import _ from 'lodash/fp'
import { writeFile, readFile } from 'fs/promises'
import docs from '../docs/data/jsdoc.json'
import { stringify, getTag } from './utils'
let outputDir = './docs/data/'
let githubSrcUrl = ''
let getNameFromDoc = _.flow(
// Cases:
// "longname": "module:aspect~aspects.logs",
// "longname": "module:lang.throws",
_.replace(/module:\w*(~|\.)/, ''),
// "longname": "convert(_In).hasIn",
(x) => _.last(x.split(').'))
let seenTags = []
// Memoize so we only read each file once
let readSourceFile = _.memoize((path) => readFile(path, { encoding: 'utf8' }))
let getDocs = async () => {
let jsDocToJson = _.flow(
_.reject({ kind: 'module' }),
_.reject({ access: 'private' }),
_.filter('name'), (x) => {
let path = `${x.meta.path}/${x.meta.filename}`
let file = await readSourceFile(path)
let source = file.slice(...x.meta.range).slice(7)
let lineCount = _.size(_.split('\n', source))
// TODO: change to @category or something similar
let tags = [getTag('tags', x) || x.meta.filename.slice(0, -3)]
// Track tags that are new for this method (to insert tag docs)
let unseenTags = _.difference(tags, seenTags)
seenTags = _.uniq(_.concat(seenTags, tags))
return {
name: getNameFromDoc(x),
deprecated: x.deprecated,
aliases: getTag('aliases', x),
signature: getTag('signature', x),
description: x.description,
note: getTag('note', x),
example: _.head(x.examples), // todo: support more?
lineno: x.meta.lineno,
link: `${githubSrcUrl}${x.meta.filename}#L${x.meta.lineno}${
lineCount === 1 ? '' : `-L${x.meta.lineno + lineCount - 1}`
(x) => Promise.all(x)
let jsDocToTagDocs = _.flow(
_.filter({ kind: 'module' }),
// Cases:
// "longname": "convert(_In)~inversions",
// "longname": "module:lens"
_.keyBy((x) => _.last(x.longname.split(':'))),
let readmeOrder = [
let sortTagsByReadmeOrder = _.sortBy(({ tags }) =>
_.findIndex((x) => x === _.first(tags), readmeOrder)
let result = sortTagsByReadmeOrder(await jsDocToJson(docs))
await writeFile(`${outputDir}docs.json`, stringify(result), { flag: 'w' })
let tagDocs = jsDocToTagDocs(docs)
await writeFile(`${outputDir}tag-docs.json`, stringify(tagDocs), {
flag: 'w',