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title: James Gunn to Write and Possibly Direct Next ‘Suicide Squad’ Film
date: 2018-10-15 05:30:00 -05:00
- DC Comics
- movies
excerpt: Looks like James Gunn is going to write (and maybe direct) the next Suicide
  Squad film, eh?
featured_image: "/uploads/james-gunn-featured.jpg"

Mike Fleming Jr. writing for *Deadline*:

> James Gunn has been hired by Warner Bros and DC to write with an eye to direct the next installment of the *Suicide Squad* franchise. It’s the first job he’s taken since he parted ways with Disney, which let him go from the lucrative *Guardians of the Galaxy* franchise in July in the wake of old controversial tweets that had been compiled by alt-right journalists and sent to Disney.

It's a shame Disney didn't go back on its decision to fire Gunn. It didn't make much sense because of both the people who had compiled these tweets, and the fact that it wasn't a new director Disney was working with. They had an established relationship and James had already written and directed two successful films. 

Oh well, it'll be Disney's (and therefore Marvel's) loss. I'm anxious to see what James Gunn does with the *Suicide Squad* franchise.