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Test Coverage
### 0.16.2 (Next)

* Your contribution here.

### 0.16.1 (2020/12/4)

* [#271]( Added explicit dependency on `activesupport` - [@dblock](

### 0.16.0 (2020/7/26)

* [#263]( Removed Giphy support - [@dblock](
* [#260]( Added a brief migration guide - [@wasabigeek](
* [#264]( Added TOC to README - [@dblock](
* [#265]( Made `allow_bot_messages` and `allow_message_loops` available in `SlackRubyBot::Client` - [@dblock](
* [#266]( Removed deprecated `Server#hooks` - [@dblock](
* [#267]( Require Faraday >= 1.0 - [@dblock](

### 0.15.0 (2020/5/8)

* [#258]( Extract development dependencies (VCR) from shared rspec configuraion - [@dikond](
* [#256]( Allow command matcher to receive no-break spaces as regular spaces - [@MichaelM-Shopify](, [@dblock](
* [#254]( Allow setting of `config.token` and `config.aliases` in initializer - [@wasabigeek](
* [#253]( Remove reference to unsupported Giphy content rating - [@wasabigeek](

### 0.14.0 (2020/4/2)

* [#250]( Added `config.allow_bot_messages`, defaults to `false` - [@dblock](

### 0.13.0 (2020/3/28)

* [#244]( Change log message when the bot is reconnected - [@wasabigeek](
* [#209]( Allow `respond_to_slack_message` and `respond_to_slack_messages` without arguments - [@dblock](
* [#216]( Added `start_typing` RSpec matcher - [@dblock](
* [#214]( Add passenger deployment documentation - [@cybercrediators](
* [#220]( Updated examples/market to pull from IEX instead of defunct yahoo service - [@corprew](
* [#246]( Drop support for Ruby 2.2 - [@dblock](

### 0.12.0 (2019/2/25)

* [#203]( Removing restart logic - [@RodneyU215](

### 0.11.2 (2018/12/1)

* [#198]( Recommend using `async-websocket` instead of `celluloid-io` - [@dblock](
* [#202]( Allow frozen string in Hooks::Message - [@jonosenior](

### 0.11.1 (2018/5/6)

* [#187]( Added support for the [official Giphy SDK]( - [@dblock](
* [#185]( Log backtrace of exceptions - [@dblock](

### 0.11.0 (2018/4/2)

* [#182]( Refactor CommandsHelper class and Help module - [@mdudzinski](
* [#180]( Allow to respond to text in attachments #177 - [@mdudzinski](
* [#173]( Exposing SlackRubyBot::CommandsHelper.find_command_help_attrs - [@alexagranov](
* [#179]( Allow multiline expression - [@tiagotex](
* [#183]( Add missing test dependency to - [@hoshinotsuyoshi](

### 0.10.5 (2017/10/15)

* Refactored `SlackRubyBot::MVC::Controller::Base`, consolidated ivar handling, centralized object allocations and DRYed up the code - [@chuckremes](
* [#157]( Added `respond_with_slack_messages` expectation - [@gcraig99](
* [#160]( Fixed `respond_with_slack_message(s)` expectation failures - [@gcraig99](
* [#163]( Allow `command` to accept regular expressions - [@kstole](
* [#166]( Allow special characters and capitals in bot aliases - [@kstole](

### 0.10.4 (2017/7/5)

* [#149]( Add `logger` configuration to set a custom logger - [@upscent](
* [#147]( Adds `server.on` as a shortcut for `hooks.add` and deprecate `hooks` method - [@laertispappas](
* [#143]( Provide `permitted?` method to allow for simple authorization extensions - [@chuckremes](

### 0.10.3 (2017/6/15)

* [#145]( Map multiple command strings to same controller method - [@chuckremes](
* [#144]( Support usage of commands with embedded spaces when using Controller methods - [@chuckremes](

### 0.10.2 (2017/6/3)

* [#137]( Add Model-View-Controller classes to allow for more explicit control over how `command`s are designed - [@chuckremes](
* [#130]( Added test dependencies in - [@jbristow](

### 0.10.1 (2017/2/12)

* [#113]( Fixed commands in subclassed `SlackRubyBot::Bot` - [@dblock](

### 0.10.0 (2017/2/9)

* [#111]( Default keyword for GIFs in invalid commands has been changed from `idiot` to `understand` - [@dblock](
* [#98]( Fixed a couple of problems in - [@edruder](
* [#95]( Log team name and ID on successful connection - [@dblock](
* [#94]( Use the slack-ruby-danger gem - [@dblock](
* [#86]( Fix: help statements from classes that do not directly inherit from `Base` appear in `bot help` - [@maclover7](
* [#96]( Support help statements in anonymous command and bot classes - [@dblock](
* [#75]( Fix: Guarantee order of commands based on load order - [@gconklin](

### 0.9.0 (2016/8/29)

* [#89]( Drop giphy dependency - [@tmsrjs](
* [#92]( Added [danger](, PR linting - [@dblock](

### 0.8.2 (2016/7/10)

* [#85]( Fix: regression in bot instance logging - [@dblock](

### 0.8.1 (2016/7/10)

* [#69]( Ability to add help info to bot and commands - [@accessd](
* [#75]( Guarantee order of command evaluation - [@dblock](
* [#76]( Infinity error when app disabled - [@slayershadow](
* [#81]( Removed dependency on Bundler - [@derekddecker](
* [#84]( Removed dependency on ActiveSupport - [@rmulligan](

### 0.8.0 (2016/5/5)

* [#32]( Don't include `faye-websocket` by default, support `celluloid-io` - [@dblock](
* [#54]( Improvements to Hook configuration - [@dramalho](

### 0.7.0 (2016/3/6)

* Improved regular expression matching performance with less matching per command - [@dblock](
* Don't attempt to pre-authenticate via `auth!`, use RealTime client local store - [@dblock](
* Extended `match` with `scan` that can make multiple captures - [@dblock](

### 0.6.2 (2016/2/4)

* [#44]( Bot graceful shutdown - [@accessd](

### 0.6.1 (2016/1/29)

* [#43]( Issuing a `bot` command terminates bot - [@dblock](
* [#40]( Added `SlackRubyBot::Config.reset!` - [@accessd](

### 0.6.0 (2016/1/9)

* Deprecated `SlackRubyBot::Base#send_message`, `send_message_with_gif` and `send_gif` in favor of `client.say` - [@dblock](

### 0.5.5 (2016/1/4)

* Added `SlackRubyBot::Bot` DSL sugar - [@dblock](

### 0.5.4 (2016/1/3)

* Enable setting `send_gifs` per instance of `SlackRubyBot::Server` - [@dblock](

### 0.5.3 (2015/12/28)

* [#36]( Fix: non-English bot aliases now work - [@dblock](

### 0.5.2 (2015/12/26)

* Enable setting bot aliases per instance of `SlackRubyBot::Server` - [@dblock](

### 0.5.1 (2015/12/23)

* Fix: restart sync vs. async - [@dblock](
* [#33]( `SlackRubyBot::App.instance` now creates an instance of the class on which it is called - [@dmvt](

### 0.5.0 (2015/12/7)

* Disable animated GIFs via `SlackRubyBot::Config.send_gifs` or ENV['SLACK_RUBY_BOT_SEND_GIFS'] - [@dblock](
* `SlackRubyBot::Server` supports `restart!` with retry - [@dblock](
* `SlackRubyBot::Server` publicly supports `auth!`, `start!` and `start_async` that make up a `run` loop - [@dblock](
* Extracted `SlackRubyBot::Server` from `SlackRubyBot::App` - [@dblock](
* Fix: explicitly require 'giphy' - [@dblock](
* Fix: undefined method `stop` for `Slack::RealTime::Client` - [@dblock](
* [#29]( Fixed bot failing to correctly respond to unknown commands when queried with format `@botname` - [@crayment](
* [#30]( Fix RegexpError when parsing command - [@kuboshizuma](

### 0.4.5 (2015/10/29)

* [#23]( Fixed `match` that forced bot name into the expression being evaluated - [@dblock](
* [#22](, [slack-ruby-client#17]( Do not respond to messages from self, override with `allow_message_loops` - [@dblock](

### 0.4.4 (2015/10/5)

* [#17]( Address bot by `name:` - [@dblock](
* [#19]( Retry on `Faraday::Error::TimeoutError`, `TimeoutError` and `SSLError` - [@dblock](
* [#3]( Retry on `migration_in_progress` errors during `rtm.start` - [@dblock](
* Respond to direct messages without being addressed by name - [@dblock](
* Added `send_gif`, to allow GIFs to be sent without text - [@maclover7](

### 0.4.3 (2015/8/21)

* [#13]( You can now address the bot by its Slack @id - [@dblock](

### 0.4.2 (2015/8/20)

* [#12]( Added support for bot aliases - [@dblock](

### 0.4.1 (2015/7/25)

* Use a real client in `respond_with_slack_message` expectaions - [@dblock](

### 0.4.0 (2015/7/25)

* Using [slack-ruby-client]( - [@dblock](
* Use RealTime API to post messages - [@dblock](

### 0.3.1 (2015/7/21)

* [#8]( Fix: `undefined method 'strip!' for nil:NilClass` on nil message - [@dblock](

### 0.3.0 (2015/7/19)

* [#5]( Added support for free-formed routes via `match` - [@dblock](
* [#6]( Commands and operators take blocks - [@dblock](
* [#4]( Messages are posted with `as_user: true` by default - [@dblock](

### 0.2.0 (2015/7/10)

* Sending `send_message` with nil or empty text will yield `Nothing to see here.` with a GIF instead of `no_text` - [@dblock](
* Added support for operators with `operator [name]` - [@dblock](
* Added support for custom commands with `command [name]` - [@dblock](

### 0.1.0 (2015/6/2)

* Initial public release - [@dblock](