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# API playground

This is a standalone application that uses swagger UI for the rendering of OpenAPI 2.0 and 3.0 specification files.

This application is designed as a convenient tool for API design, tests and discussion among developers and 
product owners.

You can drop your OpenAPI 3.0 JSON or YAML files in the api-playground folder so that you can select anyone
of them to render the documentation.

## Before you start

1. Clone the latest version from
2. Copy content from the swagger-ui `dist` folder to the "resources/swagger-ui" folder
3. Remove all * files from the "swagger-ui" folder
4. Remove the file from the "swagger-ui" folder
5. Perform `mvn clean package` to generate the executable JAR

## OpenAPI specs file folder

The default directory is `/tmp/api-playground`

To change this file location, you can do:
1. update and rebuild the application, or
2. change the directory location by overriding the "api.playground.apps" parameter when starting up this 

java -Dapi.playground.apps=another_location -jar api-playground-2.8.0.jar

where another location is a folder in the local file system.

When you click the "API playground" in the top navigation bar, it will reload the application dropdown box with the 
available files in the API specs folder.

## Running this application

Please visit after starting this application.

Using default API specs location,
java -jar api-playground-2.8.0.jar

With user defined API specs location,
java -Dapi.playground.apps=another_location -jar api-playground-2.8.0.jar

## How this application is created?

1. This application is created using "mercury/examples/rest-example" as a template
2. Clone
3. Copy content from its "dist" folder to the "resources/swagger-ui" folder
4. Remove all * files from the "swagger-ui" folder
5. Download bootstrap 4.4.1 and Jquery 3.4.1 and save them under bootstrap and jquery folders in the "public" 
   folder under resources
6. A custom "HomePage" WebServlet for user to select a OpenAPI 3.0 JSON/YAML file to override the "index.html" page
7. A sample home.yaml OpenAPI file in the "public/playground" folder
8. A playgroundApi JAX-RS endpoint to render the home page

## Acknowledgements

This application use the following open sources:
1. Accenture mercury under Apache 2.0 license -
2. Swagger UI under Apache 2.0 license -
3. Jquery under MIT license -
4. Bootstrap under MIT license -