title: Capturing the Strength of Ahsoka Tano in Gentle Giant’s Mini Bust
date: 2018-11-29 23:25:00 -06:00
- Star Wars
link_url: https://www.starwars.com/news/interview-ahsoka-tano-gentle-giant-mini-bust
<figure class="reg">
{% include imgic.html src="/ahsoka-bust.jpg" alt="Ahsoka Tano Bust" %}
<figcaption>Photo from StarWars.com</figcaption>
Ahsoka Tano is my favorite character from the animated series. Narratively, her personality and outlook on the Jedi would've fit perfectly in _The Last Jedi_, but who knows if she's still alive in the timeline. Then again, I'm not sure if Togruta age the same as humans.
Either way, this bust is so cool. <mark>Ahsoka deserves to be in a live-action film.</mark>