title: The Verge Reviews Big Sean’s Latest Album
date: 2015-02-25 15:47:13 -06:00
layout: post
custom_type: link
link_url: http://www.theverge.com/2015/2/23/8079261/dark-sky-paradise-review
> It’s the little things, the avoidable mistakes, that stand out on *Dark Sky Paradise*. It’s a great album, but it could have been a classic. It has all the ingredients; a capable artist, excellent production, a clear theme and direction, and the potential for multiple hits. This is the album that is supposed to propel Big Sean into the upper echelon of rap. He’s closer, but *Dark Sky Paradise* won’t get Big Sean a seat at the table. (Kanye, Drake, Jay Z, and Kendrick Lamar are sitting at the table. Sorry, but this is not up for debate. Your argument will not be accepted.) Big Sean is definitely on his way. He just still has some work to do.
A surprisingly great review of *Dark Sky Paradise*.