title: Five Ways to Automate Your Day One Journal with TextExpander | Day One Blog
date: 2017-02-02 22:03:00 -06:00
- automation
custom_type: link
link_url: http://dayoneapp.com/2017/01/five-ways-to-automate-your-day-one-journal-with-textexpander/
Josh Ginter on the Day One Blog:
> With TextExpander’s potential in mind, the app becomes a natural fit for creating consistency, structure, and organization inside Day One. I have a plethora of quick Day One-specific snippets to help track fitness, time, reviews, and other personal bits of information I’ll want to draw on again in the future.
> Here are five ways (and then some) to use TextExpander to make short work of journal templates in Day One.
There seems to be a bit of a theme here today, eh? If you use Day One like I do, using TextExpander to help you journal is a no brainer. I've found that I don't do *amazing* things every day that make me want to write about them, but some of these snippets help me write things I'll then be able to look back on fondly.