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# REST automation is the recommended way to create REST endpoints properly
# Note that URL comparison is case-insensitive but case sensitivity is preserved
# for the original URL and path parameters
  # service should be a target service name or a list of service names
  # If more than one service name is provided, the first one is the primary target
  # and the rest are secondary target(s). The system will copy the HTTP request event to the secondary targets.
  # This feature is used for seamless legacy system migration where we can send
  # the same request to the old and the new services at the same time for A/B comparison.
  - service: [""]
    methods: ['GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'HEAD', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']
    url: "/api/hello/world"
    timeout: 10s
    # Optional authentication service which should return a true or false result
    # The authentication service can also add session info in headers using EventEnvelope as a response
    # and annotate trace with key-values that you want to persist into distributed trace logging.
    # You can also route the authentication request to different functions based on HTTP request header
    # i.e. you can provide a single authentication function or a list of functions selected by header routing.
    # If you want to route based on header/value, use the "key: value : service" format.
    # For routing using header only, use "key: service" format
    # For default authentication service, use "default: service" format
    #    authentication: "v1.api.auth"
#    authentication:
#      - "x-app-name: demo : v1.demo.auth"
#      - "authorization: v1.basic.auth"
#      - "default: v1.api.auth"
    cors: cors_1
    headers: header_1
    # for HTTP request body that is not JSON/XML, it will be turned into a stream if it is undefined
    # or larger than threshold. Otherwise, it will be delivered as a byte array in the message body.
    # Default is 50000 bytes, min is 5000, max is 500000
    threshold: 5000
    # optionally, you can turn on Distributed Tracing
    tracing: true

  - service: ""
    methods: ['POST']
    url: "/api/upload/demo"
    # to support multipart file upload, set upload to true
    upload: true
    timeout: 15s
    cors: cors_1
    headers: header_1

  # demonstrate path parameter and wild card
  - service: ""
    methods: ['GET', 'PUT', 'POST']
    url: "/api/nice/{task}/*"
    timeout: 12
    cors: cors_1
    headers: header_1

  # When service is a URL, it will relay HTTP or HTTPS requests.
  # "trust_all_cert" and "url_rewrite" are optional.
  # For target host with self-signed certificate, you may set "trust_all_cert" to true.
  # trust_all_cert: true
  # "url_rewrite", when present as a list of 2 strings, is used to rewrite the url.
  # e.g. url_rewrite: ['/api/v1', '/v1/api']
  # In this example, "/api/v1" will be replaced with "/v1/api"
  - service: ""
    trust_all_cert: true
    methods: ['GET', 'PUT', 'POST']
    url: "/api/v1/*"
    url_rewrite: ['/api/v1', '/api']
    timeout: 20
    cors: cors_1
    headers: header_1
    tracing: true

  - service: ""
    methods: ['GET']
    url: "/api/hello/download"
    timeout: 20
    cors: cors_1
    headers: header_1

# CORS HEADERS for pre-flight (HTTP OPTIONS) and normal responses
# Access-Control-Allow-Origin must be "*" or domain name starting with "http://" or "https://"
# The use of wildcard "*" should only be allowed for non-prod environments.
# For production, please add the "api.origin" key in the
# In this example, the api.origin value will be used to override the value
# in "Access-Control-Allow-Origin".
  - id: cors_1
    # origin is optional. If present, it will replace Access-Control-Allow-Origin value in options and headers
    origin: ${api.origin}
      - "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"
      - "Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, DELETE, PUT, POST, PATCH, OPTIONS"
      - "Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, Authorization, X-Session-Id, X-Correlation-Id, Accept, Content-Type, X-Requested-With"
      - "Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400"
      - "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"
      - "Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, DELETE, PUT, POST, PATCH, OPTIONS"
      - "Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, Authorization, X-Session-Id, X-Correlation-Id, Accept, Content-Type, X-Requested-With"
      - "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true"

# add/drop/keep HTTP request and response headers
  - id: header_1
      # headers to be inserted
      #    add: ["hello-world: nice"]
      # keep and drop are mutually exclusive where keep has precedent over drop
      # i.e. when keep is not empty, it will drop all headers except those to be kept
      # when keep is empty and drop is not, it will drop only the headers in the drop list
      # e.g.
      # keep: ['x-session-id', 'user-agent']
      # drop: ['Upgrade-Insecure-Requests', 'cache-control', 'accept-encoding', 'host', 'connection']
      drop: ['Upgrade-Insecure-Requests', 'cache-control', 'accept-encoding', 'host', 'connection']

      # the system can filter the response headers set by a target service
      # but it cannot remove any response headers set by the underlying servlet container.
      # However, you may override non-essential headers using the "add" directive. e.g. the "server" header.
      # i.e. don't touch essential headers such as content-length.
      #     keep: ['only_this_header_and_drop_all']
      #     drop: ['drop_only_these_headers', 'another_drop_header']
      #      add: ["server: mercury"]
      # You may want to add cache-control to disable browser and CDN caching.
      # add: ["Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store", "Pragma: no-cache", "Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"]
        - "Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000"
        - "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store"
        - "Pragma: no-cache"
        - "Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"