title: We're Back!
date: 2018-09-28 13:38:00 -05:00
- from the editor
- site news
custom_type: post
subtitle: Brightly Colored lives again
Ok, so "we" is a lot of people, it's really just me, but I'm writing to tell you that this site is back. You may have noticed I've been writing for the past few days. I missed it.
This time around, I've set a few rules for myself:
- I'll write whenever I feel like it, and won't worry if it's not perfect
- I **will not** look at stats of any kind (subscriber count, retweets, favorites, or whatever the hell else becomes a thing)
- I will write because it's fun and has a personal archival purpose, **not** because I want recognition or validation
Thanks for reading. Hope you had a great summer.