### Campfire notifier
This notifier sends notifications to your Campfire room.
#### Usage
Just add the [tinder]( gem to your `Gemfile`:
gem 'tinder'
To configure it, you need to set the `subdomain`, `token` and `room_name` options, like this:
Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
email: {
email_prefix: '[PREFIX] ',
sender_address: %{"notifier" <>},
exception_recipients: %w{}
campfire: {
subdomain: 'my_subdomain',
token: 'my_token',
room_name: 'my_room'
#### Options
##### subdomain
*String, required*
Your subdomain at Campfire.
##### room_name
*String, required*
The Campfire room where the notifications must be published to.
##### token
*String, required*
The API token to allow access to your Campfire account.
For more options to set Campfire, like _ssl_, check [here](