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# hashtagify
Um...make hashtags from strings

## Usage:
You'll notice that these method names mirror the results that will be returned.

To generate lowercase hashtag:

use Skybluesofa\Hashtagify;

echo Hashtagify::lowercase('The time is now!');
// "#thetimeisnow"

To generate uppercase hashtag:

use Skybluesofa\Hashtagify;

echo Hashtagify::UPPERCASE('The time is now!');

To generate camelcase hashtag:

use Skybluesofa\Hashtagify;

echo Hashtagify::camelCase('The time is now!');
// "#theTimeIsNow"

To generate Pascal case hashtag:

use Skybluesofa\Hashtagify;

echo Hashtagify::PascalCase('The time is now!');
// "#TheTimeIsNow"

To generate hashtag using same case as what was entered:

use Skybluesofa\Hashtagify;

echo Hashtagify::asIs('The time is now, Jim!');
// "#ThetimeisnowJim"

To generate snake case hashtag with all words uppercased:

use Skybluesofa\Hashtagify;

echo Hashtagify::Uppercase_Snake('The time is now!');
// "#The_Time_Is_Now"

To generate snake case hashtag with all words lowercased:

use Skybluesofa\Hashtagify;

echo Hashtagify::lowercase_snake('The time is now!');
// "#the_time_is_now"

To generate snake case hashtag with all words uppercased, except the first, which is lowercased:

use Skybluesofa\Hashtagify;

echo Hashtagify::camelcase_Snake('The time is now!');
// "#the_Time_Is_Now"