
export const foldMap = (f, a) => {
  const foldMap_ = (f, a) => Monoid(a) ? $(mconcat)(fmap(f))(a) : error.typeError(a, foldMap);
  return partial(foldMap_, f, a);

 * Right-associative fold of a structure. This is the work horse function of `Foldable`. See also
 * the list reducing function `foldl` for the left-associative version.
 * <br>`Haskell> foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b`
 * @param {Function} f - A binary function
 * @param {*} z - A base accumulator value
 * @param {Object} t - A `Foldable` type
 * @returns {*} The result of applying the function to the foldable and the accumulator
 * @kind function
 * @example
 * const mb = just(1);
 * const tup = tuple(1,2);
 * const lst = list(1,2,3);
 * const f = (x, y) => x + y;
 * foldr(f, 0, mb);           // => 1
 * foldr(f, 0, tup);          // => 2
 * foldr(f, 0, lst);          // => 6
export const foldr = (f, z, t) => {
  const foldr_ = (f, z, t) => {
    return Foldable(t) ? dataType(t).foldr(f, z, t) : error.typeError(t, foldr);
  return partial(foldr_, f, z, t);