### 2.4.1 (Next)
* [#525]( Exclude spec files from gem package - [@amatsuda](
* Your contribution here.
### 2.4.0 (2024/07/14)
* [#516]( Add support for Ruby 3.3 - [@olleolleolle](
* [#520]( Add support for basic markdown formatting - [@nbgoodall](
* [#523]( Fix coveralls handling parallel jobs - [@dblock](
* [#522]( Update API from [slack-api-ref@8a22e57]( - [@slack-ruby-ci-bot](
### 2.3.0 (2024/01/31)
* [#494]( Configure Dependabot to update GitHub Actions - [@olleolleolle](
* [#508]( Fix `Slack::Events::Request#verify!` compatibility with Rack 3.x - [@dblock](
* [#503]( Update Slack API Update API from [slack-api-ref@bc545649]( - [@dblock](
* [#504]( Update API from [slack-api-ref@bc54564]( - [@slack-ruby-ci-bot](
### 2.2.0 (2023/09/17)
* [#458]( Add workflow for automatic API updates - [@duffn](
* [#455]( Update Slack API: Added pagination to `team.accessLogs` and `AppsDatastore` methods - [@marfoldi](
* [#454]( Added `Slack::Messages::Formatting#escape` - [@marfoldi](
* [#452]( Automatically generate Web API multi-argument requirements from docs - [@jmanian](
* [#448](, [#453]( Automatically convert more Web API arguments to JSON-encoded strings - [@jmanian](
* [#465]( Update API from [slack-api-ref@878be8f]( - [@slack-ruby-ci-bot](
* [#473]( Update API from [slack-api-ref@a29b520]( - [@slack-ruby-ci-bot](
* [#474]( Update API from [slack-api-ref@629967e]( - [@slack-ruby-ci-bot](
* [#475]( Update API from [slack-api-ref@977dad5]( - [@slack-ruby-ci-bot](
* [#476]( Update API from [slack-api-ref@d0b2989]( - [@slack-ruby-ci-bot](
* [#478]( Update API from [slack-api-ref@d797055]( - [@slack-ruby-ci-bot](
* [#480]( Add common message formatting utilities - [@chrisbloom7](
* [#481]( Update API from [slack-api-ref@7c22d0b]( - [@slack-ruby-ci-bot](
* [#488]( Update API from [slack-api-ref@a45def2]( - [@slack-ruby-ci-bot](
* [#490]( Add changelog uri to gemspec - [@MatheusRich](
* [#491]( Added code coverage - [@dblock](
* [#486]( Async handler support for Slack::RealTime::Config and Client - [@milestruecar](
* [#489]( Update API from [slack-api-ref@0d3f0b6]( - [@slack-ruby-ci-bot](
* [#493]( Update API from [slack-api-ref@f2e768a]( - [@slack-ruby-ci-bot](
### 2.1.0 (2023/03/17)
* [#440]( Added Enterprise support [via TideLift]( - [@dblock](
* [#436]( Removed dependency on unused websocket-driver - [@blowfishpro](
* [#434]( Fixed incompatibility with Faraday >= 2.7.0 and GLI usage in the `slack` script - [@blowfishpro](
* [#446]( Added support for Ruby 3.2 - [@duffn](
* [#447]( Added `admin_conversations_bulkArchive`, `admin_conversations_bulkDelete`, `admin_conversations_bulkMove`, `admin_conversations_convertToPublic`, `admin_conversations_lookup`, `admin_roles_addAssignments`, `admin_roles_listAssignments`, `admin_roles_removeAssignments`, `functions_workflows_steps_list`, and `functions_workflows_steps_responses_export` - [@dblock](
* [#447]( Added pagination to `team_accessLogs` - [@dblock](
### 2.0.0 (2022/10/19)
* [#416]( Removes default values for Faraday's SSL settings `ca_file` and `ca_path` - [@irphilli](
* [#417]( Raise rescuable errors - [@zachahn](
* [#419]( Use `rtm.connect` instead of `rtm.start` - [@kstole](
* [#420]( Fix default store missing event hooks - [@kstole](
* [#421]( Added `admin_audit_anomaly_allow_getItem`, `admin_audit_anomaly_allow_updateItem`, `files_completeUploadExternal`, `files_getUploadURLExternal` - [@kstole](
* [#421]( Raise error for mutually exclusive required options in views methods - [@kstole](
* [#424]( Updated real_time.rake to remove outdated event hooks and organize alphabetically - [@kstole](
* [#423]( Changed default store to `Slack::RealTime::Stores::Starter` and removed `Slack::RealTime::Store` - [@kstole](
* [#423]( Replaced `channels` and `groups` caches with `public_channels` and `private_channels` - [@kstole](
* [#423]( Added configurable `hello` hook to initialize `Slack::RealTime::Stores::Store` upon successful connection - [@kstole](
* [#425]( Updated web.rake to remove outdated endpoints and commands - [@kstole](
### 1.1.0 (2022/06/05)
* [#400]( Replace Travis-CI with GitHub Actions - [@dblock](
* [#401]( Upgraded RuboCop to 1.26.0 - [@dblock](
* [#401]( Added support for Ruby 3.1.1 - [@dblock](
* [#405]( Added `admin_apps_requests_cancel`, `admin_users_unsupportedVersions_export`, `bookmarks_add`, `bookmarks_edit`, `bookmarks_list`, `bookmarks_remove` - [@dblock](
* [#404]( Update `chat_update` method not to raise error with parameter which contains only `reply_broadcast` - [@colorbox](
* [#406]( Update Faraday to `>= 2.0` - [@schinery](
* [#406]( Removed support for Ruby 2.5 and 2.6 - [@schinery](
* [#406]( Test against latest Ruby 2.7, 3.0 and 3.1 - [@schinery](
* [#406]( Upgraded RuboCop to 1.26.1 and lock to version - [@schinery](
* [#406]( Updated Danger PR Linter GitHub action to use separate `Gemfile` - [@schinery](
### 1.0.0 (2021/12/21)
* [#394]( Added support for Ruby 3.0 - [@dblock](
* [#394]( Upgraded to RuboCop 0.93.1 - [@dblock](
* [#393]( Removed deprecated `oauth_token`, and leftover traces of `channels` and `groups` APIs - [@dblock](
* [#393]( Added `admin_auth_policy_assignEntities`, `admin_auth_policy_getEntities` and `admin_auth_policy_removeEntities` `admin_conversations_disconnectShared`, `admin_users_session_clearSettings`, `admin_users_session_getSettings`, `admin_users_session_resetBulk`, `admin_users_session_setSettings`, `apps_manifest_create`, `apps_manifest_delete`, `apps_manifest_export`, `apps_manifest_update`, `apps_manifest_validate`, `conversations_acceptSharedInvite`, `conversations_approveSharedInvite`, `conversations_declineSharedInvite`, `conversations_inviteShared`, `conversations_listConnectInvites`, `oauth_v2_exchange`, `openid_connect_token`, `openid_connect_userInfo`, `team_billing_info`, `team_preferences_list`, `tooling_tokens_rotate` - [@dblock](
* [#386]( Gemspec: drop unused `test_files` directive - [@olleolleolle](
* [#380]( Updates to server error classes and hierarchy - [@jmanian](
* [#387]( Send token in Authorization header - [@chrisbloom7](
### 0.17.0 (2021/03/07)
* [#370]( Removed deprecated `im_`, `mpim_`, `channels_`, and `groups_` methods - [@dblock](
* [#368]( Removed `admin_conversations_whitelist` and `admin_conversations_disconnectShared` - [@dblock](
* [#359]( Handle non-JSON 500 errors - [@agrobbin](
* [#360]( Remove faye-websocket from the concurrency detection error message - [@dblock](
* [#369]( Support rack requests in `Slack::Events::Request` - [@wedgex](
### 0.16.0 (2021/01/24)
* [#350]( Handle server errors such as timeouts & non-JSON responses - [@ojab](
* [#354]( Rewind body after checking request signature - [@sunny](
* [#355](, [#357]( Removed `celluloid-io` and `faye-websocket` support - [@wasabigeek](
* [#356]( Added `admin_apps_clearResolution`, `admin_conversations_getCustomRetention`, `admin_conversations_removeCustomRetention`, `admin_conversations_setCustomRetention`, `admin_users_session_list` and `auth_teams_list` endpoints - [@dblock](
* [#348]( Added `admin_conversations_archive`, `admin_conversations_convertToPrivate`, `admin_conversations_create`, `admin_conversations_delete`, `admin_conversations_disconnectShared`, `admin_conversations_getConversationPrefs`, `admin_conversations_getTeams`, `admin_conversations_invite`, `admin_conversations_rename`, `admin_conversations_search`, `admin_conversations_setConversationPrefs`, `admin_conversations_unarchive`, `admin_conversations_ekm_listOriginalConnectedChannelInfo`, `admin_users_session_invalidate`, `apps_event_authorizations_list`, `conversations_mark`, `workflows_stepCompleted`, `workflows_stepFailed` and `workflows_updateStep` endpoints - [@wasabigeek](
### 0.15.1 (2020/9/3)
* [#336]( Fix: handle nil events - [@pyama86](
* [#339]( Fix: `channel_not_found` resolving channel IDs with 100+ channels - [@dblock](
* [#340]( Added `adapter` configuration setting to change the `Faraday` HTTP adapter - [@watsonjon](
### 0.15.0 (2020/7/26)
* [#322]( Cache `Faraday::Connection` for persistent adapters - [@drbrain](
* [#324]( Require Faraday >= 1.0 - [@dblock](
* [#324]( Upgrade slack-ruby-danger, rubocop, rubocop-rspec and rubocop-performance - [@dblock](
* [#327](, [#326]( Added `admin_conversations_whitelist`, `admin_usergroups`, `calls` and `calls_participants` endpoints - [@wasabigeek](
* [#329]( Log when methods are deprecated - [@wasabigeek](
* [#325]( Remove activesupport dependency - [@ianks](
* [#331]( Use `conversations_list` instead of deprecated `channels_list`. Added `admin_conversations_restrictAccess_addGroup`, `admin_conversations_restrictAccess_listGroups` and `admin_conversations_restrictAccess_removeGroup` endpoints - [@wasabigeek](
### 0.14.6 (2020/3/28)
* [#305]( Added `admin_inviteRequests_approve`, `admin_inviteRequests_deny`, `admin_inviteRequests_list`, `admin_inviteRequests_approved_list`, `admin_inviteRequests_denied_list`, `admin_teams_create`, `admin_teams_list`, `admin_teams_admins_list`, `admin_teams_owners_list`, `admin_teams_settings`, `admin_teams_settings_setIcon`, `admin_teams_settings_setName`, `admin_teams_settings_setDescription`, `admin_users_assign`, `admin_users_invite`, `admin_users_remove`, `admin_users_setAdmin`, `admin_users_setOwner` and `admin_users_setRegular` endpoints - [@manuelmeurer](
* [#311]( Made Web API `response_metadata` more accessible in errors - [@jmanian](
* [#312]( Added specific error classes for Web API - [@jmanian](
* [#313]( Added `admin_teams_settings_info`, `admin_users_list`, `admin_users_setExpiration`, `admin_apps_approved_list`, `admin_apps_restricted_list`, `admin_conversations_setTeams`, `admin_emoji_add`, `admin_emoji_addAlias`, `admin_emoji_list`, `admin_emoji_remove` and `admin_emoji_rename` endpoints - [@dblock](
### 0.14.5 (2019/12/23)
* [#293]( Rubocop auto-correct and comprehensive todo - [@jcraigk](
* [#297]( Various Rubocop fixes - [@jcraigk](
* [#298]( Added `admin_apps`, `admin_app_requests` and `views` endpoints - [@jmanian](
* [#303]( Added `oauth_v2_access` and `views_publish` endpoints - [@jwright](
* [#309]( Stop ping on `inactive_account` and `invalid_auth` - [@dblock](
### 0.14.4 (2019/7/28)
* [#289]( Fix reconnects when ping timers under/overshoot - [@georgyangelov](
* [#290]( Expose Slack::RealTime::Client.logger accessor publicly - [@jcraigk](
### 0.14.3 (2019/7/23)
* [#279]( Prevent ping worker from dying on unexpected errors - [@dblock](
* [#281]( Added `admin_users_session_reset` to Web API - [@dblock](
* [#283]( Fail when used with incompatible async-websocket > 0.8.0 - [@dblock](
* [#284]( Include team id, name and domain in log output - [@dblock](
### 0.14.2 (2019/4/12)
* [#256]( Added support for specifying signing secrets on a per-request basis via optional parameters to the `Slack::Events::Request` constructor - [@gabrielmdeal](
* [#257](, [#262]( Fixed occasional failures to reconnect - [@ioquatix](, [@dblock](
* [#264]( Added `chat_scheduleMessage`, `chat_deleteScheduledMessage` and `chat_scheduledMessages_list` - [@dblock](
* [#264]( Removed `files_comments_add` and `files_comments_edit` - [@dblock](
### 0.14.1 (2019/2/26)
* [#254]( Fix: celluloid infinite reconnect loop - [@dblock](
### 0.14.0 (2019/2/25)
* [#238]( Added `Slack::Events::Request#verify!` to check whether an event request is coming from Slack - [@dblock](
* [#226](, [#232](, [#236](, [#234]( Added periodic ping that reconnects on failure - [@RodneyU215](, [@dblock](, [@ioquatix](
* [#242]( Added `thread_ts` option to `chat_postEphemeral` - [@dblock](
* [#242]( Added `apps_uninstall` to Web API - [@dblock](
* [#244]( Implementing #restart for the celluloid socket class - [@RodneyU215](
* [#246]( Added TOC to README and danger-toc - [@dblock](
* [#253]( Support for Block Kit - [@JrmKrb](
### 0.13.1 (2018/9/30)
* [#228]( Replace `Thread` with `Actor` in Celluloid async support - [@dblock](
### 0.13.0 (2018/9/8)
* [#219]( Added support for `async-websocket` - [@dblock](, [@ioquatix](
* [#224]( Celluloid async support now uses a thread per client - [@dblock](
* [#224]( Attempt to shutdown EventMachine if a reactor wasn't already running on start - [@dblock](
### 0.12.0 (2018/8/20)
* [#216]( Handle `Errno::ECONNRESET` and empty buffer reads with celluloid-io - [@dblock](
* [#215]( Web API `groups_list`, `files_info`, `mpim_list`, `reactions_list` and `stars_list` now support cursor pagination - [@hotwatermorning](
* [#215]( Added `apps_permissions_users_list` and `apps_permissions_users_request` - [@hotwatermorning](
* [#209]( Changed `chat_postEphemeral`to check for existence of either `text` or `attachments` - [@peterzhu2118](
* [#207]( Added `apps_permissions_resources_list` and `apps_permissions_scopes_list` - [@jmanian](
* [#207]( Added `users_conversations` - [@jmanian](
* [#206]( Fix 100% cpu usage in async examples - [@felixbuenemann](
* [#217]( Upgraded RuboCop to 0.58.2 - [@dblock](
* [#217]( No longer tested with Ruby 2.1, added 2.5 - [@dblock](
### 0.11.1 (2018/1/23)
* [#187]( Concatenate error message when multiple errors present - [@chrislopresto](
* [#188]( Fixed `NoMethodError` when Slack is unavailable - [@sonicdoe](
* [#196]( Added `users_lookupByEmail` - [@manuelmeurer](
* [#185]( Calling undocumented endpoints will now produce a warning - [@aviflombaum](
### 0.11.0 (2017/11/25)
* [#173]( Added dialog support - [@alexagranov](
* [#176]( Drop dependency on `json` gem - [@seuros](
* [#177]( Fix api ref repo - [@manuelmeurer](
* [#180]( Upgraded RuboCop 0.51.0 - [@dblock](
* [#181]( Added `chat_getPermalink`, `migration_exchange` - [@dblock](
* [#182]( Added undocumented methods support with `channels_delete`, `chat_command`, `files_edit`, `files_share`, `users_admin_invite`, `users_admin_setInactive` and `users_prefs_get` - [@dblock](
### 0.10.0 (2017/9/19)
* [#169]( Added [Conversations API]( - [@jmanian](
* [#169]( Added `include_locale` parameter to several methods (`channels_info`, `groups_info`, `im_open`, `rtm_start`, `users_info`, `users_list`) - [@jmanian](
* [#169]( Removed `groups_close` - [@jmanian](
* [#167]( Added support for pausing between paginated requests that can cause Slack rate limiting - [@jmanian](
* [#163]( Use `OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_DIR` and `OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE` for default ca_cert and ca_file - [@leifcr](
* [#161]( Added support for cursor pagination - [@dblock](
* [#162]( Gracefully close websocket on `Errno::EPIPE` - [@johanoskarsson](
* [#172]( Use `rtm.start` when store is a subclass of `Slack::RealTime::Stores::Store` (default) - [@kstole](
### 0.9.1 (2017/8/24)
* [#158]( Updated to latest slack-api-ref; Updated chat.3.update patch to reflect argument reordering; Added chat.4.postEphemeral patch to apply the attachments JSON fix (whitespace last line of diff matters! ;-) - [@alexagranov](
### 0.9.0 (2017/8/6)
* [#146]( Fix: `undefined method running?` and `ThreadError: Target thread must not be current thread` with `Celluloid::IO` - [@dblock](
* [#145]( Automatically select `rtm_connect` vs. `rtm_start` - [@dblock](
* [#154]( Raise a dedicated error class with 429 responses - [@greggroth](
* [#154]( Namespace error classes under `Slack::Web::Api::Errors` module - [@greggroth](
### 0.8.1 (2017/4/28)
* Added `exclude_members` option to `channels_list` Web API - [@dblock](
* Added `chat_unfurl` to Web API - [@dblock](
* Added `rtm_connect` to RTM API - [@dblock](
* Added `no_latest` support to `rm_start` RTM API - [@dblock](
### 0.8.0 (2017/3/12)
* [#135]( Added `timeout` and `open_timeout` options to Web API - [@dblock](
* [#134]( Set `start_options[:request][:timeout]`, used with `rtm.start` in `Slack::RealTime::Client`, to 180 seconds - [@dblock](
* [#136]( Pass request options in web client calls - [@dblock](
* [#121]( Fix: check that the current Celluloid actor is running before calling `terminate` - [@newdark](
* [#138]( Added `validate` option to `channels_create`, `channels_join`, `channels_rename`, `groups_create` and `groups_rename` Web APIs - [@dblock](
* [#138]( Removed `channel` option from `files_comments_add` Web API - [@dblock](
### 0.7.9 (2017/2/9)
* [#132]( Fix: you are setting a key that conflicts with a built-in method Slack::Messages::Message#presence - [@dblock](
### 0.7.8 (2017/1/23)
* [#127]( Added `thread_ts` and `reply_broadcast` options to `chat_postMessage` in Web API - [@dblock](
* [#127]( Added `channels_replies`, `groups_replies` and `im_replies` to Web API - [@dblock](
* [#127]( Added `goodbye` event to the RTM API - [@dblock](
* [#127]( Added `before` to `team_accessLogs` - [@dblock](
* [#108]( Use slack-ruby-danger gem - [@dblock](
* [#116]( Use [slack-ruby/slack-api-ref]( as machine API reference - [@dblock](
* [#116]( Added `users_setPhoto` and `users_deletePhoto` to Web API - [@dblock](
* [#81]( Require faraday 0.9.0 or newer - [@leppert](
* [#123]( Fix a warning about duplicate definitions - [@michaelherold](
### 0.7.7 (2016/8/29)
* [#103]( Added Danger, PR linting - [@dblock](
* [#101]( Fix: protected method `close` called with EventMachine - [@dblock](
* [#104]( Fix: thread leak in `start_async` with Celluloid - [@dblock](
### 0.7.6 (2016/8/7)
* Added `url_verification`, `message.mpim`, ``, `message.groups` and `message.channels` RealTime events - [@dblock](
* The `im_open` method accepts `return_im` - [@dblock](
### 0.7.5 (2016/6/27)
* Added `bots_info` to Web API - [@dblock](
* Added `team_profile_get` and `team_billableInfo` to Web API - [@dblock](
* Added `chat_meMessage` to Web API - [@dblock](, [@aaronpk](
* Added `users_profile_get` and `users_profile_set` to Web API - [@dblock](
* The `stars_list` method no longer takes a user - [@dblock](
### 0.7.4 (2016/5/28)
* [#93]( Fix: When using Celluloid concurrency, handle input from the TCP socket asynchronously from reading more - [@benzrf](
* Added `auth_revoke` and `users_identity` to Web API - [@dblock](
* Added `channel` parameter to `files_comments_add` Web API - [@dblock](
### 0.7.3 (2016/5/14)
* [#90]( Fix: Celluloid concurrency handles server-side connection closing - [@dblock](
### 0.7.2 (2016/5/5)
* [#84]( Fix: Celluloid concurrency doesn't parallelize the connection setup - [@dblock](
### 0.7.1 (2016/5/2)
* [#82]( Fix `usergroups.users.{list,update}` and `files.comments.{add,edit,delete}` APIs - [@masatomo](
* [#73]( Added a `closed` event - [@rkadyb](
* [#69]( Added attachments support for `Slack::Web::Api::Endpoints::Chat.chat_update` - [@nicka](
* [#85]( Compatibility with WebMock 2.0 - [@dblock](
* Added `as_user` to `chat_delete` Web API - [@dblock](
* Added `reminders_add`, `reminders_complete`, `reminders_delete`, `reminders_info` and `reminders_list` to Web API - [@dblock](
### 0.7.0 (2016/3/6)
* [#68]( The `Slack::RealTime::Config#store_class` is now globally configurable - [@dblock](
* [#67]( Make `logger` configurable and log HTTP requests and responses as well as RealTime events and socket data - [@mikz](, [@dblock](
* Added `Slack::RealTime::Stores::Store` and `Slack::RealTime::Stores::Starter` - [@dblock](
* Added `files_revokePublicURL` and `files_sharedPublicURL` to Web API - [@dblock](
* [#60]( Exceptions in event handlers and commands are no longer fatal - [@dblock](
### 0.6.0 (2016/2/4)
* [#54]( RealTime client maintains a local store of team data for `client.self`, `team`, `users`, `channels`, `groups`, `ims` and `bots` data - [@dblock](
* [#56]( API responses in both Web and RealTime clients are now instances of [Slack::Messages::Message](lib/slack/messages/message), which provides method access to properties - [@dblock](
* [#57]( Configure arguments to pass to `rtm.start` via `config.start_options` - [@dblock](
* [#52]( Added `users_search` - [@dblock](
### 0.5.4 (2016/1/23)
* [#45]( Added `channels_id`, `groups_id` and `users_id` - [@dblock](
* [#45]( Automatically lookup channel, group and user ID in Web API methods when Slack API doesn't accept #channel or @user names - [@dblock](
* [#49]( Fix: Celluloid `#connected?` method - [@mikz](, [@kandadaboggu](
### 0.5.3 (2016/1/11)
* [#47]( Fix: default to Celluloid newer API - [@jlyonsmith](, [@dblock](
* Fixed JRuby file encoding regression - [@dblock](
### 0.5.2 (2016/1/8)
* [#41]( Added `Slack::Messages::Formatting#unescape` - [@dblock](
* Added `files_comments` to Web API - [@dblock](
### 0.5.1 (2016/1/4)
* Added `dnd_teamInfo`, `dnd_setSnooze`, `dnd_info`, `dnd_endSnooze` and `dnd_endDnd` to Web API - [@dblock](
* The `files_upload` method now requires both `file` and `filename` to Web API - [@dblock](
### 0.5.0 (2015/12/7)
* Added `usergroups_create`, `usergroups_disable`, `usergroups_enable`, `usergroups_list`, `usergroups_update` and `usergroups_users` to Web API - [@dblock](
* Added command-line `slack` client - [@dblock](
* [#5]( Added Celluloid support - [@mikz](, [@dblock](
* [#34]( Added `Slack::RealTime::Client#start_async` - [@mikz](, [@dblock](
* `Slack::RealTime::Client` supports `:open` and `:close` callbacks - [@dblock](
* [#32]( Fix: `on_complete: undefined method [] for nil:NilClass` when responding to Slack 400-500 errors - [@dblock](
* [#22]( Added `Slack::Web::Api::Error#response` - [@dblock](
* Added `logger` to `Slack::Web::Client` configuration that logs HTTP requests - [@dblock](
### 0.4.0 (2015/11/8)
* Added `team_integrationLogs` to Web API - [@dblock](
* [#11]( Web API `chat_postMessage` errors only if both `attachments` and `text` are missing - [@dblock](
* [#20]( Web API `chat_postMessage` will automatically `to_json` attachments - [@dblock](
* Added `mpim_aware` to `rtm_start` to Web API - [@dblock](
* Added `mpim_close`, `mpim_history`, `mpim_list`, `mpim_mark` and `mpim_open` to Web API - [@dblock](
* Added `unreads` to `channels_history`, `groups_history` and `im_history` to Web API - [@dblock](
* Added `stars_add` and `stars_remove` to Web API - [@dblock](
### 0.3.1 (2015/10/16)
* Added `stars_list`, `stars_add` and `stars_remove` to Web API - [@dblock](
* Added `attachments`, `parse` and `link_names` to `chat_update` in Web API - [@dblock](
### 0.3.0 (2015/9/1)
* Added `` and `accessLogs` to Web API - [@dblock](
* Removed obsolete `presence` Web API - [@dblock](
* Added `pins_add`, `pins_list` and `pins_remove` from Web API - [@dblock](
* Added `presence` to `users_list` in Web API - [@dblock](
* Added `groups_info` to Web API - [@dblock](
* Added `inclusive` to `groups_history` and `im_history` in Web API - [@dblock](
* Added `files_delete` to Web API - [@dblock](
* Added `as_user` to `chat_postMessage` in Web API - [@dblock](
* Use API reference schema from []( - [@dblock](
* Added `reactions_add`, `reactions_list`, `reactions_get` and `reactions_remove` to Web API - [@jakedahn](
### 0.2.1 (2015/8/2)
* Set Slack API token via ` 'token')` and ` 'token')` - [@dblock](
* Set Slack API token via `Slack::RealTime::Client.configure` and `Slack::Web::Client.configure` - [@dblock](
### 0.2.0 (2015/7/31)
* [#2]( `Slack::RealTime::Socket` now pings frames every 30s, as recommended by Slack - [@samdoiron](
* [#3]( RealTime client WebSocket frame ping frequency is now configurable with `Slack::RealTime::Client.websocket_ping` - [@dblock](
* [#3]( RealTime client WebSocket proxy is now configurable with `Slack::RealTime::Client.websocket_proxy` - [@dblock](
* [#3]( Added global `Slack::Web::Client` and `Slack::RealTime::Client` configuration options via `Slack::Web::Client.configure` and `Slack::RealTime::Client.configure` - [@dblock](
* Exposed `Slack::RealTime::Client.url`, `team`, `self`, `users`, `channels`, `groups`, `ims` and `bots` - [@dblock](
* Default user-agent for `Slack::Web::Client` now includes a slash, eg. _Slack Ruby Client/0.1.1_ - [@dblock](
* Fix: set `Slack::Web::Client` connection options for `ca_path`, `ca_file`, and `proxy` - [@dblock](
### 0.1.0 (2015/7/25)
* Initial public release with Web and RealTime Messaging API support - [@dblock](