title: January in Oceanside
date: 2019-01-07 12:09:00 -06:00
- photography
- personal
- snowbirding
custom_type: post
featured_image: "/uploads/2019/01/jan-in-ca-005.jpg"
This past Friday, Kelly and I left our Minnesota home and embarked on a three-day road trip to Oceanside, CA. Oceanside will be our home for the next month as we try to get away from the cold and enjoy a working vacation of sorts just a few blocks away from the beach, and only a few minutes away from where I grew up.
Things will stay normal around here for the most part; I'll be writing as much as usual. I'm also working out here (the beauty of having a remote job). As you may already know, I'm on the tail end of a pretty rough depression, and I think all the sunshine and walks on the beach we've vowed to take will help a lot. Here are some pictures from yesterday's inaugural walk.
**Camera:** Sony α7 III
**Lens:** Sony 24–70mm ƒ/2.8 GM
<figure class="photo-grid photo-grid--four">
{% include imgic.html src="/2019/01/jan-in-ca-001.jpg" alt="Kelly on the pier before sunset." style="grid-column: span 3;" %}
{% include imgic.html src="/2019/01/jan-in-ca-002.jpg" alt="Beautiful bird on the pier." style="grid-column: 2 / span 5;" %}
{% include imgic.html src="/2019/01/jan-in-ca-003.jpg" alt="Sunset from the pier." style="grid-column: span 6;" %}
{% include imgic.html src="/2019/01/jan-in-ca-004.jpg" alt="Picture of me before sunset." style="grid-column: 2 / span 3;" %}
{% include imgic.html src="/2019/01/jan-in-ca-005.jpg" alt="Kelly on the pier after sunset." style="grid-column: span 5;" %}