title: Switching to Redcarpet
date: 2015-12-01 00:28:46 -06:00
- development
- Jekyll
- Markdown
layout: post
custom_type: post
I've always hated the way Jekyll uses liquid tags to highlight code snippets. I found a way to do this, which until today, I never knew existed.
Redcarpet is the answer here. Here's what I wanted to do:
<pre class="highlight">
.element {
color: $red;
Basically like the way you do code snippets on Github. Now, you might be thinking, "Kramdown has Github-Flavored-Markdown support!" But, after trying to get it to work for an hour or so, I was left frustrated. The fenced code block was _technically_ working, but no syntax highlighting.
So I changed a few lines of code:
# _config.yml
markdown: redcarpet
markdown_ext: markdown,mkdown,mkdn,mkd,md
extensions: ["tables", "autolink", "strikethrough", "space_after_headers", "with_toc_data", "fenced_code_blocks", "no_intra_emphasis", "footnotes", "smart"]
Voilá! The `fenced_code_blocks` extension is the important one here, but personally, `footnotes`, and `smart` are crucial extensions for me too.[^1]
[^1]: The `footnotes` extension lets me write these. And the `smart` extension frees me up from having to manually type the right quotes. If you don't know what I mean by this, [Jason Santa Maria wrote about it](http://smartquotesforsmartpeople.com/).
That's it! With a few lines of code, I improved my whole writing experience ten fold.
**Update on November 15, 2016**: [I've switched back to Kramdown](/2016/11/switching-back-to-kramdown/) because it was way easier and removed a dependency.