### HipChat notifier
This notifier sends notifications to your Hipchat room.
#### Usage
Just add the [hipchat]( gem to your `Gemfile`:
gem 'hipchat'
To configure it, you need to set the `token` and `room_name` options, like this:
Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
email: {
email_prefix: '[PREFIX] ',
sender_address: %{"notifier" <>},
exception_recipients: %w{}
hipchat: {
api_token: 'my_token',
room_name: 'my_room'
#### Options
##### room_name
*String, required*
The HipChat room where the notifications must be published to.
##### api_token
*String, required*
The API token to allow access to your HipChat account.
##### notify
*Boolean, optional*
Notify users. Default : false.
##### color
*String, optional*
Color of the message. Default : 'red'.
##### from
*String, optional, maximum length : 15*
Message will appear from this nickname. Default : 'Exception'.
##### server_url
*String, optional*
Custom Server URL for self-hosted, Enterprise HipChat Server
For all options & possible values see [Hipchat API](