# 1.76.1
## 1.76.4
### Patch Changes
- f412a55: Do not remove zeroes from tree paths
## 1.76.3
### Patch Changes
- 18b0791: Publish under futil name instead of futil-js
## 1.76.2
### Patch Changes
- 652d71c: Improve performance of treeToArrayBy and leavesBy
- Update searching to be case insensitive.
# 1.76.0
- Add tree `findNode`
# 1.75.0
- Add `renamePropertyOn`, `popProperty`
- Add `updateIfExists`, `updateIfExistsOn`, `updatePaths`, `updatePathsOn`, `updateAllPaths`, `updateAllPathsOn`
- Add `crunchWhitespace`
- Export `writeTreeNode`
- Add `chunkByValue`
- Pass indexes to `arrayToObject`
- Add `omitByIndexed` conversion
- Add `isSubset`
- Add `sizeBy`
- Add `matchesBy`, `matchesBySome`
# 1.74.2
- Make `intersperse` handle more edge cases (undefined, null, stirngs, objects, etc)
- Improve `toSentence` edge cases (mostly from improving intersperse, but also by making strings less surprising)
# 1.74.1
- Remove async/await in async `promiseProps` method to avoid downstream regeneratorRuntime issues
# 1.74.0
- Add `flowAsync` and `promiseProps`
- Add `flowAsyncDeep` and `resolveOnTree`
- Pass along all tree iteratee props in `writeTreeNode` (default writeNode for tree maps) and rename interally from writeProperty to writeTreeNode
# 1.73.3
- Generate readme in CI
- Tweak code docs to better align to formatted readme
# 1.73.2
- Curried `wrap`, improved behavior with undefined content, and updated internal usage
- Handle nulls for `prefixes`
- Internal - set prettier to use single quotes again
# 1.73.1
- Organized and added to lens test file.
# 1.73.0
- Add `keysToObject`
- Change `wrap` and dependents like `parens` to support empty content better (and remove weird "feature" where post would default to pre if falsey). Potentially a breaking change, but that behavior was extremely weird and there were no known usages.
- curry `moveIndex`
# 1.72.0
- Add `recurry`
- Add `uncurry`
- Add `unlessTruthy`
- Add argument spreading support to logic functions
- Add additional arrayLens test case
# 1.71.8
- CI/CD correction
# 1.71.7
- Doc Site UI Change: corrected presentation of home page
# 1.71.6
- Doc Site UI Changes:
- Added header to page: home
- Hide logo on header when in page: home as it has one already
- Fixed misc issues
# 1.71.5
- Explicit build step in CI/CD
# 1.71.4
- Responsive design implementation for the site to be mobile friendly and responsive on desktop.
# 1.71.3
- Library issue resolution, two libraries where auto-updating minor versions and no longer compatible in those versions.
- Added ignore for yarn as NPM is being used currently
- Added versioning of package-lock files to resolve dependency issue.
# 1.71.2
- Tests:
- Replaced all `eql` with `deep.equal`
- Replaced all unnecessary `deep.equal` assertions with `.equal`
- Replaced `to.equal(true)` and `to.equal(false)` with `` and ``
# 1.71.1
- Organized and added to regexp tests
# 1.71.0
- New docs site! The new docs site is packed with awesome features. We've got dark mode, super fast search, embedded runkits, and the ability to search futil, lodash, and ramda based on input/output expectations.
# 1.70.0
- Add state to deprecated methods so they can be inspected
# 1.69.9
- Removed basic function tests from the misc.spec file. A separate PR moves them into the function.spec file.
# 1.69.8
- Organized string tests
# 1.69.7
- Organized and added to functions tests
# 1.69.6
- Organized and added to logic tests
# 1.69.5
- Organized and added lang tests
# 1.69.4
- Organized and added to conversions tests
# 1.69.3
- Moves tests from algebra file to collections file to mirror functions file system
# 1.69.2
- Adds and revised the array tests
# 1.69.1
- Fixed f and F discrepancy. Changed all f. to F. in all tests for consistency.
# 1.69.0
- Add `isPromise` utility
# 1.68.0
- Add `mapTree`, `mapTreeLeaves`, `leavesBy`
- Improve `leaves` performance (by not adding branches at all instead of rejecting them later)
- Passes all props to `treeToArrayBy` iteratees - previously only `node` was passed
# 1.67.3
- Fixed `import` syntax in docs
# 1.67.2
- change fixed issue, Logic functions behave unpredictably with `undefined` as predicate
- add test cases to logic.spec for when.
- drop IE 10 support
# 1.67.1
- Fix `isBlank` docs
# 1.67.0
- Improvements to `unwind`: use `_.castArray` to avoid unwinding strings and other array-likes
- Add `unwindArray`
# 1.66.3
- Use deep comparison on F.{simple,}diff
# 1.66.2
- Allow `walkAsync` to handle non-async traversals
# 1.66.1
- Kill promises in `findIndexedAsync` to fix regeneratorRuntime shenanigans
# 1.66.0
- Add `walkAsync`
- Add `findIndexedAsync` (used internally and not documented, but exported for testing)
- Add `mapArgs`
- Add `commonKeys` and `firstCommonKey`
# 1.65.0
- Add support for regular expression arguments to `highlight`
- Clarify `highlight` description in README
- Add description for `postingsForWords` to README
# 1.64.4
- Change `domLens.hover` to use `onMouseEnter`/`onMouseLeave` instead of `onMouseOver`/`onMouseOut`
# 1.64.3
- Fix typo in README
# 1.64.2
- Handle `[]`, `undefined`, and `null` arguments in `chunkBy`
# 1.64.1
- Use `_.hasIn` in `targetBinding` to account for objects with `target` as an inherited property (eg, in synthetic DOM events)
# 1.64.0
- Add new native lens formats, `arrayLens` and `functionPairLens`
- Make `domLens.value` more flexible by supporting non-native onChange events (allow `targetBinding` to fall back to the provided value if `[key]` is not passed in)
- Update a bunch of dev dependencies
# 1.63.1
- Clarify `chunkBy` description in README
# 1.63.0
- Add partial currying support to `mergeOverAll`
- Add `mergeOverAllWith` and `mergeOverAllArrays`
# 1.62.1
- Better currying for `logic` methods (`ifElse`, `when`, `whenExists`, etc)
# 1.62.0
- Add `getWith`, `expandObject`, and `expandObjectBy`
# 1.61.0
- Add `compactMap`
# 1.60.0
- Add `mergeOverAll`
# 1.59.1
- change all words regex to report full string as match rather than empty string
# 1.59.0
- export `anyWordToRegexp` and `wordsToRegexp`
# 1.58.1
- Fixed issue where `renameProperty` was not a pure function. Specifically:
1. The original object was mutated.
2. If the original object din't have the property to be renamed the function was
adding the property with a value of `undefined`.
3. If code was relying in this incorrect behavior this will be a braking change.
# 1.58.0
- Add `uniqueString` and `uniqueStringWith`
# 1.57.0
- Added new `object` functions:
- Added new `array` functions:
# 1.56.0
- New lens helper for React users: `stateLens`
# 1.55.1
- Fix issue with autoLabelOption not accepting correctly falsy values as valid options
# 1.55.0
- Added intersperse, differentLast, toSentence and toSentenceWith.
# 1.54.0
- Add `domLens` functions:
# 1.53.0
- Add `moveIndex`
- Add `toggleElement`
- Add `toggleElementBy`
- Add `setsWith`
- Add `includeLens`
- Make `insertAtIndex` support arrays and strings
# 1.52.0
- Add a default export with all methods to support `import F` instead of `import * as F`
- Also publish as `futil`!
# 1.51.0
- Added `_.iteratee` support to `findApply`
# 1.50.0
- Added `chunkBy`.
# 1.49.1
- Upgraded several dependencies.
# 1.49.0
- Fixed a webpack global variable issue.
# 1.48.0
- Added `stampKey`
# 1.47.1
- Added Runkit examples
# 1.47.0
- Added VERSION property to the library's API
# 1.46.0
- Deprecated `mapProps` in favor of lodash \_.update
# 1.45.0
- Added `updateOn`
# 1.44.0
- Added `matchesSome`
# 1.43.4
- Fixed issue with `postings` when a regex lacking the `g` flag is passed
- improvements to
# 1.43.3
Fixed webpack.config.js
# 1.43.2 (UNPUBLISHED because it breaks in NodeJS)
Upgraded some dependencies.
# 1.43.1
Fixed the conversion reference for pickBy.
# 1.43.0
Added pickByIndexed, and improved our conversion file performance by a
significant ammount.
# 1.42.3
Made tree lookup curried.
# 1.42.2
Remove Standard JS badge in favor of [Prettier](
# 1.42.1
Enable coveralls integration.
# 1.42.0
- Add `flurry`, a flow + curry preserving the arity of the initial function. See
# 1.41.0
- Add `pullOn`, `prefixes`
- Add `encoder`, `dotEncoder`, `slashEncoder`
- Add `flattenTree`, `treePath`, `propTreePath`, `treeKeys`, `treeValues`
- Expose `traverse` on `Tree`
# 1.40.3
- Updated eslint to version 4.16.0.
# 1.40.2
- Updating babel-eslint, eslint, chokidar and mocha.
# 1.40.1
- Add docs link
# 1.40.0
- [`cascade`, `cascadeIn`] added support for an optional defaultValue (last param) and iteratee support instead of just paths
# 1.39.0
- Add `transformTree`
- Add `keyTreeByWith`
# 1.38.0
- Add `allMatches`. It creates regexp and returns all matched results with
# 1.37.0
- Added implicit `lensProp` support to all current lens functions (`view`,
`views`, `set`, `sets`, `flip`, `on`, `off`)
# 1.36.0
- Add `mergeAllArrays`, `invertByArray`, `zipObjectDeepWith`, and `flags`
# 1.35.0
- Add tree `treeLookup`
- Add deep path support to `lensProp`
- Add `unsetOn`
# 1.34.1
- Ignore browser testing errors.
- Add karma JSON reporter.
- Only watch files and record videos/screenshots for the local test.
# 1.34.0
- Fixed flattenObject and diffArray to properly say the paths of
arrays with only one object, by making them use a new function:
`dotJoinWith`, which is like `dotJoin` but allows you to provide a
function to select which elements to filter by.
# 1.33.2
- Add cross browsers testing support with `karma + webpack + saucelabs`
- Use babel-preset-latest instead of babel-preset-env
- Fixed unstable tests for mobile Safari browsers.
- Fixed unstable tests for IE9/10/11.
# 1.33.1
- Currying the postings and highlighting functions.
# 1.33.0
- Add `debounceAsync` and `defer`
# 1.32.1
- Add autofixing PRs with [Duti](
# 1.32.0
- Added `diff` and `diffArray`, just like `simpleDiff` and
`simpleDiffArray`, but they also take in count removed properties.
# 1.31.0
- Add new utility for objects called `pickOn`, which works as `pick` in lodash but it mutates the object
# 1.30.0
- Add tree functions `traverse`, `walk`, `reduceTree`, `treeToArray`, `treeToArrayBy`, `leaves`, and `tree`
- Add `isBlank`, `isNotBlank`, and `isBlankDeep`
- Add `findIndexed`
# 1.29.9
- Added pushOn, like pushIn but it alters the original array.
# 1.29.8
- Added pushIn since `_.curry` doesn't allow us to do `F.push(_, array)`.
# 1.29.7
- Curried `push`
# 1.29.6
- Faster `matchAnyWord`
# 1.29.5
- Always run duti in CI
# 1.29.4
- Use latest duti version
# 1.29.3
- Fix IE 11 erroring when using a deprecated function
# 1.29.2
- Add missing stack reference to `deprecate`.
- Fix internal usage of deprecated functions.
- Lint and readme cleanup.
# 1.29.1
- 75% faster `matchallwords`.
# 1.29.0 August 11th, 2017 18:53
- Add arrayToObject to array.
# 1.28.4 August 10th, 2017 21:35
- Fix for diff functions to properly ignore things that didn't change.
# 1.28.3 August 9th, 2017 15:10
- Remove old dangerfile.
# 1.28.2 August 8th, 2017 20:50
- Use Circle 2.0 configuration.
# 1.28.1
- Add Duti to the repo.
# 1.28.0 August 8th, 2017 03:29
- Added `Indexed` conversions(`mapIndexed`, `eachIndexed`, `reduceIndexed`, `mapValuesIndexed`)
- Add `aspectSync` and `deprecate`
- Deprecated the uncap conversions that don't follow the naming convention
- Add `unkeyBy`
- Add `simpleDiff` and `simpleDiffArray`
# 1.27.0 August 3rd, 2017 15:58
- Added `hasIn`, `cascadeProp` and `cascadePropKey`.
# 1.26.4 - August 2nd, 2017 18:21
- Added release dates to change log file. Downgrade danger to version 0.17.0.
# 1.26.3 - August 2nd, 2017 17:54
- Update danger to version 0.19.0
# 1.26.2 - August 2nd, 2017 17:54
- Update webpack to version 3.0.0
# 1.26.1 - August 2nd, 2017 14:37
- Update chai to version 4.1.0
# 1.26.0 - August 2nd, 2017 06:46
- Add `autoLabel`, `autoLabelOption`, and `autoLabelOptions`. Also rearranged test files a bit.
# 1.25.1 - August 2nd, 2017 06:26
- Fixed issue where concurrency aspect should throw Error using the string constructor. Also fixed failing unit tests.
# 1.25.0 - July 31st, 2017 19:49
- Add support for aspect `always`, `name`, and bug fix for processing sample aspect. Also added `tapError` and new high level aspect, `command`
# 1.24.0 - July 28th, 2017 16:07
- Added `trimStrings`, and our new shiny logo on the README thanks to @giulianok
# 1.23.0 - July 28th, 2017 05:40
- Add `setOn` (mutable set)
# 1.22.0 - July 28th, 2017 03:25
- Add `error` aspect example
# 1.21.0 - July 27th, 2017 21:37
- `aspect` now supports async `before`, `after`, and `onError`
# 1.20.0 - July 25th, 2017 20:04
- Add `findApply`, `isNotNil`, `exists`, `unlessExists`, `unlessTruth`, `getOrReturn`, `alias`, `cascade`, `cascadeIn`, `cascadeKey`, `isMultiple`, `append`, `composeApply`, `comply`
# 1.19.0 - July 13th, 2017 14:23
- Add ramda style `ifElse`, `where`, and `unless` to a new `logic` section
# 1.18.1 - July 13th, 2017 14:23
- Update lensOf to use reduce instead of mapValues
# 1.18.0 - June 23rd, 2017 22:01
- Add `callOrReturn`, `each`, and `mergeOn`
# 1.17.4 - June 23rd, 2017 21:58
- Made uncapped
# 1.17.3 - June 9th, 2017 23:47
- Convert aspect to Promise instead of async/await and rip out babel-polyfill
# 1.17.2 - June 8th, 2017 21:27
- Pass original params to onError and after
# 1.17.1 - June 8th, 2017 19:18
- Include babel-polyfill in webpack build now that aspects have `async` functions
# 1.17.0 - June 7th, 2017 22:51
- Added `unflattenObject` and a deprecation warning about `mapProp` in favor of lodash `_.update`
# 1.16.0 - June 6th, 2017 22:30
- Added `aspect` and the reusable examples on `aspects` (`logs`, `errors`, `status`, and `concurrency`), as well as `throws`
# 1.15.1 - May 30th, 2017 15:57
- Added `views`
# 1.15.0 - May 26th, 2017 21:43
- Added `lens` functions `functionLens`, `objectLens`, `fnToObj`, `objToFn`, `lensProp`, `lensOf`, `view`, `set`, `sets`, `flip`, `on`, `off`
# 1.14.0 - May 24th, 2017 02:08
- Added a `mapProp`.
# 1.13.0 - May 16th, 2017 22:32
- Added a noCap conversion for `mapValues`.
# 1.12.0 - May 16th, 2017 22:11
- Added `boundMethod`.
# 1.11.1 - May 2nd, 2017 13:22
- Greenkeeper udpated the babel-loader and danger-js
# 1.11.0 - April 6th, 2017 15:47
- Added `cycle`
# 1.10.2 - March 30th, 2017 21:48
- Circle CI now help us enforce and package.json
updates in any PR.
# 1.10.1 - March 30th, 2017 21:48
- Fix `testRegex`
# 1.10.0 - March 30th, 2017 18:32
- Add `matchAllWords`
# 1.9.0 - March 29th, 2017 17:03
- Added regex and postings based highlighting functions `postings`, `postingsForWords`, `highlightFromPostings`, `highlight`
- Added range manipulation funcitons `push`, `mergeRanges`, `insertAtIndex`
- `makeRegex` curried implementation of the RegExp construction.
- `makeAndTest` makes and tests a RegExp with `makeRegex` and `testRegex`
- `matchAnyWord` takes a string and returns an array of matching words
- Move testRegex and new regex related funcs to regex.js
- Add regex.spec.js
# 1.8.0-1.8.3 - February 27th, 2017 20:18
- `map` added to seamlessly map array and plain objects.
- `deepMap` added to seamlessly map recursive arrays and plain
objects. Also optionally allows mappings to any recursive algebraic
data structure.
- Versions 1.8.0-1.8.3 were assimilated by the borg.
# 1.7.3 - February 21st, 2017 19:57
- `compareDeep` is ok with ===, and it's now tested
- Eslint, coverage and CI fixes
# 1.7.1 - February 17th, 2017 23:03
- Fix npm publish
# 1.7.0 - February 17th, 2017 14:23
- Add `defaultsOn`
# 1.6.0 - February 16th, 2017 21:35
- Add `extendOn`
# 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 - February 16th, 2017 21:35
Travis related CI stuff
# 1.5.0 - February 15th, 2017 22:11
- Add `pickIn`
# 1.4.1 - February 10th, 2017 23:40
- `maybeCall` fixed, rest params added to get the `fn` arguments
# 1.4.0 - February 10th, 2017 23:40
- Added Array Function `repeated`
- Added String Functions
- `quote`
- `parens`
- `processQuotes`
- `getUniqueWords`
# 1.3.0 - February 10th, 2017 23:40
- Added `flattenObject` and `singleObjectR`
- Split index to multiple files
# 1.2.2 - February 10th, 2017 20:14
- Changed filename to `futil-js` to match the current npm package name
# 1.2.1 - February 10th, 2017 16:51
- Changed package.json main entry point to reflect the built output
# 1.2.0 - February 9th, 2017 05:21
- Added unwind
# 1.1.0 - February 8th, 2017 20:04
- Added flowMap
# 1.0.0 - February 6th, 2017 21:16
- Initial Release