title: Neonto Tries Their Hand at React
date: 2016-09-26 11:19:00 -05:00
- design
- development
- tools
layout: post
author: keatontaylor
custom_type: link
link_url: https://reactstudio.com/
[Neonto](https://www.neonto.com/) has just announced the impending release of a new design tool. Neonto Studio allows users to "Build real native mobile apps better and faster." Their new offering---[React Studio](https://reactstudio.com/)---is a design tool that creates single page React.js web apps.
From their site:
> Exported code conforms to latest React+Webpack best practices. Image and video assets are properly resized and compressed.
This is both interesting and suspect. Could it be I still have a bad taste in my mouth from Dreamweaver and iWeb? Maybe. Can a machine output code as good as what a human can write? I'm skeptical. The thing is though, Neonto seems to have a pretty decent track record doing this kind of thing.
I'm doubtful this tool will be able to yield high-functioning and scalable web apps. That said, they definitely have my attention. It could be a great gateway into understanding React in a more holistic way—especially for designers.