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# Application name, version and description are displayed under the management endpoint "/info".
# When running under IDE, and will be used.
# Otherwise, the application name and version are retrieved from the packaged JAR file.
# automation application
# Server port when running locally
# This value may be mapped to port 80 when deployed to cloud
# If this parameter is not available, it will fall back to use "server.port".
# This additional parameter allows rest-automation library to be used with the "rest-spring" library
# when traditional JAX-RS and servlets are needed.
# When used with rest-spring library, your application would use 2 ports:
# one for rest-automation ("rest.server.port") and the other for rest-spring ("server.port")
# In combined mode, please use "" instead of ""
# Where to load the static files:
# For embedded resources --> classpath:/public
# For files in local file system --> file:/opt/html
# Default welcome page is "index.html"


# websocket configuration

# cloud.connector = none | kafka | hazelcast | activemq | tibco | ...
# = comma separated list of optional cloud services

# health admin endpoint dependencies

# advanced features

# additional security to protect against model injection to avoid deserialization security vulnerability
# comma separated list of model packages that are considered safe to be used for object deserialization
# Uncomment and change it to your permitted packages

# environment and system properties to be exposed to the "/env" admin endpoint
#show.env.variables=USER, TEST, cloud.connector

# route substitution
# comma separated list. The format of each entry is a:b where b replaces a

# REST automation configuration files
# (the first available will be used)
rest.automation.yaml=file:/tmp/config/rest.yaml, classpath:/rest.yaml

# If api.origin is present, it will override "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" in the CORS headers
# Access-Control-Allow-Origin must be "*" or domain name starting with "http://" or "https://"
# The use of wildcard "*" should only be allowed for non-prod environments.

# TraceId Http header
# Command separated traceID labels in HTTP headers
# All the labels will be accepted as incoming traceID.
# default is X-Trace-Id
trace.http.header=X-Correlation-Id, X-Trace-Id

# You can shutdown, suspend or resume an application instance from a presence monitor
# to the current app instance or a remote instance
# with the exception of the "presence monitor" that can only be invoked directly.
# Shutdown - stop an application so that the container management system will restart it
# suspend - tell the application instance not to accept incoming requests
# resume - tell the application instance to accept incoming requests
# POST /shutdown
# POST /suspend/{now | later}
# POST /resume/{now | later}
# http header:
# X-App-Instance=origin_id_here
# If you set to true, the following info endpoints
# will also be protected using the X-App-Instance HTTP request header.
# GET /info
# GET /info/lib
# GET /info/routes
# GET /health
# GET /env
# If you provide origin_id in the X-App-Instance header, you can access
# the info endpoints of an application instance from a remote instance.