title: How Rare Empire Strikes Back Crew Gear Inspired Columbia’s Amazing New Parka
date: 2018-12-06 09:12:00 -06:00
- Star Wars
- jackets
- Episode V
excerpt: I want this parka so bad.
link_url: https://www.starwars.com/news/columbia-star-wars-empire-crew-parka
featured_image: "/uploads/empire-crew-parka-full.jpg"
<figure class="reg">
{% include imgic.html src="/empire-crew-parka-full.jpg" alt="Empire Strikes Back parka from Columbia" %}
<figcaption>Something so cool, yet keep you so warm<span class="image__copyright">© Lucasfilm (Columbia)</span></figcaption>
[Second year in a row they do this](https://comicbook.com/starwars/2017/12/05/columbia-star-wars-hoth-jackets/), but I can't complain. This parka looks so cool, and the *Empire Strikes Back* patch on the front is beautiful. If I had a spare $500 laying around, this would be an instant buy.
<figure class="reg">
{% include imgic.html src="/empire-crew-parka-vader-patch.jpg" alt="Patch on front of parka" %}
<figcaption>I want… no, <em>need</em> this patch<span class="image__copyright">© Lucasfilm (Columbia)</span></figcaption>