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 * WooCommerce Payment Gateway Framework
 * This source file is subject to the GNU General Public License v3.0
 * that is bundled with this package in the file license.txt.
 * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
 * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
 * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
 * to so we can send you a copy immediately.
 * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade the plugin to newer
 * versions in the future. If you wish to customize the plugin for your
 * needs please refer to
 * @package   SkyVerge/WooCommerce/Payment-Gateway/Admin
 * @author    SkyVerge
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2024, SkyVerge, Inc.
 * @license GNU General Public License v3.0

namespace SkyVerge\WooCommerce\PluginFramework\v5_12_4\Payment_Gateway\Handlers;

use SkyVerge\WooCommerce\PluginFramework\v5_12_4 as FrameworkBase;

if ( ! class_exists( '\\SkyVerge\\WooCommerce\\PluginFramework\\v5_12_4\\Payment_Gateway\\Handlers\\Abstract_Hosted_Payment_Handler' ) ) :

 * The base hosted payment handler.
 * Gateways can use this for common hosted response handling.
 * @since 5.4.0
abstract class Abstract_Hosted_Payment_Handler extends Abstract_Payment_Handler {

     * Adds the action & filter hooks.
     * @since 5.4.0
    protected function add_hooks() {


        // renders the payment page
        add_action( 'woocommerce_receipt_' . $this->get_gateway()->get_id(), array( $this, 'payment_page' ) );

        // payment notification listener hook
        if ( ! has_action( 'woocommerce_api_' . $this->get_gateway()->get_id() . '_process_payment', array( $this, 'handle_transaction_response_request' ) ) ) {
            add_action( 'woocommerce_api_' . $this->get_gateway()->get_id() . '_process_payment', array( $this, 'handle_transaction_response_request' ) );

     * Processes a new order payment.
     * This simply gets the URL for a redirect.
     * @since 5.4.0
     * @param \WC_Order $order order object
     * @return array
     * @throws FrameworkBase\SV_WC_Plugin_Exception
    public function process_order_payment( \WC_Order $order ) {

        if ( $this->is_redirect() ) {
            $payment_url = add_query_arg( $this->get_order_payment_params( $order ), $this->get_hosted_payment_url() );
        } else {
            $payment_url = $order->get_checkout_payment_url( true );

        return array(
            'result'   => 'success',
            'redirect' => $payment_url,

     * Renders the payment page.
     * @since 5.4.0
     * @param int $order_id order ID
    public function payment_page( $order_id ) {

        // stub

     * Gets payment params for the given order object.
     * @since 5.4.0
     * @param \WC_Order $order order object
     * @return array
    public function get_order_payment_params( \WC_Order $order ) {

        return array();

     * Gets the URL for the hosted payment page or form.
     * @since 5.4.0
     * @return string
    abstract protected function get_hosted_payment_url();

     * Gets the response handler URL.
     * @since 5.4.0
     * @return string
    public function get_response_handler_url() {

        return add_query_arg( 'wc-api', $this->get_gateway()->get_id() . '_process_payment', home_url( '/' ) );

     * Handles a transaction response request via the wc-api endpoint.
     * @since 5.4.0
    public function handle_transaction_response_request() {

        $order    = null;
        $response = null;

        try {

            // get the transaction response object for the current request
            $response = $this->get_transaction_response( $_REQUEST );

            // log the request
            $this->log_transaction_response_request( $response->to_string_safe() );

            // get the associated order, or die trying
            $order = $this->get_order_from_response( $response );

            // handle the order based on the response
            $this->process_transaction_response( $response, $order );

            $this->do_transaction_response_complete( $order, $response );

            // catch general gateway exceptions, which indicate payment processing failures where the order should be retried
        } catch ( FrameworkBase\SV_WC_Payment_Gateway_Exception $exception ) {

            // try and get a user-friendly message if available
            if ( ( $user_exception = $exception->getPrevious() ) && $user_exception->getMessage() ) {
                $user_message = $user_exception->getMessage();
            } else {
                $user_message = '';

            $this->do_transaction_response_failed( $order, $exception->getMessage(), $user_message, $response );

            // catch other exceptions i.e. for malformed responses, where we don't want the customer to retry the order
        } catch ( \Exception $exception ) {

            if ( WC()->session ) {
                WC()->session->held_order_received_text = __( 'There was a problem processing your order and it is being placed on hold for review. Please contact us to complete the transaction.', 'woocommerce-plugin-framework' );

            // bail out and don't add a customer-facing notice to avoid them resubmitting
            $this->do_transaction_response_invalid( $order, $exception->getMessage(), $response );

     * Handles the response when processing is complete.
     * @since 5.4.0
     * @param \WC_Order|null $order order object, if any
     * @param FrameworkBase\SV_WC_Payment_Gateway_API_Response|null $response API response object, if any
    protected function do_transaction_response_complete( \WC_Order $order = null, FrameworkBase\SV_WC_Payment_Gateway_API_Response $response = null ) {

        $this->do_transaction_request_response( $response, $this->get_gateway()->get_return_url( $order ) );

     * Handles the response when processing has failed.
     * @since 5.4.0
     * @param \WC_Order|null $order order object, if any
     * @param string $message error message, for logging
     * @param string $user_message user-facing message
     * @param FrameworkBase\SV_WC_Payment_Gateway_API_Response|null $response API response object, if any
    protected function do_transaction_response_failed( \WC_Order $order = null, $message = '', $user_message = '', FrameworkBase\SV_WC_Payment_Gateway_API_Response $response = null ) {

        $this->get_gateway()->add_debug_message( $message, 'error' );

        if ( ! $user_message || ! is_string( $user_message ) ) {
            $user_message = __( 'An error occurred, please try again or try an alternate form of payment.', 'woocommerce-plugin-framework' );

        FrameworkBase\SV_WC_Helper::wc_add_notice( $user_message, 'error' );

        $this->do_transaction_request_response( $response, $order ? $order->get_checkout_payment_url() : '' );

     * Handles the response when the response data is invalid.
     * This will trigger when there is no way to salvage the payment, i.e. when the response data is invalid.
     * @since 5.4.0
     * @param \WC_Order|null $order order object, if any
     * @param string $message error message, for logging
     * @param FrameworkBase\SV_WC_Payment_Gateway_API_Response|null $response API response object, if any
    protected function do_transaction_response_invalid( \WC_Order $order = null, $message = '', FrameworkBase\SV_WC_Payment_Gateway_API_Response $response = null ) {

        $this->get_gateway()->add_debug_message( $message, 'error' );

        // if we have an order, mark it as held and add an order note
        if ( $order ) {

            if ( $order->is_paid() ) {
                $order->add_order_note( $message );
            } else {
                $this->mark_order_as_held( $order, $message, $response );

        $this->do_transaction_request_response( $response, $order ? $this->get_gateway()->get_return_url( $order ) : '' );

     * Handles the final payment request response.
     * This is the final step after all payment verification and processing, and runs regardless of the transaction
     * result.
     * @since 5.4.0
     * @param FrameworkBase\SV_WC_Payment_Gateway_API_Response|null $response
     * @param string $url
    protected function do_transaction_request_response( FrameworkBase\SV_WC_Payment_Gateway_API_Response $response = null, $url = '' ) {

        // if this is an IPN handler
        if ( $this->is_ipn() ) {
            status_header( 200 );

        wp_safe_redirect( $url ?: home_url() );

     * Logs a transaction response request.
     * @since 5.4.0
     * @param string $request data to log
     * @param string $message prefix message, like Request: or Response:
    protected function log_transaction_response_request( $request, $message = '' ) {

        // add log message to WC logger if log/both is enabled
        if ( $this->get_gateway()->debug_log() ) {

            // if a message wasn't provided, make our best effort
            if ( ! $message ) {
                $message = 'Request: %s';

            $this->get_gateway()->get_plugin()->log( sprintf( $message, print_r( $request, true ) ), $this->get_gateway()->get_id() );

     * Gets an order object from an API response.
     * @since 5.4.0
     * @param FrameworkBase\SV_WC_Payment_Gateway_API_Payment_Notification_Response $response
     * @return \WC_Order
     * @throws \Exception
    protected function get_order_from_response( FrameworkBase\SV_WC_Payment_Gateway_API_Payment_Notification_Response $response ) {

        $order = wc_get_order( $response->get_order_id() );

        // if the order is invalid, bail
        if ( ! $order ) {

            throw new FrameworkBase\SV_WC_API_Exception( sprintf(
            /* translators: Placeholders: %s - a WooCommerce order ID */
                __( 'Could not find order %s', 'woocommerce-plugin-framework' ),
            ) );

        $order = $this->get_gateway()->get_order( $order );

        $order->payment->account_number = $response->get_account_number();

        if ( $response instanceof FrameworkBase\SV_WC_Payment_Gateway_API_Payment_Notification_Credit_Card_Response ) {

            $order->payment->exp_month = $response->get_exp_month();
            $order->payment->exp_year  = $response->get_exp_year();
            $order->payment->card_type = $response->get_card_type();

        } elseif ( $response instanceof FrameworkBase\SV_WC_Payment_Gateway_API_Payment_Notification_eCheck_Response ) {

            $order->payment->account_type = $response->get_account_type();
            $order->payment->check_number = $response->get_check_number();

        return $order;

     * Gets an API response object for the given data.
     * @since 5.4.0
     * @param array $request_response_data the current request response data
     * @return FrameworkBase\SV_WC_Payment_Gateway_API_Payment_Notification_Response API response object
     * @throws FrameworkBase\SV_WC_API_Exception
    abstract protected function get_transaction_response( $request_response_data );

    /** Conditional methods *******************************************************************************************/

     * Determines whether the payment response is IPN.
     * @since 5.4.0
     * @return bool
    public function is_ipn() {

        return false;

     * Determines whether this is a redirect hosted form.
     * @since 5.4.0
     * @return bool
    public function is_redirect() {

        return false;

