import * as F from '../src'
import _ from 'lodash/fp'
import chai from 'chai'
import sinon from 'sinon'
import sinonChai from 'sinon-chai'
const expect = chai.expect
describe('Function Functions', () => {
it('maybeCall', () => {
expect(F.maybeCall(() => 5)).to.equal(5)
const fn = (x, y) => x + y
expect(F.maybeCall(fn, 5, 6)).to.equal(11)
// maybeCall should call fn with parameters
expect(F.maybeCall(fn, 5, 6)).to.equal(fn(5, 6))
it('callOrReturn', () => {
expect(F.callOrReturn(() => 5)).to.equal(5)
const fn = (x, y) => x + y
expect(F.callOrReturn(fn, 5, 6)).to.equal(11)
// callOrReturn should call fn with parameters
expect(F.callOrReturn(fn, 5, 6)).to.equal(fn(5, 6))
it('boundMethod', () => {
// boundMethod should bind a method of an object to it's object
let obj = {
name: 'Wade Watts',
greet() {
return `Welcome, ${this.name}`
expect(obj.greet.call({ name: 'John Henry' })).to.equal(
'Welcome, John Henry'
expect(F.boundMethod('greet', obj)()).to.equal('Welcome, Wade Watts')
it('converge', () => {
let divide = (arr) => arr[0] / arr[1]
let sum = (arr) => _.sum(arr)
let length = (arr) => arr.length
// average
expect(F.converge(divide, [sum, length])([5, 10, 15])).to.equal(10)
it('composeApply', () => {
let fn1 = (lastResult) => (x) => lastResult / x
let fn2 = (x) => x + 5
expect(F.composeApply(fn1, fn2)(5)).to.equal(2)
it('comply', () => {
// F.append(x => x * 2)(5) => (5 * 2) + 5
expect(F.comply(F.append, (x) => x * 2)(5)).to.equal(15)
it('defer', () => {
let delay = (ms) => {
let resolver = F.defer()
let now = Date.now()
setTimeout(() => {
resolver.resolve(Date.now() - now)
}, ms)
return resolver.promise
delay(500).then((ms) => {
describe('debounceAsync', () => {
it('debounceAsync', async () => {
let inner = sinon.spy((x) => x + 10)
let fn = F.debounceAsync(10, inner)
let result = await Promise.all([fn(1), fn(2), fn(3)])
expect(result).to.deep.equal([13, 13, 13])
let secondResult = await Promise.all([fn(11), fn(12), fn(13)])
expect(secondResult).to.deep.equal([23, 23, 23])
it('should demonstrate failing with regular debounce', async () => {
let inner2 = sinon.spy((x) => x + 10)
let fn2 = _.debounce(10, inner2)
let result2 = await Promise.all([fn2(1), fn2(2), fn2(3)])
expect(result2).to.deep.equal([undefined, undefined, undefined])
let thirdResult = await Promise.all([fn2(11), fn2(12), fn2(13)])
expect(thirdResult).to.deep.equal([undefined, undefined, undefined])
it('flurry', () => {
let add = (x, y) => x + y
let double = (x) => x * 2
// Passing all args
expect(F.flurry(add, double)(1, 4)).to.equal(10)
// Passing 1 at a time
expect(F.flurry(add, double)(1)(4)).to.equal(10)
it('uncurry', () => {
let curriedAdd = (x) => (y) => (z) => x + y + z
let uncurriedAdd = F.uncurry(curriedAdd)
expect(uncurriedAdd(1, 2, 3)).to.equal(6)
it('recurry', () => {
let addToElements = _.flow(_.add, _.map)
// Less terse implementations for refernce:
// let addToElements = number => _.map(_.add(number))
// let addToElements = (number, collection) = _.map(_.add(number), collection)
// Does not work correctly since flow doesn't detect
expect(addToElements(5, [1, 2, 3])).not.to.deep.equal([6, 7, 8])
let fn = F.recurry(2, addToElements)
// Recurried to support both ways of calling
expect(fn(5, [1, 2, 3])).to.deep.equal([6, 7, 8])
expect(fn(5)([1, 2, 3])).to.deep.equal([6, 7, 8])
it('mapArgs', () => {
let add = (x, y) => x + y
let double = (x) => x * 2
let doubledAdd = F.mapArgs(double, add)
// (5*2) + (7*2)
expect(doubledAdd(5, 7)).to.equal(24)