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title: Pull List for February 13, 2019
custom_type: post

- Daredevil #1 - Chip Zdarksky didn't disappoint with the first issue of this new Daredevil run. It felt like a great starting point for new readers, and I'm interested to see where he takes the character. Marco Checchetto's art is fantastic, and feels like the perfect pairing for this book. 
- The Amazing Spider-Man #14 - I'm not a fan of Bachalo's art in this one. Felt like a complete departure from the styles Ottley and Ramos had established earlier in the series. Unfortunately, I think I may drop this since I haven't been as interested with the past few issues.
- Star Wars: Age of Republic - Anakin Skywalker #1 - I'm so happy we get stories like this. The issue certainly feels like an episode of The Clone Wars. While George Lucas (and Hayden Christensen's performance) made Anakin seem like petulant child, stories like this show what I believe to be the true Anakin: a man with a strong moral compass and convictions.

## What I'm picking up

- The Amazing Spider-Man #15 - If I don't like this one, I may drop it and wait for the next arc. Like I said above, I'm not a fan of this new artist either.
- Captain Marvel #2 - Kelly Thompson wrote a killer first issue, and I've been waiting anxiously to read the next one.
- Oblivion Song #12 - Conclusion to the arc! Holy moly this story has been a rollercoaster, and I've had that weird feeling in my stomach the whole time (in a good way!). I'm looking forward to how Robert Kirkman wraps up the "season finale" of this book, and what will be next for these awesome characters.