title: Pocket Casts Gets an Update
date: 2014-11-07 00:56:57 -06:00
- apps
- podcasts
layout: post
custom_type: link
link_url: http://blog.shiftyjelly.com/2014/11/07/pocket-casts-5-for-ios-bigger-than-the-biggest/
Shifty Jelly updated Pocket Casts to version 5 today, and with that, two of our awesome shows on Goodstuff were featured in the post.
[Here’s what Chris had to say](http://www.chrisenns.com/2014/11/my-favourite-ios-podcast-app-gets-an-update/):
> Maybe someday I’ll become blasé about seeing my podcast show art pop up around the web, but that day is not today.
Thanks Shifty Jelly. Awesome update.