title: We own you by Justin Jackson
date: 2016-10-18 11:57:00 -05:00
- jobs
- work
- work life
layout: post
custom_type: link
link_url: https://medium.com/mega-maker/we-own-you-9a97819ad292
Justin Jackson:
> Increasingly, companies are demanding cult-like devotion. Do whatever it takes; sacrifice whatever you’ve got. It’s no longer enough to punch in, put in a solid day’s work, and go home. Now, you’re expected to be on Slack 24/7, use your social network to promote the company, recruit friends to the team, go to events in the evening, and use your personal equipment.
> All of this would be fine if employees benefited from their sacrifice in the same way their bosses do. [But they don’t](https://thinkfaster.co/2015/12/beware-of-the-silicon-valley-cult/).